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Posts posted by Ridge_Runner

  1. On 8/26/2021 at 6:05 PM, CrafteDKitchen said:

    HOWEVER, when I go into the cabinets individually, under the "label" tab and click "show in this view" (under the camera view display), it shows up.

    Been that way for as long as I can remember. For sure in X12. I do just what you mentioned on a per-cabinet basis for those that do not show up at first.

  2. 1 hour ago, joey_martin said:

    Color 24x36....in my area....cost a considerable amount more so be careful when you order color prints.

    Same here. Make sure you "run the numbers" before you bite for a plotter. Printing your own color print sets won't be cheap, especially after you factor in the the value of your time. I used plotters/printers for years, but only printed color for my own use. I get good quality B/W prints from blueprintsprinting.com. Mine usually come out of Florida, but they have offices around the country. 75 cents a sheet for 24x36 B/W plus tax and shipping. S/H around $13.50 total for std shipping delivered to me; pretty quick turn-around. You can get quick turn-around for considerably more S/H costs if needed.

  3. On 9/27/2021 at 4:00 AM, Night8917 said:


    When I made the model it hade 356 000 faces, how ever I do adjust all my symbols to work in Chief so it only has 31000 faces.

    Thanks, Anders. I would have guessed many more! Nice BMer too!

  4. On 9/24/2021 at 9:36 AM, Night8917 said:

    How many do you think it has?


    Anything I guess would be just that - a guess. I do know there are some really nice symbols on 3D Warehouse but they are extremely large for use in CA.

  5. 1 hour ago, ACADuser said:

    It seems that the Note Call Out will not work in CAD details. Is that correct?

    No, they work in CAD details. Just used them today as a matter of fact. If your notes/schedule have a "quantity" column they will register into the count also.

  6. 7 hours ago, josecarlos said:

    but I'm using corsair gaming mouse

    Don't mean to muddy the waters here, but I am using a Corsair gaming mouse also and noticing mouse problems. Only I am not yet on X13. I have it downloaded but not in the work flow; finishing my current project load on X12. My problem is the mouse will seem to cause a "double click" when I have only made a left click. It started just a few weeks ago. It does interfere with my workflow as I am regularly having to hit escape to back out of those unintended actions. I am wondering if it might be attributed to a WIN 10 update recently; those will sometimes cause things to happen on my system that I can't explain any other way.