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Everything posted by johnny

  1. wow that is awesome Scott.
  2. That did it. Crazy, but thank you.
  3. Rob, what is the material on the wall?
  4. What is odd, for me at least, is I dont get consistent results. Sometimes whole wall sections are filled, and other times they aren't. Sometimes I get cut walls that are filled and others times not.
  5. That is a good idea - thanks. One area i have an issue is some walls are "filled" and others aren't. Any ideas on why that is the case? When I say filled I mean its almost like the sections are picking up the color and giving walls in the same plane line as the section a fill.
  6. Here you go...
  7. Im having a hard time getting my ref sets t work correctly. Please see vid - thank you for consideration. (just fyi i am working from home today since I sprained my ankle - so im being quite and i have background noises)
  8. That is a nice example. Can I ask if you are using normal sections or back-clipped sections? Your line-work in the section appears to be back-clipped but the fact you see building in the background suggests its a normal section. I can't get my normal sections to be this clean. I get better results with back-clipped but then I lose the building in the background - or, if I extend out the backclipped section I end up with too much overlapping of structural elements.
  9. Yeah, I like that approach too - but in some ways I find making a cross section with poche fills can be almost more challenging - and then I end up with an odd mix graphically. It would be nice if Chief had an option just to product a more simplified section that had poche fills.
  10. Are you exporting to a CAD view or keeping it all live?
  11. For me, building sections are a PITA to get "clean". 9 of 10 times I end up making tedious sections by capturing the view in a CAD detail for line-by-line edits. Is that what most people are doing, or are you guys spending tons of time trying to get the dynamic section to be clean enough to work?
  12. Chief recently gave us the ability to refine the display order of objects - however, most apps i use also use that as the "selection" order. In Chief that doesn't seem to be the case, which im not a fan of at all. Anyone else agree? Id like to suggest they change this.
  13. That worked pretty good - thanks.
  14. Yeah that might work - will give that a try - thanks.
  15. Its actually the visual issue for my framing plans - which i attached. I want a single line for the header like normal beams to show in the framing set. Yeah, the headers themselves in 3d space aren't as much the issue.
  16. I'm desperate to find a quick way to draw in door/window headers. Can someone tell me the problem if I use the floor beam and simply relocate the Z so its in the same general location as the head is supposed to? Is that going to cause issue?
  17. Is there a location where you can easily re-use symbols that have been imported into a project/file already?
  18. ^^^^^^^ what Rene said here is the key. There are 3rd party apps that quickly reduce poly counts to something more manageable by Chief.
  19. Helpful thread - thanks everyone. What I wish we could do is set all arcs drawn in Chief to lock to center by default. Is that possible?
  20. Its hard to fully tell based upon the pic, but i dont think those are Quoins. What I would do is set brick wall to a thickness that is appropriate to the outside of the main layer of brick, and then come back and place wall material regions that "cut" the surface layer - and use the settings to make the recess correct. You will need to align the material regions around the corner correctly since we dont yet have ability to wrap - but it should work.
  21. This discussion on roof calc is something i could use greatly as well. I hope Chief lets you guys use that data in the future.
  22. This issue of library items is a tough one due to how many styles there are to cover, and I think Chief does a comparatively good job with content included with SSA. Sure, I think the content styles could be updated a little. Most modeling apps you need to find collections and download or make your own library. Do some searches and you can join sites that sell specific resources certain design styles...