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Everything posted by capitaldesigns

  1. Thanks David. I'm not sure how to do that. Is this under default, walls, exterior walls, wall type definition, materials? I do not see anything called area. Thanks, Mike
  2. I'm new to chief. I'm using X-8. How do you show a stucco pattern on the exterior walls in elevation views? When I turn off the color in elevation view the walls have no fill pattern. I have been using AutoCAD since 1993. In AutoCAD I would assign a hatch (fill) pattern of random dots that represents stucco. Is there a way to show a stucco pattern of random dots in elevation view after I turn off the color? Thanks, Mike
  3. I checked and the Framing, Wall layer is turned off. Is there a setting that needs to be changed? These lines are showing up at the 8' plate height at the gable end of the wall. The other gable walls of the plan do not show these horizontal lines. I'm not sure why this gable wall is showing them while the other gable walls do not. Thanks, Mike
  4. I'm new to Chief. I'm using X-8. I'm working on my first plan with chief. On the rear of the house there is a bay window. This bay window is a part of a breakfast nook. The breakfast nook has a vaulted ceiling. When viewing the rear exterior elevation (North) I get extra horizontal lines that should not show. These lines are on the 45 degree walls of the bay. They are at the 8' plate height. This wall is at the gable end. Also the corners of the bay window walls are thicker that the other corner walls. I have attached the plan. If someone could let me know how to remove the horizontal lines at the bay window and why the walls are showing thicker on the 45 degree walls. Thanks, Mike Practice 2-11-2016-2.plan
  5. I'm planning on getting a laptop computer that I can run X-8 on. This would be used to take with me when going over clients plans at their house. Also I plan on attending the upcoming intermediate training for X-8 in Coeur d' Alene. They said that I will need to bring a laptop computer with me. Does anyone have a suggestion on a good laptop computers for X-8. A few months ago someone at Chief suggested the Microsoft Surfaces laptop. Does anyone have any experience with the Microsoft Surfaces laptop. Thanks, Mike
  6. I'm new to Chief, I'm using X-8. I'm starting to convert my AutoCAD title block sheets into Chief layout sheets. I have one converted into my main layout sheet. That took sometime to get it correct. In my usual plan sets I have 3 different types of title block sheets. The first one is my site plan sheet. This sheet is broken down into 4 blocks. The largest bock is for the site plan. The 3 other blocks are smaller and of equal size. In one I show a vicinity map. The second is a legend of symbols and abbreviations. The last one is the sheet index. The second sheet is my main title block sheet, which I use most often. This sheet is already converted The third is my general note sheet which also has my door and window schedule. Is there a way to have these three sheets as layout sheets in the same plan files. Thanks, Mike
  7. Thanks Joe. That's what I was the answer I was looking for, a quick way to either make a measurement in layout view in the scale the drawing was sent as. I did not know that double clicking on the layout view would quickly take you back the plan view. David, I meant 144 feet, not inches. Thanks
  8. I'm new to Chief. I'm using X-8. When I send my plan to a layout page in a 1/4"=1'-0" scale it does not let me use the tape measure tool in a 1/4" scale. My layout sheet is set up as 24"x36" D size paper. When I measure across the paper it shows 36" wide. If it was a 1/4" scale it should show 144". Is there a way to get the correct measurements in a layout page? Or do I have to go back to the plan file to get the correct measurements. Thanks, Mike
  9. I found the save as PDF in the print command, thanks. When the layout is converted into a PDF the wall fill is missing. I had also included a footing detail on this sheet. It has fill patterns to such as concrete, soils and sand. Those fills show up in the PDF file. Is there some setting I am missing? Also when I print this PDF file out on my HP 750c Plus plotter, it is not printing to scale. I do not have the plotter connected to the computer that I have Chief on so I need to print the file from another computer that the plotter is connected too. The plot is off by about 5%. I see that one of the buttons under drawing scale is "print to paper 95%". I did not check that button, I checked off "to scale". My print setting are as follows: Chief Architect: Save-As PDF Paper: Arch D Print Source: Drawing Sheet: Arch D Drawing Scale: To scale I have printed PDF fills that have been sent to me form other firms and they all printed to scale. So I'm assuming that there is nothing wrong with the computer settings that I have my plotter connected too. Thanks, Mike
  10. I'm new to Chief. I'm using X-8 Is there a way to send out the plans in a PDF format. Most of the contractors an printer want the plans in a PDF format. In AutoCAD I use the print command then change the default printer to PDF then hit O.K, then choose a file name to sent it as. I do not see that option in the print command or the export command for Chief. Thanks, Mike
  11. Is there a way to remove the polylines around a fill patterns. I'm new to Chief and have been using AutoCAD since 1993. In AutoCAD I can delete the polyline boundary of the hatch pattern or turn it off . This leaves only the fill (hatch) pattern left which looks a lot better. Also I can give the polyline boundary a different name than the fill pattern. Is there a way to do this in Chief? Thanks, Mike
  12. What does changing the minimum display size do? Is there a way to change a specific dimension in string of dimensions to show in just inches verses feet and inches?
  13. I'm new to Chief, I'm using X-8 I have being adding dimensions to a slab foundation and see that chief does not recognize the cut in the curb wall for the doors around the garage. I have tried all of the different dimension commands and none of them will snap the cut in the curb wall for the garage door and the 2668 door. The point to point seams to get close but it will not snap precisely to the edge of the curb cut. Also is there a way to change the dimension callout on a specific dimension text? Sometimes the smaller dimension text will not fit a within the extension lines. If I could change the dimension to read 14 1/2" instead of 1'-2 1/2" it would just fit between the extension lines. I know I can change the default settings to read only in inches, but I do not want the entire floor plan dimensions to be inches. Thanks, Mike
  14. I'm new to Chief. I'm using X-8. I am getting ready to send my floor plan to the layout page and see that the upper cabinets are hiding the cabinets & appliances below them. Also the lower cabinets counter top is shaded. On the upper cabinets I have changed the line type from a solid line to a dashed line, so that shows up correctly, but the upper cabinets still hide the cabinets and appliance below. Is there a way to make the upper cabinet transparent? Also is there a way to remove the shading of the counter top in the floor plan view? Thanks, Mike
  15. I'm new to Chief. I'm using X-8. Is there a way the change the dimension callout in the dimensions? Where I need to do this is in the bathroom. I need to show the minimum required distance of 30" for the toilet to fit between the shower and the vanity cabinet. In reality I have 36" but the building department insists that I callout the minimum required distance. In AutoCAD I will explode the dimension, then use text edit and change the dimension to show whatever I want it to show. This method is quick since it leaves the dimension lines and only changes the dimension text. Is there a way to do something similar in Chief? Thanks, Mike
  16. That worked. Another couple of questions. I see that using the rich text method the room title uses smaller cased text for most of the title unlike the automatic room title which uses all capital letters. Is there a way to have the rich text macros use all capital letters on the title portion of the room label. Second question, is there a way to change the room title itself using the rich text method? For example the Family Room label only shows the title as Family. Is there a way to have the macro show the title as Family Room? Thanks, Mike
  17. I'm new to Chief. I'm using X-8, When you identify a room in your plan, Chief automatically places a room label with the name and room size. Is there a way to change the text size of each the room name and the room dimensions? I would like to make to room dimension text smaller than the room label text. Also is there a way to show the ceiling height under the room name instead of the room size? Thanks, Mike
  18. That worked. I changed the name from 2D symbol to Sym. That brought the size of the schedule down to a reasonable size. Thank You.
  19. I'm new to Chief. I'm using X-8. Is there a way to reduce the size of the electrical symbols that show up in the electrical schedule. Some of the symbols in the schedule are 4 to 5 times as large as the same symbol on the floor plan. Thanks Mike
  20. There is a layer called Walls Hatching, but is shown to not being used. By doing some hunting and pecking I found that the layer name being used for the wall hatching is call walls, layers. Wall hatching or Walls Poche makes more since to me. I would have thought that the Walls, Layers would have been for the 2 parallel lines defining the walls. Can we change the name of some of these layer names that the components of the walls are drawn on that make more sense? For example. "Walls" for the 2 parallel lines representing the main layer of the wall. "Wall, Poche" or "Wall, Hatching" for the hatching pattern of the wall. "Wall, Siding" or "Wall, Stucco" for the exterior wall finish. "Wall, Drywall" for the interior wall finish. This would make more sense to me and would be more clear to what I am turning on or off. When I look at the wall type specification I do not see any of the wall component layer names. Thanks, Mike
  21. I'm new to chief. I'm using X-8. When I draw my new walls, I use a solid hatch pattern that defines the wall as new. On existing walls I do not add any hatch pattern. When I switch from the default layer set to the framing layer set the hatch pattern does not show. How do I have the hatch pattern show in the framing layer set? Thanks, Mike
  22. Thanks. I will try that. Question, what is the reason for your line #2 where you suggested drawing a wall off to the side of my plan then drop the symbol into it?
  23. Does anyone know how to have the skylights show up in the window schedule?
  24. I'm new to Chief. I'm using X8. I'm am inputting the floor plans of a house I recently measured. There are vaulted ceilings in the living room, family room and kitchen. The rest of the house has 8' ceilings. I believe I have identified this correctly in the room specifications. The outside 3D views look correct. When I view the vaulted rooms in 3D from the inside the attic walls are missing. The attic wall layer is turned on in camera view. Does anyone no why this is happening? I've attached my plan to this post. Thanks, Mike Practice 2-11-2016-2.plan
  25. Thanks Mike for your answer. But in the training video Manual Frame Deck he is using the Balcony Room settings. He was doing this to demonstrate how to put in the support posts and beams manually. In his video the rim joist of the house stayed aligned with the outside face of the stem wall. When I follow along with the video my rim joist is moved back and aligns with the inside face of the stem wall. Thanks, Mike