
Chief Architect
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  1. Most of the time, this issue is just caused by being logged out of Chief. If anyone ever can't bring down these files and they are logged in, feel free to message me and I'll get it checked out.
  2. Hey Melissa, for your scale you'll want the "3:1 Tile" in substance player to match ratios to your 3"x9" Target. Once in Chief, we'll need to count the number of tiles in the image we got from substance player and do a little math to get the Scale in Chief. Number of horizontal tiles x Width of Actual Tile = Chief Scale So for this example we have... 8 tiles across the 3:1 tile layout x 9" wide tile. Scale for the material in Chief should be 72". Because the image is square, the vertical scale value will be the same. Let me know if this helps at all.
  3. I just added a stamped tin folder to core in X16 in the last update. I know you said you were on X13, but it's there waiting for you if you ever make the jump to X16+. One thing you can also try is just adding a normal map of any pattern you want onto a tin metal material. Just poking around on Google, you can find some decent looking stuff and apply it to a metal material in Chief, See image.
  4. Hey Chopsaw! Good catch. Yeah, I kinda vaguely remember STLs not carrying material data but sorta hoped SolidWorks has some other export options that can carry it or had some sort of clever system in place that Chief can read. Either way, mats need to be assigned for Chief to break an import into material layers. I've never dabbled in SolidWorks, I'm pretty curious about it though.
  5. Chief works with material layers when importing, so when you make something to import you need to apply materials for where you want chief to see them before you export. I'm not familiar with SolidWorks workflow but in 3ds max I need to make a specific material for the cab, countertop, hardware, etc. I then need to apply the materials to the correct locations on the model then export/import should show the material layers in Chief. I'll dig into SolidWorks tomorrow morning if this is still kinda confusing and help out more. Also, if you post your model I can show you how I do it in 3ds Max if that helps at all.
  6. Hey Neil, looks like you have your "Scale" in the texture Panel set to 0mm on both the X and the Y. Scale is the size Chief makes the material show as before it repeats on itself and setting it to 0 makes it behave as if "Stretch to Fit" was active so your single tile is being stretched to fit the surface you apply it to. Try setting the "Scale" to be the dimensions you'd like the single tile to be and see what you get, if that's still not working let me know and we can try some more solutions.
  7. Yup yup! Thanks for the heads up KBird. All the files should be on the first post of the thread. For the tile builder, you're looking for... Chief_Architect_Tile_Builder.sbsar If you see it and it says "Unavaiable" then you need to sign into ChiefTalk to enable file download. If you still can't find it, let me know and I'll investigate further.
  8. Glad to hear you use it, a brick builder is very much on my list of things to get done. The second I get a manufacturer catalog or a material update with brick assigned to me, I'll flesh one out and get it posted.
  9. Yeah, the image input takes the image you give it and slices it up into the tile layout you select. I'm unable to make it remove the grout or add more surface area though so your best bet is to either find a better continuous image (counter tops work great for this kind of stuff) or edit the image via photoshop or something else to take out the grout. I'll also add "Terrazo Material" type to the todo list for next time.
  10. Morning gang! Today an update went out for the Tile Builder that should fix this. Get the latest tile builder from the Substance Player thread and use the new ~Image Input RAW Material Type instead of the old ~Image Input. This should maintain your image color at the cost of using the color picker and inverter (which we don't want for this.) If you do find that you need more color controls, the old ~Image Input option still functions the same way. Hope this helps!
  11. Small update to the tile builder, gang. You can get latest at the top of this thread, as per usual. -Added a new material selection "~Image Input RAW" that bypasses the color picker so you get the true color of whatever image you drop in. -All controls should work with this material type normally EXCEPT the color picker and the inverter control. -Feel free to post any problems you find here or e-mail me at, this update is small but it has a lot of capability to get into a weird state. I think I got most of the oddballs but just in case, don't be shy if you find anything that needs fixin'. -Also tinkered with 1:1 Large Tile for better checkered tiling. -Various under the hood clean ups.
  12. These guys are also on the list but we'll shoot them another e-mail as well. Also, as always, users asking for Chief-able catalogs carries a lot more weight than if we reach out so don't be shy about telling them what you want.
  13. Hey Joe, I'm pretty sure we reached out to these guys a couple times but still no bites yet. I'll put them back on the request list for you though. If it helps at all, I did add a Masonry and Stone builder recently at the top of this ChiefTalk thread. It's not specific to the system paver products but it IS a generic collection of paver options that might help you out.
  14. There is a very good chance this will happen eventually, it's high on my personal list. The builders are just collections of materials I've made for other Chief catalogs, all bundled up together after I have enough of one type. So, eventually, after I've made enough stone materials, I'll be able to plug them into a builder and we'll be good to go. Glad you enjoy the tool!