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Everything posted by zowie123

  1. Hi All, I'm using all the default x11 templates, when I send floor 1 to layout it changes the previous fl 0 sent to layout to to fl 1? I then have two floor 1s on the layout? I called it in, Chief said they changed some code and that I should send it as "Saved Plan View" None, then make a copy of active layer set and name it? Huh? Are they saying that saved plan view set is not ready for prime time yet? They said it's dependent on how I change my templates, but I'm using Chief's templates? Anyone else experiencing this? Thank you, Barry
  2. It should work, just don't create new library items while both are open, it can crash your library...might even be wise to backup your library before hand. Cheers, Barry
  3. Somehow one ceiling got unchecked and I must have replicated it with match properties, the exponential downfall of match properties:) Note to self, don't work more than 12hrs a day.
  4. I see where it was going wrong, the ceiling finish unchecked was throwing off all the numbers. Akk! Has ceiling..damn. Thanks again for your help. Cheers, B
  5. Hey thanks all you guys! Larry the video is great, thank you very much, and Glenn the Railing outer surface trick I will try, thanks! Thank you all for your input. I have 3 32" monitors and use crossections and plan views and every trick in the book to monitor Chief's squirrly tendencies. Larry, good to know you agree that starting from the top is the preferred methodology. And thanks for seeing that my ceiling was zeroed out. I must have matched properties of a room that had that off. I've been doing almost exactly what you show, except I'd end up with that 1/8" either in the basement or second floor. The 1/8 even shows up in floor defaults after I've set them to whole inches. Please let me know if that 1/8" is still around after you've done your magic. I'm going to try once again with fresh eyes and the new found confidence that it should work. Thanks again for sharing and proving that with enough diligence and workarounds perfection in Chief is possible. Cheers, Barry
  6. Thanks all for your input. \ Mr. Solver, Thank you for your offer to help. I'm posting the plan with the hopes you can tell me how not to get into this quandary or how to get out of it. Three Issues: 1. The Balcony fascia disappeared on the existing main house 2. All the ceilings disappeared (trouble shooting that lead me to making sure all the walls were aligned and there were no conflicts with the floors, that's where I ran into frustrations with... 3. Floor height resolutions. The floors heights are: 2nd FC125" 1st FC128" Basement FC 84" Thank you, Barry x11 Victorian Remod and ADU.zip
  7. Hi All, Once again I find myself at wits end trying to rectify floor heights--and all the floors are level. I've set default height, floor thicknesses, room heights, match properties for each floor, lock floor bottom or top, I've started from the top of the building and worked my way down, then the bottom of the building and up. I still end up with floor height anomalies--a slab floor bumped down, 12years, fighting floor height changes. I would love to conference--screen share with someone who could enlighten me as to where the issue is and how to avoid the problem. Please let me know if you can help. I have JoinMe if anyone is interested please send me your number and a time to connect. Thanks very much. Cheers, Barry
  8. Hi All, Most of the hotkeys use the first letters of tool they represent, several wouldn't allow me that option because I had used them already, so I used the letter of a hard sound in the word. There are a few that seem odd, but they're quick from the left hand, like shift cont z to open default properties--mouse on the right keyboard on the left--I'm right handed. 1, 1 opens hotkeys. All the rest that don't make sense are the default keys, ignore them, most of them you don't need. I hardly ever use dropdowns, hotkeys increase working speed by tons. Cheers, Barry Here's an example. Happy power using. Barrys Hotkeys.xml
  9. Hi Rene, Your cloud sync is brilliant, congratulations, that's a wicked solution. Have you found a better way to perform searches in Chief? They seem have something against Aristotelian logic and boolean. Cheers, Barry
  10. Wow, nice work! Thank you, You have a great sense of design. Hire Mr. Rabbit Chief.
  11. Hey all, My friend Mike and I were screen sharing about x11, he recorded me talking about Keynote properties. The sound's a bit funky, but would love to hear other people's findings. Keynote: Works pretty well in Plan View and Perspective Overview, but confusing if used on other views. Mike's only going to keep this link up for a few days. https://www.dropbox.com/s/odbprnk8tq5ldei/X11%20NOTES%20ISSUE.mp4?dl=0 Thanks, Barry
  12. Hi All, Also setting up new templates in x11 and wondering if I can take up less room with schedules that have 2D and 3D symbols on them. No sure why electrical symbols would need to be so much larger than the symbol in the plan? Please see image. Thank you, Barry
  13. Not to diss x11, all the improvements are great. However it sure would be nice to be able to marquee select interior, exterior and railing walls separately. Even just railings from walls, I find I change railing more than wall types. Cheers!
  14. Hi All, x11 Colors--nice that we have more control over theme color, I'm using mostly dark, is there a way to make text dialogue background dark? Got everything dark for eye rest, but when the text dialogue pops up it's like looking into a 100 watt light bulb. I don't see a setting that changes the text dialogue background? Please see image. Thank you, Barry
  15. X11 Good work Chief team! Many improvements to boost productivity. Looking forward to migrating, really nice tool improvements! Any hope for true boolean library search? This would instantly 2x productivity. Would having the library up on the cloud allow us to use google search in some way? Good work, Barry
  16. Hi David. No, but I will next time. Is there more or less image loss when expanding it 1 to 1? Thanks, Barry
  17. Hi All, Sometimes I get a major slowdown on a layout page when I add a pdf to a plan then send the plan to layout. It can happen when I drag a pdf survey into a plan, expand it 1to1 on a layer under my plan then send to layout. Everything is fast in plan view, but that layout page takes seconds to respond to each command. While monitoring the system the other day, I found the CPU is mainly using one core when a movement is made on that layout page. All cores are being used for everything else. Just thought I'd post this for someone at Chief to check out, don't know if that has anything to do with it, but it makes sense because no amount CPU or GPU increase has ever really affected this lag time. CPU Ryzen 7 2700 16 megs ddr4 3400 GPU 2080 EVGA
  18. Hi All, A few pdfs on a page can sometimes slow things to a crawl. I've monitored my system and can't really pin down what resources it's dragging on. I have an i7-6700 3.4 CPU with a 2080 GPU. 16gig ddr4 ram. I saw a big change in render speed on larger complex houses with the 2080, but relatively no change with pdf bog. The GPUs are stressing with pdf processing, but not at max and memory usage never seems to go above 35%. i'd upgrade to the i9-9900, but I'm not sure it's where the problem lies. Chief can handle more cores than gaming programs, anyone having any luck with AMD 16 core 32 thread Ryzen chips? Thank you, Barry
  19. Symbol, yes good suggestion, but not something that can be altered. I will be editing this during a client meeting, I thought I could block it and turn on and off. I guess I'll just have to save a plan with and without. Thanks for your suggestions though, always enlightening. Cheer, Barry