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Everything posted by jonboy

  1. I am using spot ..enclosed are the settings.. just add the extra source light to see if that would work and then I turn the can off .. but then the light looks off Sorry for the hassle
  2. First one is a real quick RT (really blurred) 2nd is standard view .. in the RT I have tried the can lights at 25w and a source light below it and does not matter what wattage bleeding still comes through ... have tried with the ambient occlusion on/off/50 . Not new to doing RT but holly ... I must be missing something or old age Thanks for any help you can lend
  3. Spoke to soon ... worked in standard view but not in a RT
  4. Any tip settings on getting a recessed can in the ceiling to look like it is not bleeding in RT... have the materials set a general but have tried others... even moving the light source down from the ceiling .. nothing seems to change. Looks okay in a standard view but not in RT Thanks for any tips or settings someone could provide
  5. Tried to open your link and received an error code 2FF173/H from Chief don't know if it is on my end or the link .. I have noticed when using the roofing bump map in the OC catalog that color turns very dark in standard view not sure if it is my settings or what. Very helpful information... thanks guys and gals
  6. Ivan Can you share the steps it took for the point to point move ... nice
  7. I have used Sketchfab a few times and one nice option is that you can embed a code into your website for the client to view. The one negative that I found tough is getting the correct lighting and adjusting materials properties...very straight forward in using. My vote is 3d viewer has better quality look in HD than Sketchfab and you don't have to go through as many steps downloading. But of course Chief does not have the ability to embed a code for a client without downloading 3d viewer. Hope fully that will come soon.
  8. Turn your shadows off in the edit camera view
  9. I just got back an answer from tech support on this and they say at this time with beta version you can't imbed a code into your website You can use Sketch Fab
  10. Dan What happened to the embed code (download into a web site) that is feature on the video
  11. How does one find the embed code for 3d viewer to download a plan into a website ... I am guessing this does not work like Sketch Fab ... copy embed code and past into a website thanks for anyone's help
  12. Trying to use the screen capture in any mode (picture, image, material) also in different plans and all I get is a black area every time .... used this many times in X8 and never this ...could it be a bug or some wrong setting ? using X9 thanks ...for any help
  13. I think that would be great .... But are you not curious were chief got theirs from and why show something that may not be in chief core catalogs ... bugs the sh__ out of me
  14. Thanks that worked Thanks again
  15. Great thanks for the trash bin ... but I still want to know why Chief would show something in the new features of X9 if is not in a library somewhere
  16. Either way still turns out with either shadows or to dark ... tried Direct sunlight intensity at 1 or 0 then that dark Turn off the sunlight then is to dark ... Tried with sunlight off and direct sunlight at 4 still dark Nothing seam to work in turning off the RT shadows/sun .... should be someplace to turn off in RT Still need help
  17. Does anyone know if it is possible to turn the sun shadows off when doing a top down ray trace.. it's kick my x9 Thanks
  18. Why would (Jen) shows this pull out in one of the views in the new X9 features if is not in Chief somewhere ?
  19. Can anyone tell me were I can find this in x9 Thanks
  20. Do a ray trace ... you have to stop the ray trace ... then click on export 360 to 3d viewer
  21. sorry about that x8 ...not up on uploading to a cloud service ... need some guidance
  22. Chopsaw I be glad to send the folder.... I zip the chief folder and still says it to large to send... any ideas Thanks for taking time to look into this