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Deleting cabinet side plus its door frame/bar in an open cabinet
MarkMc replied to RaquelPorlamar's topic in General Q & A
Latest method I use attached. corner cab.zip -
Yes, making it a room will get you framing so do that first, turn off auto frame, then make landing. The texture you used for the decks is missing so couldn't get that on there but may need another. If you want the doubles on the sides that would take Psolids I think. An alternative might be to break the retaining wall, reverse that section, break again & reverse. Then change the fill for the section under that deck to none.
Not sure what you want for railings but some control can be gained by reversing wall direction after a split. Put a quick sample there. Stair rails sometimes drawing rail that follows stairs in center then moving helps BUT your retaining walls interfere, and they want to snap to the invisible deck walls. Worst case can get one correct size (say by cutting the retaining wall(s) temporarily) and make a symbol-PIA to place the symbol though.
One way-start stairs at wall instead, raise them to be two treads off the floor adjust rest of stair spec. Two polylines for the bottom treads, convert to landing, delete railings (or not- didn't try with)
Deleted the walls that made that a room, kept the framing. Added a landing, removed railings and moved it down. and update your signature since that plan wanted to open in X16
It is possible, the problem is that the perimeter is defined as a measurement. Change to both to a float and they will multiply. You will likely want to either also use the number formatter on the result or shorten the number of decimal places. here is formula for macro in the attached. # fill in field hgt in the OIP, convert both to float A=(perimeter.to_f)*(custom_fields["hgt"].to_f) #result is in sq inches so divide A/144 Place macro in label or wherever you want it to report from. pline macro.zip
pony wall sample attached open bottom.zip
As Alan said use cabinets. I keep them in the library already set up with label. Some like fridges I make as arch blocks. Can be as per the attached which is the 1cabinet for surround and another for the panels. For panel sizes here I have noted to see attached. You can float all the panels if you want instead so sizes go into schedule. If you really want to be a weaner can hack the door off of an actual fridge symbol, convert to a new symbol. As a fixture interior you can turn that into a shelf. DW can be a block with a separate cabinet for the body and a door. That way you can get the panel listed in schedule along with size. I've also have standard dishwashers from cabinets that I keep that in the library. Hack the door from a dishwasher symbol using delete surface tool (check forum for instructions by alaskan_son if those are still around) No need to block that just convert the DW door into a cabinet door symbol, set cabinet to not appear in schedule. Gets the countertop without the dumb insert into a cabinet method.
Also note that the default templates come with several SVP with appropriate Default Sets which each will place text on specific layers relative to the view. What I describe is for when you want an additional text layer where you can determine which other layer sets it shows on which can be any or all SVPs.
There are times that I don't want a different SPV for this sort of thing. I more often use Default Sets. So say I'm working in SPV Cabinets, that has a Default set of 1 Cab All- type some text and it goes on the default layer for that Default Set. That set looks like this. NOTE that it uses a Specific Layer Set NOTE that it uses a Specific Layer Set If it is set to "Use Active Layer Set" this system will NOT work. I set up a Default Set for Text Special. IT has new text default "Kitchen Text Special" that is set to appear on the layer" Text Special" I also set the text style to "by layer", Then I added a new layer set "1 Cab Text Special" Type Text I also have added drop downs for Layer set, Default Set, Plan View, and Dimension Default to my tool bars. By clicking either the current SPV OR the previous default set the layer set I was using is back. In this case I set the "Text Special" layer to appear in that layer set hence in that SPV. It can be set to not show in either that DS or SPV, just one on none and only show in other SPVs depending on your needs. This can be used to quickly and temporarily change text, cad, dimension defaults and return to your SPV. I use a system of Default Sets to dimension cabinets quickly since I dislike the auto dims and hate removing little markers.
I can't understand the audio. Describe what you want to accomplish and include some reference to work with; angles, points, arc ... Assuming the cabinets are to meet at a rear corner and not overlap, then you need the arc for the back NOT the front. Also assuming that all cabinets are to be the same depth? Angle snaps off, nothing else. The idea is to break your arc into a series of chords whose length equals the width of the cabinets you want to place. As you go you will make the cabinet parallel to the chord, then move the corner of the cabinet to the start of the chord Set the first cabinet - start with a point of reference- where one corner of one cabinet starts on the arc. I started on the left. Using that point as center draw a circle about center, radius equals the width of the first cabinet, say 27" draw a line snapping to that center and then to the intersection of the circle and the arc select the cabinet and make parallel to that line, then point to point move the left rear corner of that cabinet to the start of the line NEXT starting at the right corner of the first cabinet-Draw a circle about center; radius equals width of the next cabinet, draw line, select cabinet, make parallel, point to point move.
Try turning Angle Snaps off, may get what you want. IF not start a specific thread and tell us what you want to accomplish.
How to automatically generate brand specific cabinet labels
MarkMc replied to thomhu's topic in General Q & A
Might want to talk with @Joe_Carrick, he sells macros and last I knew he uses Consestoga.