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Everything posted by GeneDavis

  1. I've installed 60, 90, and 15. See attached. All caused quick crash entering PBR. Installing .36 now and will see if it works OK.
  2. Had a driver that was causing occasional lockups and shutdown when going PBR, saw a post in this forum by @decorators3 and decided to try an upgrade or newer one, and now am unable to do any PBR. Screencap attached shows my setup.
  3. @decorators3what exactly did you do to update your Nvidia (which is same as mine)?
  4. There's no way in Chief to give you the roof edge with tiny boxed soffit without doing a couple of little moldings or solids to achieve that pointed zero fascia with flat soffit under. See here how I did a piece to match the roofing surface finish, and another to make your level under-roof-edge return. Paint the roof surface piece to match your shingles, and the under-block to match your siding and trim scheme.
  5. What is a good source for the typical boilerplate seen on con docs?
  6. Have you looked at the layerset for the camera view and turned off all fixtures, cabinets, and furniture? Done a stripped file version and compared file sizes stripped to loaded?
  7. Taking me about 18 seconds to load any of the four.
  8. Did you press the button that says "hurricane evacuation?"
  9. Imagine a really really rich set of tools for decorating tray ceilings with beams and paneling. I did these with moldings and solids, and it took maybe 15 minutes per, but what if we had a big dialog page for doing this. The arched one is a take on what I saw in a Chinese restaurant. All straight lines so the trim carpenter can knock out all the parts with a tracksaw.
  10. Intending a job in McHenry county and have Chief .plan and .layouts in progress, to be finished soon. Need a pro who can review, revise as needed, and seal for permitting. Private message me via this forum. Thanks.
  11. cArchives are where the autosaves go. Look at the Chief Architect Data files in your Documents folder. See below. The captures and saves are automatic but the timing of the autosaves (or frequency, really) is set by you in Settings.
  12. What do you mean @martinconst by the phrase, "linking all at once?" What has been described here is using save as and making plans and their linked layouts, each .plan linked to its .layout, with new names. Do you need to do something different from what Shayne shows, above?
  13. Thanks for the great idea, @Breeze_Design! Chopping a hole and inserting a meds cab into the side of an adjacent linen cab is a wonderful use of space.
  14. OK I see the drawings. Does your X16 plan have a floor plan that matches precisely what is on those prints? Every roof-bearing wall in same config? All dimensions check out? If so, close the file, zip it, and post it here.
  15. So you've a full set of construction docs a drafting firm did for the client? Can you scan and post the roof plan and all four elevations, as done by them?
  16. Chief's training video shows @scottharris placing a DW into a cabinet and he says the appliance replaces the cabinet, but it does not, really. The appliance symbol is positioned so that its front faces are outside the face of cabinet. @MarkMc does something completely different and I want to learn how to do what he does, because it models the appliance the way it actually sits, that being in a void the width of the the appliance.
  17. @MarkMc posted a plan in another thread about this topic, but there was no explanation about how things get done. Here is the plan he posted, but with the addition of a dishwasher symbol I made by importing a Sketchup model of a GE Monogram one at 18" width. In Mark's plan, he has a cabinet in which is a DW, one from the Chief manufacturer bonus library. The cabinet has no sides, no back, no fronts, no toekick, no nothing. It is just blank space with a countertop over. If I try to make such a cabinet, I fail. Going to the fronts section of the cab spec, I delete everything. Separations, door, drawerfront. I specify the cab as framed just as Mark has it. I specify the stiles as 0". I cannot get the cab to build blank, but always end up with a back and sides. I want a "cabinet" that is blank like Mark's but has the 18" width needed for this Monogram DW. What do I do? dishwasher hidden
  18. OK so I found one, the only one, in the Chief library. It is in the GE manufacturers library, and installs as expected. Don't know what is different about the symbol, and have not explored to find an answer to why my imported one won't work the same, but for now, this does the job.
  19. I did not look in the Chief library for the 18" wide appliance I want, so I imported one from the 3D Warehouse, set its origin so it places where I want in the y axis, and am stuck on how to delete or alter the sides so it looks correct. See my dialog pages, attached. I need to either lose the cabinet sides or chop them at the toe. If I set toe height at 4" it shrinks the appliance height by 4" at the bottom, so that is not the way.
  20. I like to write these posts with as much description as I can cram in the space. I could have said "window problem" but no, I'm stuck with my behavior. So here, look at this pic and you'll see what I mean. I have a workaround, but really, do I have to?
  21. All these were done with the window spec dialog. I do a CAD detail from view and draw polylines and lines to get the dimensions needed, but the numbers are used in the window spec dialog.
  22. Open it up and examine materials. I have found the Kohler models to have been done all in same, and it's always white. You need one material for the metal, and one for the glass globes. You'll need a SU subscription and some training in SU use to be able to edit the model to get what you need. I use SU a lot, but mine is the old SU Make 2017 version one could have on one's own drive. SU is a cloud app now.
  23. If it comes into Chief with different materials (and the SU modeler should have done this), a Chief user can change the materials to whatever looks right. I did not download the model and try it. It's got a ridiculously high surface count and I would not want it in one of my Chief files.
  24. There is a long thread in Suggestions about extensions outboard of railings for porches, but we do workarounds now, and I was wondering how others approach this. Here is a covered porch, with slab floor, attached to a house on monolithic slab. I wanted the porch edge to go 6" beyond the post-to-beam railing line. The railing is an OOB interior railing wall, specified the way I want it for the post and beam structure, and the extension is a molding. Because I did not edit the railing wall makeup which comes OOB as a framed wall with sheetrock faces, I needed to paint the 1/2" of sheetrock at edge of slab, which I did at the same time I painted the molding the same concrete texture as the slab. I know if this goes to con docs I'll be using CAD in the plan view and detail sections, and I'm OK with that. My workaround here was quick and easy and gets the results in 3D for the client to see. How would you do this?