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Everything posted by capitaldesigns

  1. There is a layer called Walls Hatching, but is shown to not being used. By doing some hunting and pecking I found that the layer name being used for the wall hatching is call walls, layers. Wall hatching or Walls Poche makes more since to me. I would have thought that the Walls, Layers would have been for the 2 parallel lines defining the walls. Can we change the name of some of these layer names that the components of the walls are drawn on that make more sense? For example. "Walls" for the 2 parallel lines representing the main layer of the wall. "Wall, Poche" or "Wall, Hatching" for the hatching pattern of the wall. "Wall, Siding" or "Wall, Stucco" for the exterior wall finish. "Wall, Drywall" for the interior wall finish. This would make more sense to me and would be more clear to what I am turning on or off. When I look at the wall type specification I do not see any of the wall component layer names. Thanks, Mike
  2. I'm new to chief. I'm using X-8. When I draw my new walls, I use a solid hatch pattern that defines the wall as new. On existing walls I do not add any hatch pattern. When I switch from the default layer set to the framing layer set the hatch pattern does not show. How do I have the hatch pattern show in the framing layer set? Thanks, Mike
  3. Thanks. I will try that. Question, what is the reason for your line #2 where you suggested drawing a wall off to the side of my plan then drop the symbol into it?
  4. Does anyone know how to have the skylights show up in the window schedule?
  5. I'm new to Chief. I'm using X8. I'm am inputting the floor plans of a house I recently measured. There are vaulted ceilings in the living room, family room and kitchen. The rest of the house has 8' ceilings. I believe I have identified this correctly in the room specifications. The outside 3D views look correct. When I view the vaulted rooms in 3D from the inside the attic walls are missing. The attic wall layer is turned on in camera view. Does anyone no why this is happening? I've attached my plan to this post. Thanks, Mike Practice 2-11-2016-2.plan
  6. Thanks Mike for your answer. But in the training video Manual Frame Deck he is using the Balcony Room settings. He was doing this to demonstrate how to put in the support posts and beams manually. In his video the rim joist of the house stayed aligned with the outside face of the stem wall. When I follow along with the video my rim joist is moved back and aligns with the inside face of the stem wall. Thanks, Mike
  7. Attached is the plan I was working on. You can see that where the decks are attached to the house floor framing that the rim joist is pushed back to align with the inside face of the conc. stem wall. They should be aligned with the outside face of the stem wall. The house floor joist are now not sitting on top of the sill plate. The new deck floor joist are now sitting on top of the sill plate. The deck joists should be hanging off of the rim joist. Thanks, Mike Deck.plan
  8. I'm new to CA, I was following along with the new deck video on CA website. When I do the deck framing it does not frame right. In the video it comes out correctly. We are adding a deck to a one story raised foundation house. The house is already framed. When I generate the deck framing the rim joist of the house is moved back to the inside face of the stem wall. The deck floor joists are resting on the sill plate of the house and the house floor joist are now off of the foundation. In the video the house rim joist remain where it should be (aligned with the outside face of the stem wall) and the deck floor joist are hanging off of the house rim joist. Does anyone know how to correct this? Thanks, Mike
  9. I'm new to Chief. Using S-7 and now S-8. I'm am drawing a lattice patio cover. I used the "straight deck edge" tool to create the patio as one of the forum members suggested. This patio has some 45 degree angles. When the patio framing was generated, CA added a rim joist at the end that I did not want which I deleted. The rafters, beams and lattice are all left with a 45 degree angle at the end. I want them all to have a straight cut (90 degrees). Is there a setting that tells CA not to add the rim joist and that the beams, rafters and lattice will have a straight cut? Thanks, Mike
  10. I just got in and ready your replies. I closed all cameras and tried to rotate the patio. I still could not rotate it without selecting each rafter, lattice and post individually. I do not understand why the program will not let me rotate the whole patio by selecting the entire patio at once with a marque. It will let me move it up, down and sideways, but not rotate it. Even the transform replicate tool is grayed out. I did find that if I make the entire patio into a block the program will allow me to rotate the entire patio at once. I played around with drawing CAD line and other shapes. The program allowed me to rotate all of them at once without converting them into a block. Why I have to convert an entire patio into a block to rotate it is beyond me. Perry, Your drawing your first floor lattice patios on the second floor. What is the advantage to doing that? I'm assuming you then move it down to the first floor?
  11. I,m new to CA. Using S-7 I just completed a training video where we made a trellis patio cover. I made the column base and beams in the CAD detail management part of CA. then saved them to the user library. Then we assembled the parts in the floor plan and elevation view. Everything came out great. The problem I'm having is rotating the detached patio as a whole. When I select the whole patio I do not get the curved arrow edit handle that lets me rotate the object. I then went to the transform replicate tool at the bottom of the screen and the option to rotate is grayed out. I can pick individual parts of the patio and I will get the curved arrow edit handle that allows me to rotate that object, but I can not select the entire patio and rotate it as a whole. How do I rotate the entire patio?
  12. I am new to CA, I am using S-7. I am working on a plan with an open beamed ceiling. I have already changed the direction of the grain in the sloped 4x8 rafters to match the slope of the rafters. I would like to change the stain color of the wood rafters. When I select a different stain color the grain of the rafter changes back to the original direction which is not parallel to the length of the rafters. Is there a way to change the stain color of a wood rafter without the grain direction? Thanks, Mike
  13. I'm new to CA. I am using S-7 Is there a way to change the dimension call-out without moving the object the dimension is referencing? I come from an AutoCAD background and in AutoCAD this is very easy. When I am placing dimensions on the floor plans, sections and elevation I will get a lot of small fraction that I do not want on the plans. When I dimension an elevation or section I do not want an over all height to read 18'-11 15/16". I would rather it read 19'-0". In AutoCAD I can select the dimension text and change it to what ever I want it to say. In CA I can not figure out how to change the dimension text. Does anyone know how to change the dimension text without having to change the height of a roof up or down 1/16". Thanks, Mike
  14. How do I get the rafter blocking to be placed over the top plates? The blocking is outside of the wall by a couple on inches. I've attached the file. Thanks, Mike Beamed Ceiling-2.plan
  15. I'm new to CA. I'm using S-7. I'm practicing drawing a plan with an open beam ceiling. I want the ceiling finish to be 1x6 T&G. I can not get the ceiling finish to change from gyp. bd. to 1x6 T&G. Yesterday I was practicing on another model with an open beam ceiling and 1x6 T&G ceiling. I had no problem changing the gyp. bd. to 1x6 T&G. I made the change in the roof plane specification window then went to the materials and changed the sheathing to wood plank. That worked. I made the same changes to the new model I'm working on and I can not get it to change from gyp. bd. to T&G. Could someone let me know what I am doing wrong. I've attached the file to this post. Thank You, Mike Beamed Ceiling-2.plan
  16. Will this only rotate the material for this project? Or will it save it rotated back to the original library?
  17. I'm new to CA. I'm using S-7. I'm designing a detached accessory structure with an open beamed ceiling. The client wants to use 1x6 T&G sheathing for the ceiling finish. In the materials menu of the roof planes specifications I changed the sheathing to plank decking. When I view the model in the perspective view the planking runs parallel to the rafters. How do I rotate the planking so that it runs perpendicular to the rafters? Thanks, Mike
  18. This rec. room is in Southern California. The owner does not want to make this a conditioned space so we will not be adding insulation to the roof. It would be good to know how to show the ridged insulation in the model for future projects. I am going to watch the video you send me in a few minutes. Before posting this question I tried to find a video clip on exposed beam ceiling in the on-line training section of CA website. I could find nothing under my searches. It seams like you better know what CA title the video if you want to find it. I found nothing under the search of exposed beam ceiling, exposed rafters, beamed ceiling. Thank you for sending me the link. I would not of came up with that title.
  19. I'm new to CA. I'm using version S7. I'm trying to design a guest house with an open beamed ceiling. I know how to change the rafter sizes and spacing. I have unchecked the box to build a ceiling over this room. I then built the roof plane then built the roof framing. What I'm missing is the roof blocking over the exterior walls. I looked at the build framing window and see that under 1st floor and roof the pick box for adding blocking is checked. I check to see if all the framing layer are turned on, they are. How do I get the roof blocking to show on the plan? Two other things. How do I add a layer of 1x6 T&G under the P.W. roof sheathing? How do I remove the from the underside of the rafters? Thank You, Mike
  20. I'm new to Chief. I am using S7. When I draw walls and use automatic dimensions I keep on getting fractions in the walls dimensions. I keep getting fractions like 1/16" and 15/16". I have the grid snap setting set to 1". I have even created a wall that shows the studs as 4" wide instead of 3.5" and drywall and stucco set to 0" thick. When I place exterior and interior walls along with doors and windows I still keep getting fractions in the dimensions. Is there a way to place the walls, doors and windows that match the grid snap settings?
  21. Why would Chief think it was a good idea to put curtains on an appliance layer. The same layer that the range and refrigerator are on. It does not make since to me.
  22. When drawing walls in CA is there a way to choose which side you want the walls to offset too? I'm new to CA. I come from an AutoCAD background. In AutoCAD when placing the walls I can select which side I want the wall to be offset too while I am inputting the walls. Chief wants to draw the walls from the outside of the wall. This isn't very helpful when your inputting the floor plans from a house you just measured, since the field measurements are from the inside surfaces of the walls.
  23. Thank you. Is there a way to permanently change the layer name that the curtains are assigned to? So when I insert curtains into the plans they show up on a layer named "curtains" and not on "fixture, Interior" which is the same layer name that is assigned to the kitchen appliances.
  24. I am new the Chief. I am using version S-7. I have been designing a small one bedroom, one bathroom guest house with a kitchen, nook and living room. In the model I have I have added furniture, curtains and paintings on the walls. I notice that the kitchen appliances and curtains both have the same layer name assigned to them (Fixtures, Interior) Is there a way to change the objects layer names so the curtains are assigned a layer name such as Curtains and the kitchen range and refrigerator are assigned another name such as appliances? This way I can turn off the curtains without also turning off the kitchen appliances. By the way, does any no why Chief would assign curtains to the Fixtures, Interior layer in the first place?