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Posts posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. You're more than welcome.  Thank YOU for posting the plan.  More often than not you will get an answer within a few minutes if you take the time to post the plan along with the description of your problem and some screenshots to make the issue as clear as possible.  You done good : )

  2. Select the "doorway"/ railing section at the top of the'll probably select the door first, hit tab so the wall is selected or just delete the door, open the wall dbx, and check "invivible".  Essentially that section of railing needs to be changed to an invisible wall.

    • Upvote 1
  3. By the way, THANK YOU for taking the time to attach the plan.  Not something people take the time to do as often as they probably should.  That's a very impressive house.  Incredibly slow on my machine.  I wonder of maybe the file size is causing some sort of overload on your system leading to the issue you're having...just a thought. 

  4. I believe you are mixing up reputation points with warning points (which I don't even see anymore). Warning points (if they still exist) can only be given by the forum moderators. Negative reputation points as far as I know cannot get you kicked out. They are simply reflect a persons "reputation".

  5. More often than not there's a ton of guesswork and wasted time trying to figure out the problem before a solution is reached.  With the plan (even a stripped down version as Perry suggested) you can usually get an answer super quickly and its no longer guesswork...Plus, we all learn something from it.

    • Upvote 1
  6. I think you'll have to give a little more detail if you're going to get any help.  A more detailed description and some screenshots of your issue would be in your best interest.  And, if you attach the plan, you'll usually get a more accurate answer really quickly.

  7. Todd:


    given the resistance I've received  over the last decade whenever the BIM issue

    was raised by CA and many of the users on this forum I seriously doubt

    if this will have any effect on the Chief community



    I for one hope it doesn't.  Stay the course Chief.  You have something special and I think it will become even more so as the "Big Dogs" continue to "progress".  Just improve what you already do so well and continue to add new features without selling out.  Just my thoughts. 

    • Upvote 1
  8. Mark,


    I just checked out the issue you're talking about.  It looks like the dimensions aren't snapping to the edge of the CAT 5 symbol in plan, they're snapping to the center of the 2D block assigned to that symbol which is the reason for the discrepancy.  As far as I can tell the only way to fix it is to create a new block without the words "CAT 5" or with those words centered on the little triangle symbol. 

    • Upvote 1
  9. Jess,


    I can't be certain, but I'm pretty sure the reason you got a negative point in the thread you mentioned is because  you didn't seem to appreciate the help you were getting .  Someone asked you to to post the plan and no response, someone asked you another response to that, and then you marked it as solved by just starting over without having actually learned how or why, and without having utilized the help you were seeking.


    When a person does something like that it seems a little like..."Why did they even ask if they weren't going to listen?" and it can be very frustrating when there's no response when people are donating their own time and expertise to try and help you.



    well I just decided to start over. Changed some wall hts etc and it all worked out. Not sure what solved the problem but........

  10. This is not "American Idol". My hope is that the forums purpose is to encourage the dissemination of ideas & experiences regardless of their degree of validity. Peer review and critiquing will ultimately flush everything out. At the end not only does the original poster learn something but also many of the participants. Otherwise you might as well just e-mail directly the member you consider most capable of answering your question.



    I suppose you don't care about anyone's reputation in "the real world" either?  And that you don't ask for referrals or recommendations before hiring people?  And I'm guessing that means you don't believe in reading product reviews or ratings before purchasing things? 


    I'm assuming you also think that taking architectural advice from some first time designer is just as good as getting it from  Frank Lloyd Wright too eh?

  11. Sorry Graham, I wasn't clear. I get the same result as you. It appears to work in the dbx, reverts in after its closed.

    " Try in 3 D?" was directed at Alaska son since who said it works. How about a screen shot with it at 4?


    So, I stand corrected.  I guess it didn't resize properly for me afterall.  I guess I only looked at the dbx numbers and not the actual drawing so much.  Here's what I get...


    If I open a new plan, draw a wall, place the fixture on the wall, and resize it to say 1" x 1" x 1", all is well as far as the dbx numbers are concerned.  The 3D preview is definitely wrong but the numbers stick. 


    I click okay and then open the fixture again...numbers are still good (preview is still wrong though). 


    I can open and close as many times as I want and the numbers will remain 1"x1"x1". 


    As soon as I open a 3D view though, the height will revert as the rest of you have stated.  After I open the 3D view, the numbers will revert every single time...even once the 3D view is closed.  In other words, there is definitely a problem with the fixture, but the problem changes a bit once a 3D view is created.  Very buggy.

  12. One downside to the platform method to be aware of is that it may mess up your cabinet schedule.  Nothing wrong with the method and its how we still build euro style cabinets anyway, but its something to think about.