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Everything posted by DRyeHD

  1. @SNestorthanks for the videos. @solver, I "saved as" and tried the auto build roofs. It put my 2nd floor roof on the first floor. So I have some learning to do before I start doing it that way. I've read and heard that its the way to go but I just haven't crossed over to that method yet. Yesterday I ended up deleting the garage roof planes and redoing them. It fixed the fascia problem and the odd roof plane on the right side of the bump out that Steve noticed. Anyway, thanks again for your help. I hope to get proficient enough so I can assist in issues that others have. Have a great day y'all!
  2. All are manual roof planes. I've not begun using auto build. Would I have to auto build all roof planes to correct this or can I autobuild just the planes over the garage?
  3. I'm having a problem joining two roof planes. At least I think that's the problem. I've attached the file. Could anyone provide some guidance on why the fascia is not showing up on the right side of the front garage roof plane? Ingram1.zip
  4. @solver I think I've used that before but forgot about it. Thanks! @Joe_Carrick and @DBCooper thanks for the input. I ended up not using winders because they did pull the treads to the wall. I also had to manually create the triangle landings and support to get the 3D model to look right. But its done and I can move on now. Thanks again, y'all, for the input!
  5. I can't find answers to three challenges I'm having with this stairway. On the lower section, I need an open stairway with one stringer - treads stopping 2" away from outside wall. The landings need to be open (like the lower section). Then I need the top section to be closed. Is there a way to modify the lower and upper sections seperately? How do I get the landings to be open underneath? As always, your input is appreciated!
  6. DRyeHD


    @rgardner I guess I didn't search the right phrase. Thanks for the link. This opens up some macro information I've been wanting to learn about.
  7. DRyeHD


    @solver I watched your video. Is there an easy macro that will just display the year instead of long or short date?
  8. Eric, Thanks for taking time to make the video. I'm just back on this project today and have corrected my design with your recommendation. I was trying to use the "draw it like you build it" technique, but your method (and @Alaskan_Son's suggestion) seem to work the best. Again, thanks for the input.
  9. David, Sorry for the slow response. Between the weekend and other work this morning, I'm just now getting back. I was able to watch your full video. It was helpful. I had never used the "no material" option. That took care of most of my ceiling issue. Actually, the stairs are shown in the attached picture. I threw those in because my customer wants to do away with the existing spiral stairs and put in a straight or u-shaped stair. I've come up with a couple of options. My main issue was getting the open ceiling between the staggered floors. Thanks again for taking time to do the video. A picture is worth 1000 words, but a video is worth a million! Have a great day, Damon Rye
  10. If I put the bedroom and loft on the same floor, can I vary the height 2'-6"? I have to have that difference because that is the way its built.
  11. O wise ones, I need some input regarding how to get an open space between two "staggered" floors (for lack of a better description). The front area (loft) has an 11 foot ceiling. The mid-to-back area (bedroom and bath) has a 7 1/2 foot ceiling. Between the two areas is open all the way to the A-frame ceiling and a short stair for access between the two platforms. When I try to use a hole in ceiling platform, I get an unwanted material along the bedroom rail and it just doesn't seem to work right (see attached picture). Am I taking the wrong aproach using the hole in platform? Do I need to redefine the Dining and Entry rooms below to make it work better? Any input would be appreciated. I've attached the .pln file. Strickland.zip
  12. Steve, Sorry for the delayed answer. I just didn't know how to get started. I didn't have any specific questions - until now. I'm posting a question (different topic) about an area in the structure between two floors. If you've got a solution, please let me know. Thanks, Damon Rye
  13. Steve, Thanks for the overview. I'm starting a remodel design on this one today and needed some ideas on how to get started right.
  14. @Kbird1, @HumbleChief, and @glennw thanks for your input. I see what you mean that the terrain wall is actually a path. I deleted it and used a foundation wall (what I will mostly use from now on. Everything is looking good!
  15. @glennwso you put your walls in after you do the terrain mods? I'm using a terrain wall but based on discussion I'm going to change to a foundation wall. @Kbird1 thanks for the file. @HumbleChiefthanks for the other tips. I had to knock out a few other things this afternoon but will report back next week when I'm back on that project. Have a good weekend all.
  16. I'm getting close. @Kbird1, I've used your recommendation for a terrain break along the top of the wall. I tried using an elevation region at the bottom of the wall but got a little better control using an elevation line. I've attached a screenshot of my progress. I can't seem to get the grass off the back side of the retaining wall. When I move it closer, the terrain becomes sloped behind the wall as if it connects the the higher terrain. Any suggestions on getting rid of the grass on the back of the wall? If not, I will attach the remodel plan (would not show the existing terrain for comparison).
  17. I'm doing a residential addition that requires the terrain to be built up in front of the addition. I've created a flat area (for parking) using the Elevation Region Tool. I've placed a Terrain Wall behind it. I've been adjusting things and watching help videos for a couple of hours but can't figure out how to make the terrain behind the wall follow the existing terrain. I've attached a screenshot of the plot plan and remodel plan with the problem areas indicated. Does anyone have a solution on how to accurately modify the terrain behind the wall to get it follow the existing terrain line?
  18. How cool is that?! Thanks so much!
  19. Sorry, here's the file.Kopack-AsBuilt.plan
  20. I'm trying to create an as-built with the porch as shown on the photo on the right (in the screenshot attachment). I've got the upper porch and ramp in place but can't get the lower porch to drop 16". I thought it would be as easy as adjusting the room floor down 16" but that doesn't seem to work. I've attached the PLN file (zipped X14). Any input on how to do this would be welcome. Kopack-AsBuilt.zip
  21. I'm designing a small cabin - nothing fancy. The roof is 1:12 pitch using trusses with a kicker on the front (see attached image). My local truss company suggested the design. In between the trusses in the living area, we will use 2x4 nailers (8" from the bottom) to attach the finish ceiling material. In the process of adjusting the roof, something happend to throw the inside roof beam pitch off. It seems the roof plane is still 1:12 but I can't figure out how to get the roof beams (which represent trusses) to follow the 1:12 pitch. Further the roof beams seem to be a different pitch in section 2 than in section 1. Any input to this problem would be greatly appreciated. I've attached the zipped .pln file. Hawley.zip
  22. Steve,

    I just realized that I needed to align the pony wall with outer surface.  I just needed to ponder a bit longer before I asked.  I'm about 2 years in and still lots to learn.  Have a good afternoon.

  23. Steve,

    I saw your video on how to do an L Block foudation a couple of weeks ago on the Users of CA FB page a couple of weeks ago.  I'm trying to make that work but would like to add an air space and 3" of brick veneer on the outside of the "L Block pony wall".  When I define the pony wall with the air space and brick veneer, it pushes the pony wall in so that the brick lines up with the outside of the 8" CMU block.  Nothing I do seems to move the pony wall.  Can you explain what I'm doing wrong?

    L Block.jpg

    L Block wVeneer.jpg

  24. There are many ways to accomplish the same thing. I've spent some time today creating CAD Details for each of my notes (labeling the CAD Detail according to what page it goes on) and deleting information off my pages (1-14). As @Alaskan_Son mentioned earlier, when you do this, the %numpages% is correct. It probably depends on how the CA programers (or experts) have decided it should work. I think this might be the best approach I've heard so far during this discussion: @builtright3, will do.
  25. @builtright3, that looks like it should work. Will they know the background behind it and how it's supposed to work? Per my requirement, I wanted a macro that would display the total number of pages for that particular drawing based on the total number of pages in the Layout Page Table. I've never put in a suggestion. If it could just be a checkbox as you suggest, that would be great. Thanks!