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  1. You could try this: %"First Line \n Second Line"% There may be other ways to accomplish this but it's the first one that popped into my head.
  2. Drop the roof plane 2 inches and rebuild the trusses.
  3. I think this may be part of your problem I don't think Chief likes the baseline out at the edge of the roof. For some reason I can't select that particular roof plane in the plan you sent. I can select the other roof planes but not that one.
  4. Style Palette for everything!!! I know there's probably limitations but still...
  5. Do you have a picture of a cabinet with one of the moldings you mentioned? I have some Ideas but I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to accomplish.
  6. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/10199/productivity-tips-saved-plan-views.html?playlist=169
  7. You made me think of this book: Get Your House Right Chapter 10 talks about Cornices and Eaves
  8. You definitely need a larger hard-drive. You may need more ram as well. If you are short on ram your computer may be trying to use a swap partition on the hard-drive as well which could be exasperating the problem. I would also recommend this tool box to fix common windows problems which could potentially improve the performance of your PC. https://christitus.com/downloads/
  9. My guess is you may want to adjust your exposure.
  10. This was kinda interesting. 260 mb 11 mb
  11. Thanks I did search the help but couldn't find an explanation the first time around. I wish that when you search for something the link would open to the exact spot where the search term is used. I missed it when I looked the first time.
  12. Anyone know what the vacuum does?
  13. This is what I use: RO Sill Height: %bottom_elevation-rough_opening_clearance_gap_bottom% Quite simple actually.