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  1. Dermot's post in Struggling to insert a line break on an imported PDF was marked as the answer   
    I am going to assume that you imported the pdf directly onto the layout page.  Try importing the pdf into a cad detail first.  Then when you send the cad detail to the layout you will be able to shape the layout box any shape you want.
  2. Dermot's post in Elevations printing (pdf) incorrectly was marked as the answer   
    We have just posted an update for X14 (24.2.1) that should correct this problem.  You can find the update here:
    You can find the update notes here:
    Chief Architect X14 Update Notes - 7/20/2022
    If you continue to see any problems after downloading and installing this update, please contact our technical support team:
  3. Dermot's post in Large Water Supply Pipe was marked as the answer   
    I would probably just use a 3D molding polyline (as suggested by Ryan) with a round molding profile set to the size of the pipe. 
    I think it will give you a much more realistic model and it will allow you to more easily do things like accurately design the vent with the proper slope to meet code.  Plus learning how to use the 3D molding polyline might come in very handy for other situations, like with other HVAC or plumbing.

  4. Dermot's post in New Laptop - Importing all backed-up Libraries at once was marked as the answer   
    KB-00001 is about backing up.
    KB-00091 is about restoring.
  5. Dermot's post in The Windows 11, 3000 Series RTX Debacle. was marked as the answer   
    Did you see this post?
  6. Dermot's post in Library Material & Elevation not syncing was marked as the answer   
    The view on the top looks like it is using the standard render technique.  The view on the bottom looks like it is using the vector view render technique.
    Render views will display textures and vector views will display patterns.
    It looks like your material has a texture but no pattern.  If you want it to display a pattern in vector views, you will need to add one.  You also need to make sure that the layer for patterns is turned on.  You also need to make sure that your pattern lines are not the same color as your material.
    More information about materials can be found in this video series:
    If that doesn't help, then you should either post a plan or contact technical support for additional help.
  7. Dermot's post in How to place a gate in a deck railing was marked as the answer   
    In X13, you can just select the object and then use the "Convert to Symbol" tool that appears on the edit toolbar.
    In X10 (as your signature indicates you are still using), you would first create a camera view with only the surfaces that you want to turn into a symbol.  Then you could use the "Convert to Symbol" tool that is in the Tools menu.
    And, as Eric is suggesting, more info can be found in your reference manual.
  8. Dermot's post in Issues with default settings was marked as the answer   
    The dialog box does not look normal in the picture you posted.  Maybe this is a problem having to do with your screen resolution or maybe you resized something and got into this state. 
    If the problem was the result of some manual changes you made, you could try going into your Preferences, and under the Reset Options, click on the Reset Dialog Sizes button.
    In any case, it looks like there is a scroll bar at the bottom of the dialog box.  You should be able to use this scroll bar to see all of the controls.
    If all else fails, you might want to contact technical support for more help.
  9. Dermot's post in Exterior Wall Area Calculation was marked as the answer   
    Chief's calculations are 100% accurate.   It's just that it may not be calculating things the way you want it to or expect it to.
    In the case of a single default siding wall that is 10' long by 10' high, you may note that the house wrap is 100 sqft and the siding is 111 sqft.  This is because the program is wrapping the siding around the ends but it does not do that with the house wrap.  The ends take about 11 sqft more siding.

  10. Dermot's post in I can't see my windows in plan view was marked as the answer   
    Is the color of your windows the same as your background color?  Try changing one of them to see if they are more visible.
  11. Dermot's post in Changing Code Number for Cabinet Labels was marked as the answer   
    Or, select the schedule and then use the "Renumber Schedule" tool.
  12. Dermot's post in Need to transfer Chief from C: drive to D: drive on my PC. was marked as the answer   
    See if this tech article helps:
  13. Dermot's post in This cursor is confusing, how do I turn it off? was marked as the answer   
    You go to the support knowledge base and search for "cursor" to find this article:
  14. Dermot's post in How do I view & delete phantom rooms? was marked as the answer   
    Rooms can be temporarily kept in memory.  You can see this by just drawing a 4 wall box and setting the room name to something unique.  If you delete one of the walls the room label will disappear.  If you redraw the wall, the room label will magically come back.  There are certain operations in the program that can clear out these temporary rooms.  One way to be sure that these temporary rooms have been removed is to just close and reopen the plan.
  15. Dermot's post in Show Handrail on Ramps? was marked as the answer   
    Yes.  You just need to open the ramp specification dialog and find the plan display options.
    What you can't do is have the program automatically create a handrail against the wall (instead of a full railing) like stairs will do automatically.
  16. Dermot's post in Truss labels change when opeing a V7 file in V8 was marked as the answer   
    We assumed that no one would ever want their trusses to start at "0" and changed them all to start at "1" in X8.  We made a mistake by not adjusting the labels on legacy plans when bringing them into X8.  We will look into putting in a fix for this but I have no idea when that might be available. 
    There are several ways you can deal with this problem for now:
    - You can continue to work on the plan in X7 instead of bringing it into X8.
    - You can manually edit the truss labels in X8 to display whatever you want it to display.
    - You can use a custom macro in X8 to show the same label that X7 would have (using Michael's method mentioned above).
    I would encourage you to always report problems like this directly to tech support.  Discussing problems on the forums is not the same as reporting them.
  17. Dermot's post in File compatibility between CA and HD (question beyond Knowledgebase) was marked as the answer   
    When we refer to Home Designer 2016, we mean all Home Designer products (Pro, Architectural, Suite, Interiors, and Essentials).
    When we refer to Chief Architect X7, we mean all professional products (Premier and Interiors).
  18. Dermot's post in Using Cabinet tool for column was marked as the answer   
    The corners have a gap because you are trying to model the sides using an inset door.  Modeling the sides as a frame and inset panel will probably work better.  See attached plan.

  19. Dermot's post in Staircase Does Not Appear On The Upper Floor was marked as the answer   
    Are you using a floor camera or a full camera?  In X2, floor cameras will not show anything above or below the floor you are on.  In X7, floor cameras have the option of showing the floors below them (as shown by Perry in his post).  Full cameras will always show the whole model (except what is hidden through layers).
  20. Dermot's post in Lock Live Renders was marked as the answer   
    Use Current Screen As Image for rendered views.
    Use Plot Lines for vector views.
  21. Dermot's post in Send To Layout Image Only? was marked as the answer   
    The "Send to Layout" options that are available depend on what rendering technique you are using.
    You can only send Standard render views as images.  You can send Vector Views as plot line drawings.
  22. Dermot's post in Distributed Object Spline Or Poly Height was marked as the answer   
    You can't control the height of the distributed line or polyline but you can control the height of the objects.
    In the distributed path/region specification dialog, you should find an "Edit" button to the right of the "Select" button.  This will allow you to modify the object being distributed.  Assuming your rocks are really just exterior fixtures, you should be able to raise or lower all of them by setting the "Floor to Bottom" height.  Also, you may want to make sure they are set to "Auto Adjust Height" so that they will follow the terrain height. 
    If all else fails, you can always explode the distributed path so that you can modify the rocks independently.
  23. Dermot's post in Can't Get Rid Of Automatically Created Room Dividers. was marked as the answer   
    You should not turn off the option to automatically connect island rooms.
    Your plan has "island" rooms.  These are interior rooms that are not connected to any exterior walls.  If they are not connected, you will very likely have problems with things like room definitions, floors and ceilings, moldings, and more.
    If you don't like where the program put the automatic room dividers, then draw your own and then you can delete the ones the program made.
    If you don't want to see the room dividers, then just turn off the layer.
  24. Dermot's post in Can't understand how room measurments are working? was marked as the answer   
    In the picture you have shown, your dimension is going from the outside of the framing to the outside of the framing and does not include the sheetrock on the outside of the building. 
    This makes the interior room dimensions 9'11" (10'7" - 4" - 4").
    The living area is also calculated from outside of framing to outside of framing which makes it 112 sq ft (10'7" x 10'7").
  25. Dermot's post in Symbol Sizing Limitation ? was marked as the answer   
    One of our more curious developers looked into this yesterday.  He discovered that there is a hardcoded limit built into Chief that won't allow you to resize any electrical object less then 1/2 of the original height.  This limit is only checked at the time the 3D data is built so you will only notice the change after viewing it in a camera view.  This code has been in Chief since as far back as our source control system allows us to see (around 1998).  Although I am quite sure this limit was put in for some specific reason, we are not able to determine what that reason might be.  We will probably remove this limit in the future as long as testing can't find any side effects.
    For now, you could probably create your own modified symbol by first converting it into a fixture, resizing it, and then converting it back into an electrical object.