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  1. Hello there, I had to create a library of a select portion of the Candlelight Cabinetry line labeled per their catalog awhile back. If you can use these "as is" or modify them for your own purposes - feel free Hope they help! (Can't remember which version of Chief I created this in - X14?) CANDLELIGHT CABINETRY PROJECT.calibz
  2. So my solution has evolved for things like this but now I have essentially two categories of .plan template files I use for new projects or for later phases of construction documentation; 1) Drawing Template, blank but with all my settings so I don’t have slow down from clutter from the below file type (2) 2) My Grab & Go - I have wall types drawn for easy copy/paste, basic furniture arrangements like dining room table/chairs, bed with side tables, etc. on the drawing sheet, recessed can lights in sets of 4 or 6, etc. so I don’t have to dig it out of my user library. These are all sectioned out with “Work Area boxes labeled “Electrical”, etc. I use this same thing with Note Types. I place all my note schedules in a row and right underneath I have all “Notes” stamped out below so I can skim through the schedule and copy over the keynotes that apply to that project. As long as you have the labels set to “simple schedule numbering” you just click “renumber schedule” once in your new plan and it’s done! Does that make sense? Someone may blow me out of the water with a more efficient way but it works for me!
  3. There’s a combination washer/dryer (one unit like in Europe) in the compact appliances user catalog in Chief
  4. I usually find there will be a distinction on submittal application forms between "conditioned area" versus "finished area" if its a jurisdiction where they place a lot of emphasis on sizing of Heating/Cooling units, so essentially where they ask for Manual J, S, & D for new construction, additions, remodels if you break the thermal envelope, or will replace the units. Forced air systems are sized for the entire house with air supply registers intermittently placed throughout the unfinished basement, which I speculate is because sometimes the basement is closed off with a door at the top of the stairs - sometimes its open to below...and this can be easily altered. "Finished" spaces, however are usually differentiated by completing construction such as framing a wall against the inside of the foundation wall, vapor barrier, cavity insulation, drywall, paint, baseboard, etc., which is when the code requirements for living areas become applicable (outlets to code, natural ventilation/glazing minimums for window openings, etc.) and that room is no longer treated like a basement or storage area. At this point, (generally speaking) only after this point will that portion of the basement be added to the home's living square footage count for permitting/plan review fees and for real estate listings. Of course, this can change depending on the building jurisdiction so verify the locally adopted IRC code version w/ amendments for a "Definitions" section and/or "Measurements" or something similar for how they want this calculated. Also, keep in mind that Zoning and Energy Compliance may want a totally different number for the square footage. If you are still struggling or not sure you've come to the correct answer then post a link to the permitting department website and your plans PDF and I'm sure myself or others will take a look
  5. Hi there, Just to clarify, do you mean display layers or layer sets? Next, yes - you can delete almost all of these components except for the CAD Blocks because some of the user library fixtures need these symbols and are not able to be deleted. For deleting line styles, make sure that you don't have CAD Blocks that are using that particular line type or that line type assigned to a display layer (ex: base cabinet's dashed line type) as that will prevent deletion. If you mean display layers, if you want to reduce the number of display layers there are a couple ways to do this. 1) Deletion - Make sure that nothing on your plan is assigned to that layer and that no dimensions, wall types, text styles, callouts, etc. are either - then most layers should be able to be deleted outside of a core group required for the program. 2) "Merge" layers that you can combine elements on your plan and do not need separate layers for. If you mean layer sets, in order to get rid of the components above you have to delete these in a certain order for them to not be "greyed" out. Off the top of my head.. (and I may transpose a couple of these, but play with it and you'll get there). Deletion order (ish): Plan Views Default Sets Dimensions Styles, Text Styles, Arrows, Callouts, etc. Layer Sets
  6. Ahhh thank you! So... hear me out. What if... 1) I made another copy of the file to isolate the terrain from the building. 2) Shifted the terrain over as needed on the new isolated copy 3) Deleted the existing terrain entirely from the master file 4) Copy/paste the adjusted terrain from the isolated file....Would this work even a little or would it not build correctly at all? If not, maybe I can create the new terrain perimeter after deleting the original and just paste the elevation lines? Anyone know if there would be errors copy and pasting the entire terrain model, where it goes wrong?
  7. Hi there! I need to move a house over about 3' to take advantage of an encroachment opportunity. I had already "completed" the 3D model including the lot's sloped terrain, driveway and a "retaining wall" (foundation wall). I modeled the terrain using elevation lines which I cut (and put on another layer... I think) around a flattened building pad which was an elevation area. No spot elevations were used. I separated my floor plan 2D drawing from this file previously, so... The primary question, which should I move - the building (with decks) or the terrain? I'd appreciate it if anyone has any insight on the best strategy to go about doing this effectively. I'm sure I can make a botched attempt and spend awhile cleaning up, however I'd love to hear if anyone has run into this and any tips you can share. (I can post jpegs or the file if that's helpful!) Thanks, Kristina
  8. UPDATE: Unfortunately this jurisdiction did not allow for any way to exempt you from a Rescheck report, this might be because they recently changed over to 2021 IRC. Apparently this project type is not allowed to use the prescriptive method… I cannot remember if that was in the Rescheck Alteration guide or if that was per this jurisdiction… In this case, exporting data from a Chief architect file would not work for this one without major editing/deletions since everything but a couple windows are staying the same and I really don’t know for sure what the existing building shell assemblies, insulation types or fenestration energy ratings actually are.) **If someone knows a way to creatively configure Chief settings to make this work, please share.* Ultimately, I got a Rescheck report figured out via manual input with a bunch of tweaks in Rescheck’s project and individual element settings. If anyone runs across this post as 2021 codes are adopted and wants the details of how I did this - feel free to reach out
  9. Hi Joe! My apologies, I must have completely missed this with all the fuss studying and taking my CPBD exam over the weekend. I messaged you!
  10. Are you still in need of help with this? I’ll PM you a few questions.
  11. I always save them both in a word document on my desktop that I back up on iCloud as well as on a template .layout file. You can certainly save notes to your user library and export the .calibz library file to a folder on your computer as well as backup the template layout file under “Backup Entire Plan” in your File dropdown menu. Regardless of your choice here I’d recommend having multiple ways you save it since it’s not a little amount of work!
  12. Hi there, Here's what I use for my plans as the 2-Way Clean Outs typically need to be 24" apart. I've seen different surveyors and architects use different symbols and labeling for clean outs, the main objective here is to make sure that whatever symbol you use is in a drawing legend and/or clearly labeled directly on the plan. Hope this helps. CAD W LABEL - NEW 2-WAY CLEAN OUTS.calibz PS - I guess I should be clear that this is what I use for exterior clean outs (outside in yard). There are also interior clean outs for which I use an access panel with label, depending on the project scope.
  13. Just to verify, you are talking about the utility line and not the meter location, correct? Yes, line types are definitely the way to go! The critical point here is to make sure you include a line type legend. Here is a PDF of a sample site plan I found a long time ago that has several utility service line types. I’m honestly not 100% sure where but I’m pretty certain it was an example from the building department website from a project I worked on. sample-site-plan.pdf Also, you can create or edit line types in Chief architect. Check out this article:https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01019/managing-and-creating-line-styles.html