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About 5FT-20Designs

  • Birthday 08/16/1957

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    Southwest Louisiana

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  1. Don’t worry, you have my vote.
  2. Updated Plan w/Alaskan_Son's fix for the room name. Life Safety Egress Time - Rev 01.plan
  3. Thanks Michael, I wasn't hiding the segments. Guess I need to pay attention to what I'm doing.
  4. Michhael, Didn't know that trick. Adding to the polyline changes the %visible_length% itherefore the distance & time are changed. However, if you disconnect the segment & block both it works with one little issue. It doesn't follow the formatting based on the schedule number formatting. Have to format in the custom field itself. Believe manually inputting the room is easier. Thanks again for the tip.
  5. Until recently, adding a note with the maximum travel distance was all that was required. from the local planning department. When i talked with one of the plan reviewers, i was told now, a Life Safety Plan is required for all commercial projects. I've attached a plan w/polyline and schedule that determines the distance and egress time required. Still looking for a way to automatically add the room name based on the endpoint of the polyline. Let me know any improvements you may make. Life Safety Egress Time.plan
  6. Under your Wall Ddefinition, Wall Properties, Foundation to Exterior of Layer select the steel siding (outermost layer). See if that corrects the problem.
  7. Hollow beams look like the way to go. Secure a 2x cut to the inside beam width, attach your hollow beam w/screws from the side into the 2x. If you hadn’t finished the roof, could put some blocking between the rafters & lag bolt the beams from the top. I’m not an engineer, but I slept at a Motel 6 last night. If I remember my commercials correctly.
  8. @ValleyGuy During the design process, I use a letter then # such as A.00, A.01 etc, for revisions. Once the drawings are ready for construction I delete these revisions so the IFC drawings start with 00. Thought that might be the case, no global delete.
  9. Is there an easy way to delete all revision notes from a set of plans? Right now, I go sheet by sheet deleting the revision notes. Not a big issue with 6-7 sheets, but it gets to be a pain with 20-25 sheets. I clear the revision notes when I issue the drawings for construction. Thanks,
  10. Hadn’t had any issues in X16. Sometimes hard to place in exact location. Try placing the new toolbar anywhere in the stack, then move the others until they are in the order you want.
  11. I want to suppress all electrical item labels by default. Is there a way to do that? I know I can turn the label layer off, but i want to see labels for certain items such as electrical panels. I’ve suppressed all the default electrical items, but if I select a different light fixture for example, the label is displayed. Thanks