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Posts posted by Greg_NY61

  1. Todd,


    I know what you saying, I have been building single family homes for almost 30 years, and my framer been with me as long... Of course the roof is not framed exactly as it comes out in CA, the framer does the layout on his own based on the structure and so is some of the framing. I never show him framing details of the plan, but this framing details are very helpful for HVAC or Plumbing contractors. 

  2. Couldn't agree more with Scott, the 3d framing detail is a ton of help when it comes to details, etc especially when you do additions or new construction homes and you use chases which go from the basement into the attic for split zone systems, laundry shoots, plumbing, etc...

  3. I agree with you Scott, but no matter how you look at it, doing something in CA is bit more complicated and more time consuming in comparison to other 3D modeling programs like sketchup, etc which are intended for modeling. CA is intended for drafting, plan prep, layout, etc... Cad which is there is good to whip something quick on the fly, anything that needs more detail etc, can be done but you will spend allot of time doing it.  


    Took under 10 seconds to create that awning and another few minutes to play with the detail depending how far you wanna take this. 


    With that said you can make a shell (one corner and one straight awning) and import as 2 separate symbols into CA, you can also import as a symbol the inside support pieces (only one needed)  to make the inside details and assemble it in CA which is a snap, this way  everything can be re-sized and you can apply different material to all of the components which can be done in CA in seconds also.


    Frankly speaking, everything you see in the 3D library, was made someplace else (Sketchup or some other 3D modeling program) because its faster, results and quality are much better (on some models).


    Here is a library ladder I needed for a project, I imported all the pieces into CA and assembled them in CA which was very quick (1-2 min), I just did that so you can apply different material to wheels, screws, brackets, wood etc.




    Library Ladder.calibz


  4. P-line works or 2 D Molding like Scott said, but if you want to add more detail and you want to show view from bellow you can whip that in Sketchup in no time something like this... But I just messed up and closed Sketchup without saving it to create a symbol (cursing), but if anyone needs the details I can whip one up real quick it only takes a few minutes 


    Here is a few images with more detail 





  5. Go to the second floor and build a wall there for the dormer to connect. Put the wall along the dashed ceiling line. You should be on Home Designer Pro Forum, this way if someone uploads the plan you can open it. Maybe Dave here will pick it up he had HD pro version.





  6. I had Sketchfab for a while, been using mostly for Sketchup models. I saw Dan's video and spoke to him, he helped me out to resolve one issue I had, now I will use for Chief Architect models, already uploaded one. Very nice feature and you can password each project and give the customer the password after the fees are paid.


    Models saved in x6 will not display textures in Sketchfab, but they do with models saved in x7... I guess x7 has an updated 3d platform.

  7. Perry this pdf locks don't work. I use to send proposal via pdf and they can easily be open and unlocked outside. Just google unlock my pdf.

    I sent my customer a proposal and when I came to see him he had it printed I asked him how he did it and he said anyone who works with computers know this. So don't trust that don't print or locked PDF to much for sensitive information.

  8. Since no one is going to come right out and say it....No, using Chief Architect you cannot get the slab to set on top of the stemwall like those of us in the Midwest build. You have to use one of the workarounds that some folks are showing, or set the slab to be flush, like Chief wants it, and when doing the detail for that area, pull the slab fill over and move on. I will give you the first piece of advice I give to people that do my training class...stop fighting the program! Chief does what it does, adjust and move on or you will spin your wheels for days trying to get that slab to set on top of the wall.

    x2 Joe, on the East coast also its never done that way.