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  1. Yes, unlock the "Framing, Roof Trusses" layer and edit away.
  2. Attaching the .plan file would eliminate guesses, but you can try a few things: make the porch 'wall type' the same as the house wall type, or change the 'attic' wall to the same 'wall type' as the house wall, etc.
  3. Post the plan for best answers from the group. Guesses without the plan would be, wall alignment, wall definitions, wall types, roof baselines, roof gable lines, mismatched ceiling heights, etc. One quick test would be to drag the house siding wall forward onto the porch to replace the wall you are showing to see if you get the same results...if it fixes it, then it's likely a wall alignment issue. If it doesn't, then it could a ceiling height or other issue. Again, just guesses without the plan.
  5. See if this thread helps, if not, as mentioned, contact support directly.
  6. See if this thread helps:
  7. ...and (just to clarify) are you exporting from plan view or from the layout? From there, without seeing exactly the step by step process you are following, it would be difficult to troubleshoot. I'd recommend calling tech support where they can walk through the process with you to help find the culprit. Best of luck...hope you aren't on a time crunch....nothing more fun.
  8. Perhaps play with the 'feet' vs 'inches' scaling units during the export process...?? Also, make sure you are exporting from the plan file vs the layout file. Just a couple of quick thoughts.
  9. Your ridge is sloped because the baselines or walls they are following are not parallel to each other. Parallel roof baselines are needed to have a level ridge.
  10. Download Link you provided doesn't provide access, it sates: You need access Request access, or switch to an account with access.
  11. Referencing the entire model to the other plan is a good option that eliminates the need to create the symbol: