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    Auckland, New Zealand

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  1. Thanks Steve Yes, I see all those adjustments controls now. Very good Regards
  2. I'm currently doing a job where the kitchen cabinetry will be at 2400 overall height. I've just noticed that the wall oven when placed into the full height wall cabinet comes in at an increased height. How can I lower the wall oven so that it will be at a similar height to that of a 2100 wall cabinet? Plan attached. Thanks Doug wall oven.plan
  3. Thanks for the comments. I had saved it as fixture exterior, found that layer and turned it on. Appreciate your help
  4. I'm designing a couple of houses on the same site. I've brought in the second house as a symbol and placed in position. In the 3D perspective view both buildings are showing. However, in the cross section/ elevation views, the symbol house is not appearing. I've gone looking for the layer it is on to turn that layer on, however there appears to be no layers for symbols under 'symbols' . Bit stuck on this, can't spot what I'm missing here?
  5. Thanks Robert Appreciate your response, very helpful
  6. I have a basic setting problem which I can't find the answer to. The cladding in the perspective overview on the model attached does not match the settings for that cladding. i.e the number of siding boards showing in 3D does not match the number of siding boards showing in the elevation view. How can I get the 3D views to match the predetermined settings for the siding cladding? I have tried 'adjust material definition', but that just changes both, it doesn't bring 3D into sync with 2D Untitled 1.plan
  7. Chopsaw - Thankyou for your reply - perfect From there I located some CA training material on this - 'Roof Directives in Walls'. As it says 'occasionally walls are built between two roof planes rather than between a roof plane and a floor platform', thereby requiring different editing tools to achieved the desired end result. Thanks again
  8. Hi How does one remove the portion of the attic wall below the lower roof, but retain the upper portion between the two roofsI watched a video CA had a few years ago on this, however I can't locate it now.I've been through the reference manual but can't locate any relevant information there either. I've tried all the standard editing settings available, but nothing worked for me. Hit a brick wall on this one Thanks split roof with clerestory.plan
  9. I've been searching but can't locate any information on how to show a group of independent buildings such as in a subdivision or even a 2nd house on the rear of an existing property. Each building is modeled and detailed individually, however I wish to bring them together for an overall perspective. Appreciate your comments Regards
  10. Comment from another Kiwi - there have been no downsides for us. The biggest positives for us are being able to lodge applications anytime day or night, and also being able to easily distribute digital copies of the approved plans. A number of trade suppliers and sub trades are now requesting Council stamped copies of the approved drawings to work from - real easy now
  11. Hi Steve I must say I enjoy watching your videos, very easy to follow, easy to watch and I'm still picking up some good pointers from them. Good seeing how you do things. Regards Doug
  12. In New Zealand, we use the term skillion to describe a roof structure where the ceiling follows the roof line, be it mono pitch/ lean to or a gable roof form. A gable roof shape is also often referred to as having a 'cathedral ceiling'. This is one of the wee challenges of many international users I guess, is getting a handle on American terminology. A couple of other examples: For exterior cladding, we never use the term siding, its weatherboard, Hardiplank, a specified proprietary plaster system, or plywood etc etc For interior linings, we use gib board - not rockwall But all good fun
  13. Thank You Eric for that video - I can see now where I was going wrong. Awesome Plus now I can also place multiple mouldings on a polyline solid using just one single moulding line and space them out using the vertical off set and then I able to easily access the individual mouldings from the drop down box. Apologies for being a bit slow on the uptake on this one.
  14. Thanks Eric I was working from some training material, but have obviously gone off in a tangent.