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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Try the 'All on' Layer and see if they show up.
  2. Yeah pretty close Joe but over it for now and have moved on.
  3. Thanks Joe, Jonathan, Jef. Go it to work OK with a lot of effort. Like I say in this last video I think if Chief had a contest, and offered unlimited prize money, to come up with the most complicated, unintuitive, and obtuse method for dealing with 3D symbols there would be no winner - because they have already accomplished that objective.
  4. It all kinda sorta works but still creates a 4" thick window (no matter the thickness of the original p-line solid) and looks good in almost no view. [sarcasm]Other than that it's great [/sarcasm]
  5. Me too especially with such a simple example as the OP proposed.
  6. Tried it 5 times still appears as an 4" thick piece of glass sitting on the outside of the wall. Missing something.
  7. Thanks Joe, Jonathan. I've created a thousand symbols and just did it again in this case and it worked OK. I should be able to just get the window on a schedule for T24 and not worry about the 3D views, which have been approved a long time ago. Was more wondering about the best approach - symbol it is. Didn't set the 2D block to none, I'll see what effect that has. Thanks again
  8. Jonathan I see the import .3ds dialog box in your post but I don't see a way to export the p-line solid as a 3ds object. Oh I think you mean as a separate object in its own plan file? Yeah I can create a symbol from there pretty easy I think but I got distracted a bit. Will try it now.
  9. It will need to be/remain rectangular with the rock notched to fit the shape. I was watching a video by Glenn re: electrical symbols and it seems I might be able to create symbol as a window or at least specify it as such in a schedule? Here's the video reference. I'll try and create a symbol - don't have any other options I can think of.
  10. to add to a schedule? I have a pretty unique couple of windows that occupy a corner and will be notched in to a large granite boulder. They are currently simple p-line solids but I need to add them to the window schedule to modify the Title 24 calcs here in California. What's a good strategy to get them on the window schedule? Convert to Symbols maybe? Thanks
  11. Yes Mick, the last video actually has the solution within it, but you may have to listen carefully. The distance that the camera is away from the structure creates/solves the problem. If you see the artifacts the camera is too far away. You can move the camera in closer by hitting the 'I' key, then scrolling back out with the mouse wheel. It really is as simple as that. For some reason the distance of my camera was too far away, by default. Don't know why but just moving the camera in closer by pressing the 'I' key solved it. Brad_M is actually a Chief technician and he spotted the problem right away but I didn't learn about the 'I' and 'O' key till I got a response from Taylor at tech support suggesting I try that. Thanks for your help Mick, and I hope that answers your question.
  12. To offer another point of view, please don't get beyond the comparisons, I really like to see how other programs treat similar circumstances. I agree Scott, about the perceived 'simplicity' of any program someone's used for many years. One person's simple can be another person's work around nightmare. My own personal opinion from watching videos from Revit and Vectorworks is I see nothing simple in either program. IMO it's only years of study and practice that will make any of these program seem 'simple' but again I really like to see the way other programs work..
  13. Chief Designer? Head Designer? Designer in Chief? Head Design Guy?
  14. Yeah thanks Glenn, I tried to explain that discovery in that last video, poorly apparently. Thanks for the help as always. Didn't know about the check box for FOV. Luckily the fix was really easy, just hadn't seen it before.
  15. Hey Mick try the 'I' and 'O' key and see if you can duplicate - never knew this, and thank you for your help.
  16. Brad, Thanks for your attention. I was able to duplicate the problem by, as you suggested, moving the camera way out using the 'O' key and correcting it by using the 'I' (move camera in) key. Interesting, never knew about this phenomenon. Hope it helps others. Here's a quick vid showing the phenom.
  17. ...and now it looks perfect, like always. Ho Hum
  18. Camera is however far is it when clicking the button. Never adjusted or had to mess with camera distance before but I'll check it in plan view. Thanks Brad..
  19. No other plan shows nor has ever showed this so the computer is probably fine. It's just this plan and will probably have to live with it. Tech can't see or find a problem either.
  20. Perspective Floor Overview showed the problem and it's coming and going now. One view port is good another bad. Still on Win 7, all vid drivers up to date. Never seen it before and seems to be plan specific. I created some custom materials and seemed to happen after that but makes no sense that that's the problem. Probably going to have to chalk it up to experience and just get r through this plan and presentation.
  21. Definitely not Z-Fighting - confirmed with tech - but it kinda sorta looks like it.
  22. Now it's coming and going. I'll just have to find when it's gone and record my presentation to the clients.
  23. Here's the 'entire plan' Z - FIGHTING plan"