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  1. Back to trying to figure this out, added CA to NVIDIA didn't help . Display setting are the same on NVIDIA and W10 labtop as main extended desktop to this display. My monitors just don't like opening 3D graphics I get the spinning wheel of death. My ports are HMDI and mini DVI to HMDI neither like it. Not sure if NVIDIA is being used at those ports how do I tell? This guy had the same issue but never gave a solution: My other older card works fine must be newer ones like he said he has a GTX970 mines 965. I have to open 3D on the labtops NVIDIA move 3D to a monitor to get it to work. Weird!
  2. Hey Scott was that you I seen at comicon dressed as a Trog (Troglodyte) in San Diego trolling 5th & Broadway couple months ago? Just kidding!
  3. Graham, definitely history has defined the models and I hope I never work on a board or have to look at a paper copy of a spec again or go to the library, I like my computer. The days of cabinet filing stress notes that are not shared in FEM with the world for far better structures design than the past gone! People have to be qualified to run the software, drafters should not running FEM for the most part unless you understand statics and dynamics at a min. MBD for example intent was to eliminate paper a green thing, company I work for now somehow managed to screw that electronic sign off process up and generates more design release paper work I ever seen since it was created, go figure! Others are so electronic they are disconnected hurting engineering, agree Graham. Manual J is nowhere close as accurate to CFD models like BEOPT and others, although they are based on it and it’s history. We have a big industry issues with microbials but thanks to WUFI more CFD(fluid dynamic) software from Germany that captured two plus decades of laboratory and field data inputted into the model we now understand it better, but we still have a long ways to go. Call WUFI they will tell you this is knowledge based software by users it takes interpretation of results and inputs are critical or the software fails as it has by predicting mold that never occurred at times. There is NO WAY we could do the complex physics and chem by hand calcs without it, if you ever tried you would know this, it would be much worse today. In the US, now PHIUS uses it and it has material properties we use here in it, and all the layers we use since Germany is primarily mono brick with breathable walls no vapor barriers and less issues. Joe and BSC was behind the US software rewrite. Agree, older designs, some not all, were better and got worst only lasting 25 years here in the US since the mass producing post industrial revolution. I have my own old school lime and earth based plasters, MGO concrete I been working with USA company Premier chemist on, very nice. In addition, today, SAM thanks to NREL produces VERY accurate solar CFD based weather files from local towers and satellites and generates an accurate financially report to help you sell it to your clients. Forget drafting, want to make some money learn these CFD softwares hire into design firms as consultant contractors. I find it all interesting and challenging. Just putting some food for thought out here don’t get too offended. I was just yanking Richard’s chain a little since he likes to and Perry was the only one yanking back. Haha, it’s all good! Just got word the construction loan for MBD Prototype # 1 is approved. Whoo Hoo! Corporate assignments end soon and will back on CA full time for a bit. TGIF <- Hope everyone gets that one
  4. Graham, you are obviously correct there is no need to go back and compare the old board days to today’s technologies, a no brainer to those that understand todays technologies that have much, much, higher capabilities than ever before. FEM by your PEs is now a no brainer, PEs don’t need to think as much anymore like the hand calc days, computer programs back calibrated with centuries of empirical data do most of it now, but trash in and out is definitely still possible nothing has changed in that respect since the hand calc days to less defined board definitions. Nothing has changed we have had ranks in engineering and drafting dating back over 30 years ago that meant little, much political and brown nose based, I can remember, and is still alive and well and worse today with all the global outsourcing drafting and engineering for lower wage. It is a good thing the regs got tighter, not entirely good, and code, if you read Joes article, but better. I’m decided to wait for Simlabs MBD (3D model Based Definition) in September and I’m a bit CA rusty to write a suggested process using CA software and BIMs principles. As soon as they release and if after they let me beta test I think it’s worth it I’ll spend the money, and can export my CA model easy which I should be able to, I’ll update the CA/BIMS thread with a practical example from cradle to first test of a green small residential model I hope to put on the ground soon. One of my goals is to reduce the need for drafting by moving some of the info to the MBD. What will determine that will be the downstream users. Out of that alone I should be able to capture cost reductions in my case anyway. I hope to be able to manage the contractors myself but may need get back on the road to another design job pending funding. My main bread and butter comes from big corporate, just out here to get my a family member on the right track. The green stuff is challenging, banks, appraisers, have no clue how to value, but I found one just yesterday I am running a pilot program with that gives values to the design that is above the area average, test and guarantees the result to our clients. This bank is only getting a 3D model and cost energy deltas resulting from higher energy values and solar. As this continues, the drafters role will change some of which may get complicated like it or not. Like Joe said, I don’t let HVAC trades size my system with manual j, I do it with free BEOPT or WUFI (CFD) does mold analysis and HVAC sizing much better to 3D models, I'll export CA to SAM by NREL that runs the most accurate CFD simulations and financial reports in the industry based on the 3D model.
  5. Graham, yes I understand, not trying to force anything here. Much of what I am describing is practiced in large corporate including this one and the acronyms are commonly used so I assumed people know them. There are some that use them out here I don't get so I goggle them, simple! Small residential is going to be a challenge, the funds are not there nor the knowledge YET. Other software like sketch up has FEM and CFD( goggle this one let me know if you can't find it I'll be back here in a bit to explain whats happen with structural integrity and drafting since back in the ink on mylar days. It's interesting if you are not don't read it.
  6. If you think drafting from IOM (Ink on Mylar) produced more accurate "sound structure" than today's solid modeling and use of FEM( Finite Element Modeling) is probably what your PE is or should be using as I do you have definitely missed the point. I defined all my acronyms which ones don't you understand? Have you ever ran a FEM vs hand calcs for the old IOM? My goodness, which is more accurate and easier to produce? Ask your PE let me know their response? CA needs a FEM plug in then it may more sense depending on what you about structures analysis. Today's drafting or solid models and FEM are much better integrated then ever before, they are best accomplished in the same model, no exports. Drafting does not create sound structure, engineers and FEM do.
  7. It's clear to me you have no idea what your're talking about back at cha "garbage"!! I started using ink and mylar (IOM) back in the mid 80's, then we went to CAD models using 3D wireframe (NCAD/NCAL) projected to 2D drawing's we did back then in Autocad. Difficult to find interference and define parameters with wires(lines, points, splines, curves, circles, etc). The problem was accuracy still although MUCH better than IOM. Then came the "solid" body oh about early 90's it had high use in the industries I worked. It revolutionized "drafting" allowing weight and very complex ruled/double compound surfaces that were an integral part of the solid body that could be extracted and used in other CAD_CAM applications such as numeric controlled never seen before with IOM. As a result of better design or "drafting" manufactured parts became far more accurate then ever before. The weight parameter allow a density to be applied and volume. The volume allowed for interference checking called "clash checks" all in high use today but much more and better. That allowed huge complex structure some with very complex curvatures to accurately define the weight and moments of inertia not even imaginable with IOM, along with matting accurately to other structures and MEP systems. Moments of Inertia along with Center of Gravity locations(s) further defined FEM/A Finite Element Modeling we know today, and far more accurate stress analysis, along with a better understanding of boundary layer pressures and center flows in plumbing and HVAC, etc from solid modeling. Weight and material cost estimates as built far closer to ROM estimated from the designs never seen before. The result was far better designs and with less design errors. Today the technology is even better with BIMS and all kinds of solid body CAD_CAM technologies. As a result, there is FAR less room for error and the software is easy and fast to use and getting easier, faster, better all the time. In many industries, not this one as much YET, technology has eliminated drafting.
  8. Here is a small scale demo model that may promote some ideas for future versions, if for nothing else monolithic foundations. The 2D “PLAN” is in the 3D model it’s called a “sketch”(there are two superimposed on one another shown in tan and magenta) in CATIA this is used to create solids like chief does in different windows. The footing dimensions are linked offsets called ‘constraints' there is a tool bar for with different types, (ie: contact, fixed position, hole centerlines, etc) to the basement walls. If the basement walls move or change thickness so the footing offsets I constrain anyway I want or not at all. I like to since I think about the future if something were to change I don’t have to rebuild much, just change one linked dimension and tag “update icon” and the entire solid updates fast. I can move the plan sketch to any “floor” or level I want it doesn’t affect anything since the solid pad has start and end depths parameters in its DBX . I can send the plan/3D sketch to layout or any drawing or CAD view I want with no issues. Add a crawl space, mono, walk out, detached garage, a piece of cake. You can see in my specification tree I have access to all kinds of “parameters” like materials, density, to make the solids smart and I can add anything I want to the list or objects tree, there are macros that make it fast. Just a cleaner easier way to see whats going on between the 2D plan, 3D model, and drawings IMO.
  9. "Garbage" "Rolling Eyes" Lets see on my BIMS/CA thread just two days ago you said I was making SSA's (Stupid Ass Assumptions), and I remember another last time I was active out here, your telling me and my son we have no clue how to run a business even though somehow without you ours is successful, a SAA you did not know anything about us. Whats your goal here? To show your intellect as an Architect with word choices, engineering, and belittling everyone you can? Having a bad day seems with you it's often. After listening to you in person yesterday on a telecon, I failed to see all the intellect and you have a gentle sweet, sweet, kind voice, awwww Nothing like you display with your etiquette out here. Did you read Joe's article about Architects and lack of Building Science skills in the new fast growing green era? It challenges why you are even here? Why don't you do some more constructive with the time you say you have so little of like share all this BIMS experience you claim to have by helping some drafters and others with Building Science or Engineering skills you should have learned in college and practiced all these years, stay on topic. I love to see it rather than wasting your time getting in battles on lots of threads. Perry you have been very supportive and positive I for one appreciates it. The board made a mistake you can see clearly by the lack of Architects engineering skills in Joe's article, there are drafters or non-degrees that know more, they should have carried the legacy on for those qualified. Joe Lsitburek is one of the most respected Building Scientist and Engineers in the world. You won't find him or his kind on drafting forums. Me, I'm just a drafter no licenses anywhere however, I like the way Joe thinks and can identify. I've seen the powers remove non degreed drafters in other industries like aero/auto/power sports since drawings are now gone, turn talented Engineers into CAD jockies, as I have stated on the thread I referenced. So, if one were to develop a drafting business and it failed there are less industry to turn to. My advice only the best will survive in some cases it may take showing licensing boards that may or may not replace experience for a degree.
  10. Thanks for the education Scott et all, Does anyone have any experience with Dassault 3D sketches and solid operations like in CATIA, Solidworks, ProE? It is very close to what CA is doing by projecting 2D to 3D only they are integrated in 3D and both performed there for better visualizations and integrations, far less issues especially when it comes to simple planer projections. Solids can be constrained to one another. 3D camera view projections are sent to drawing views where layer sets are applied. In about half the time it took to watch all that I could have created the entire foundations and not have to worry what floor I projected from nor whether it work with another floor or a drawing view projection. Just asking not suggesting anything. Terry Noober Goober
  11. Things are a mess getting more complex and legal, Architects need to get back to Engineering and be compensated well for their skills stop focusing so much on art, CA, high def pics/videos......Drafters need to get back to drafting for them, although that skill will change in time to that is being discussed here: Joe in the know says it all, about five years old my guess things have gotten worse. I road travel the USA often doing design jobs seen it all!
  12. Don't lie you're a guru. I'm in San Diego right now so my dumb arse is in. I'm sure you eagles will fly right over this chickens head.
  13. Looks like an advanced user meeting.
  14. Doubt it but funny as hell. BIM model and another 1000 post by people that don't use it nor understand the programs needed nor the ROI to get CA on board now we're talking I hope my acronyms are not to confusing, if they are begs the questions.