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Everything posted by DianeP

  1. I used to have a long list of files when I selected the open recent files option. Now there is only 5. Does anyone know where the controls for the number of recent files displayed are located? Thanks!
  2. My contract does state that all drawings are property of my company. I told them I don't normally sell my plans. I have high volume builders that bring me their plans that I make changes to and these remain their plans. Others are custom builders and individuals needing plans and I normally set the reuse fee not including structural engineer cost at $500 if I don't have to make any changes to the plan. Pretty low cost, but I want to help the next guy make a buck, too.
  3. As I understand it, drawing as an employee the employer owns the plans. However, drawing as an owner of a drafting/ design company you own the plans even if the design is given to you by your customer. https://www.constructionbusinessowner.com/law/law/builder-beware-how-avoid-blueprint-and-building-design-lawsuits#sthash.nuulqIiv.dpuf Have you ever had he situation arise where the owner wants to buy the rights to their plan. Would you sell it? If so, at what price?
  4. Outstanding Perry!!!! thanks so much for the help!
  5. Any easy way to get the wall siding to alternate 4" and 8" lap exposure?
  6. OH yea! I found it....drawing sheet icon on left of screeen.
  7. How do I turn off page display?
  8. Oh no, what did I do and how do I fix it. Grey grid showing instead of the normal white grid. I see some of the normal white grid but my drawing isn't completely in this location.
  9. Thanks everyone! Kyle you were very helpful and Chopsaw you got just what I was wanting to achieve.
  10. How do I put a concrete roof with overhang on a structure. Using CA x10.
  11. Eric the cut ctrl/alt/v didn't work for me. Here is the plan. trey_minchew.plan
  12. I have two stacked windows in the stairwell for this plan. They both look fine from the outside of the house. Inside, one of them has the wall covering the window. They are in rooms marked open below and the wall has been changed to balloon wall with no effect. Any ideas on how I can make it look right?
  13. I've redrawn the plane but still would like to know for next time. Thanks!
  14. Is it possible to close a roof opening that I decided needs to be smaller? The opening's rectangle that shows up on the floor plan disappeared once the roof was cut. Is redrawing the roof plane the only way to fix the problem?
  15. Thanks for the idea on putting it on a solid. Will try that!
  16. Related question. Has CA come up with a way to align the backdrop with the height of the terrain for house plan instead of what looks like 10' below the terrain.
  17. Thanks a bunch for the quick response. So nice to have folks to turn to so I can keep moving forward.
  18. Does anyone know where they moved the backdrop options that used to be under 3d default but aren't in CA x10?
  19. Great idea. I have trouble finding room around the windows for their labels after I use auto dimension. I have to go back and move some of the labels so that they can be seen. Does this ever cause you trouble?
  20. How dd you modify the font for superscript? Thanks!
  21. But when there isn't a schedule used, this is the format of the label. Would be nice to have superscript available in a custom label default.
  22. Joe, you were on the money, need to turn off the automatic callouts then the rest that Eric and you had me trying to do would probably work. Glen yours worked fine for me and was a quick fix (which is all I had time for right now.). Marc, I liked the fancy labeling you had. Will try to get a template set up that has these features in the future. Thanks for being such big helpers! You guys are outstanding and much appreciated.
  23. I tried putting in a new window after changing the defaults as described above and it didn't change in the drawing to show both labels. Also, tried selecting an existing window and changing it as you mentioned. It also, didn't change in my drawing. Thanks!
  24. Don't know what happened to the responses from Eric and Joe(?) They disappeared.