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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Hey Mark, I really want to thank you but I have no idea what resize about interior surface means or how it might work?
  2. Or better yet, how to draw ONE 5 ft. wall? If I draw a wall and hit the tab key, enter 60" the wall ends up at 5' - 2"? Not getting something.
  3. Yeah I know, lamest question ever but if I can't seem to get (3) 5 ft. long walls at 45 degree angles. Oh and I'd like the walls to be measured from the outside not the inside.
  4. Thanks Tea Time but the faux beams will run perp. to the beams you've shown.
  5. Looks like Soffits will work great as they follow the roof. Is there a way to change the line style from the default dashed line?
  6. Thanks Joe, these 'beams' will be faux beams that will occur below the roof framing and T & G ceiling surface. Can't see how to use a rafter?
  7. For a faux beam look, or is it a P-Solid job instead?
  8. Thanks DB, could have sworn I tried that - too easy and thanks for the help.
  9. In plan view there's "Snap Unit" which I have set to 1/16" to move for very small adjustments. Is there a similar setting in Layout to reposition layout boxes? It seems to be set on approx. 1" and don't know how to change that setting. THANKS
  10. Hey Joe, If this is for the City of Solana Beach I just submitted one set for planning and was only asked to remove the structural and T24 sheets then saved the layout as "Client Name/ Planning Layout" and submiitted to planning. Hope that helps.
  11. THANK YOU Rene!! The stretch was following the sloping Terrain!
  12. Is this expected behavior?
  13. Thanks Chris. I almost never use shadow boards and checked a dozen videos and knowledge base etc. and had no idea they actually were on their own layer so of course I searched layers for 'shadow' got nuthin' went through a dozen more posts, then turned on 'all layers' and there they were but then had to go through each layer......sheesh. Thanks again!!
  14. YES THEY ARE!!! Roof, Trim. There's an hour I'll never get back. Thanks
  15. Or am I just missing how they work? Can't get them to show but don't know why. Thanks