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Posts posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. You got me curious so I started messing around with it a bit. My conclusion...


    I think the best solution is to do as I stated above and create a little skinny cabinet, suppress its label, don't include it in the cabinet schedule, and then simply put it on its own layer and turn that layer off.  Don't make any other adjustments.

  2. Depending on how accurate you need your cabinet plans to be, you can...


    Create a very thin cabinet next to the range (maybe 1/16" wide) with the standard toe kick.  Then the cabinet next to it should behave as you want.  Your dimensions might be a little funny though.  You could help address that by decreasing the size of the main cabinet by the same 1/16" (possibly even decreasing the size of the stile on the range side as well).  If your dimensions are rounded off to the nearest 1/4" it shouldn't matter too much.

  3. I think perhaps you have the wrong idea about what Chief will do for you as a tool.  Chief won't meet any of the above requirements for you.  It will just help YOU draw the plans and meet those requirements.  Physical aptitude for hand drawing aside, if you don't have the knowledge and expertise to produce a set of code compliant or Title 24 compliant plans by hand then Chief isn't going to do you any good.  It will help you produce a nice looking and useful 3D model and make producing plans EASIER, but it won't produce plans for you.  That is all on you (the designer).

  4. I usually have AT LEAST 2 plans...As built and Remodel, although whenever there is a notable change in the remodel design I do a Save As and give the plan a new name so I can always look back or revert to an older idea if necessary. It usually ends up looking something like this...


    Smith Residence As Built.plan

    Smith Residence Kitchen.plan

    Smith Residence Kitchen 2.plan

    Smith Residence Kitchen 3.plan

    Smith Residence Kitchen 3.layout

    Smith Residence Permit Plans.pdf

    Smith Residence Cabinetry.layout

    Smith Residence Cabinet Layout.pdf

    And any number of detail layouts and PDFs for specifics tasks or subcontractors

  5. More than likely the delay you are seeing is due to recording information for undo. You can verify this by turning undo off temporarily. If that isn't the problem then the rest of this won't help you.

    Undo settings are in Preferences>General.

    Our current implementation of undo saves a copy of the file on disk. By default in the temporary files folder. This is normally pretty fast, except for very large plans.

    However there are several things that can cause this to be slow.

    1) There are an excessive number of files in your temporary files folder. I consider this a bug in Windows because on all other operating systems temporary files are truly temporary and will get cleaned up automatically. But in Windows you will need to do this manually. I suggest cleaning up your temporary files. This is best done right after a system reboot before you launch any other applications.

    2) Disk fragmentation could be an issue. With modern versions of Windows this is supposed to be done automatically, but there are several things that could cause the defragmentation not to run so running it manually may be useful. If it is already defragmented then it should run fast.

    3) Some sort of disk problem could be in play. So running chkdsk would make some sense.

    Finally, if you have an SSD drive you could set the preferences in Chief to put the undo files on that drive.

    Beyond that there are a couple of other options with undo.

    1) Turn undo off. I don't recommend this.

    2) Set up an undo timeout to something like 100 milliseconds. This will make it so that if you are working very quickly the undo state won't get saved until you pause. This would have the effect of skipping multiple things you have done, but you can still undo.

    Thank you Doug. I ran a file cleaner and deleted all the unnecessary stuff. There appeared to be about about 30 or 40GB of temporary files. I also ran the defragmenting utility but that didn't seem to be the problem.

    After doing all that, I opened up a plan and it appears to be back to its normal blindingly fast speed again :-) Thank you sir. And thanks to the rest of you for your input as well.

  6. The Laptop has a more capable videocard than the desktop and perhaps more Ram which helps too. Does the Laptop have an SSD vs a HD in the desktop ?


    is Chief setup/been added to Nvidia Control Panel in 3D management on the Desktop? are the Render options on both the same? etc etc lots to look at .


    the 3D framework has changed since X3 and started with X6 AFAIK ,so perhaps your GTX430 is no longer capable enough?

    Thanks for the input, however what makes this current issue unique is that it seems to have nothing whatsoever to do with 3D and happens even in a brand new blank plan with only the plan view open. If I create a 3D view it seems to have little to no effect on the lag time between actions (or commands).

    To answer one of your questions laptop confuses me a bit. It acts like it has a SSD but according to the literature it doesn't. It apparently has a 5200 RPM HD but I never hear anything "spinning" and it starts up almost instantly (just a matter of seconds usually). The bigger point though is that it's a new desktop used to be MUCH faster and it appears to have nothing at all to do with 3D performance. I guess I'm assuming the video card doesn't have much to do with performace in plan view.

  7. I know there have been endless topics over the years on things running slowly but I can't seem to find a solution and was hoping someone could offer some insight. 


    Ever since about the time I upgraded to X6 I've noticed a notable drop in speed when using my desktop.  My laptop runs super fast and smoothly, but not my desktop.  There is about a 2 or 3 second delay between every single action.  If I want to drag a wall for example...I click on the wall, drag it, and release, and then I have to wait 2 or 3 seconds to start my next action.  It hadn't bothered me much because I was doing the vast majority of my work onsite with my laptop, but I'm back in the office now and it seems those little delays are becoming a major problem. 


    I don't know for a fact that the problem started with X6 but I'm relatively certain it started around that time.  I also don't believe I've made any notable changes to my computer during that time, and couldn't find any settings within Chief that would have any affect on 2D plan speed.


    I'm wondering if the newer software is just running slower on my old machine simply due to programming changes.  I've used this same desktop since X3 and it didn't used to be anywhere near this slow.


    Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.

  8. Sorry, Home Designer Pro 2014 -- I've never been able to get the roof join tool to work, except in one instance.  I always get the infmaous "zero length edge" error.  The online help database hasn't clued me into what the underlying problem is with my particular setup...


    I too used to have problems with the Join Roof Planes tool.  As I recall, the instructions weren't very clear either.  The key is to select the proper EDGES of the roof planes you're trying to join. 


    1.  Select the first plane and click on the edge you would like to join.  The edit handle (little box shape) should be bigger on that edge line now.

    2.  Click on the join roof plane tool

    3.  Click on the 2nd EDGE you would like to join.  Again, don't just select the second roof plane.  You have to click on the EDGE.


    Hopefully that helps. 

  9. 2 things. First, double check using the layer properties dbx (the "0" icon if I recall correctly) in the layout that your layout is using the same layerset that you're adjusting.

    If it IS the same layerset then simply closing that layer dbx should update it. It's an ongoing little glitch with layouts that's been a problem for a long time now. I often open and close that dbx to get layer display to update.