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Posts posted by builtright3

  1. I think I figured it out but I set everything up late last night and my computer locked on me after all the work and lost everything. The automatic save didn't even work. My bad for not saving as I go I guess.


    Thank You for your response

  2. I added a new annotation set call floor annotation set and tried to link it to the floor plan but when I switch to another plan and come back to floor plan it goes back to the 1/4" annotation set. Why doesn't it just stay the way I set it up with the newly assigned floor annotation set?

  3. I noticed that the leader line with text uses the Rich Text which is used a lot with Me.


    One of the tings that confused me a little bit is that Cheif has the default Rich Text set at 30" and rgeular text at 12" and 6" depending on scale. Was wondering what the intended use of 30" text was when they set that up?

  4. Graeme - which 2 files?

    Joey - right click on what file/where to change default?


    The default for both the main chief x& exe file as well as the ray tracer exe file are set to the Nvidia caard but the Intel shows up under preferences for ray trace.  I guess I will call TS tomorrow.

    Thanks for the feedback though!


    Not sure what version of windows your using but I'm in windows7


    See if this attached picture makes sense to you. You need to get to the Chief program and right click to get to the default setting for the video card for the Chief program. There may be another way but this was the best way I learned through Chief tech support.


  5. I trying to get straight in my head the difference between rich text and regular text (when and when to use them). I understand that they both have there different functions but I get confused as to which one to chose at times.


    Can someone give some examples how you use them? I'm also in the process of setting up annotation sets and that is what started this question. I want to set up the text to what I would use the most.


    I hope this question makes sense. Let me know if you don't understand it.   

  6. You have to make sure that you go to CA in the program files directly. With mine I right click and select to change the default. Otherwise evertime you open it it will go back to the the other.

    This info was as per CA teck support when then helped me.

  7. Is there any way that this could be corrected with CA?


    Yes, post a suggestion in the suggestions section of the forum


    CA will then add it to their database of requests


    when it will be "fixed" depends on priorities






    Squeaky wheel gets the oil. The more that suggest it the sooner it may get done. 

    I will do that right now.

  8. Glenn:


    I don't get your "irony" reference ???


    I'm asking serious questions about the definition of "work-around"


    but all I get in reply is "dancing"


    oh well, as a systems analyst/programmer having started in 1976

    and working for over a dozen major corps around the DC beltway


    I am quite familiar with the usage and definition of a "work-around"


    some will deny it but Chief requires many "work-arounds" to get the job done


    as it will be forever


    no software can be "perfect"

    nor can it be all things to all users


    users find "work-arounds"

    they get reported to CA


    then CA decides whether to implement that "work-around"

    as a feature or "fix"


    and the next cycle begins



    That makes good sense Lew


  9. Rethinking my previous posts.  I am a remodeler.  When I want to remodel a ROOM it should include what is on the walls.

    i.e. - repair/replace drywall in master bedroom.   I don't look at a room as what is on the floor but the whole room including

    walls and ceiling. 



    All, thanks for your help but I still don't seem to have a solution.  builtright3 suggested using the "materials area select tool" which works fine for a square room but what if the room is not square.  I would think I should be able to just click in a room and get the materials list including wall board.  Attached is a basement project and I feel I should be able to get the material list for the two finished rooms.


    I agree also that you should be able to see all the materials for an individual room when you select "room materials" tool. Is there any way that this could be corrected with CA?

  10. I not as advanced a you guy's but it seems to me that if your going to have a tool called "Room Material List" that it should be complete or don't have it. 


    Maybe that is why Chief came up with the "materials area select tool" because it works great!

  11. I draw a 16 x 16 bedroom and do a material list.  Sq ft for carpet is correct, LF of baseboard is correct, drywall is incorrect.  It shows only 8 sheets and I would need 16 sheets for the walls.  Also,  why does it not calculate drywall for ceiling or is it only doing the ceiling and not the walls?


    I don't appear to be having that issue.


  12. Joey, I opened your plan, used the edit all roof planes tool and changed spacing there. It seemed to work for me.


    I didn't think of edit all roofs. I thought when you change the default it changed it every where?


    Thank You

  13. That's the cool thing about what Perry has done because you can take a drawing that is finished and make a template out of it. Just reconfigure the floor plan to a square and back away items off to the side so you can bring them back is as needed. If you want you can set up a few different variables simply by when you draw a different type of job you can save as template and do the same thing.

  14. OK (sheepishly raising hand), I'll cop to it.

    With the overall tenor of the forum lately and

    all the sniveling about Chief's perceived lack

    of CAD tools I thought it would be fun to see

    what people's reactions would be. I wish I

    had thought of the SSA angle while I was

    trying to flesh out my phony article with some

    plausible sounding techno-babble. Could of

    had some real fun there. I was originally going

    to create an imaginary publication called

    "AutoCAD Weakly" ;) but it was running

    late so I just borrowed a page from the

    CADALYST web site and edited it in PSP to

    suit my purposes.


    Hope y'all got a chuckle out of it.

    I want some credit! I'm the one who started the "Positive Thoughts" topic because there was a lot of sniveling going on!

  15. I typically always work from my layout first to get to the plan files that I need to edit.


    Its not so much I don't know how things work (but still have a lot to learn) it's more of how to organize it. I think with what everyone has shared with me I am very grateful because I have a better understanding of what direction to go now to clean things up. I really like Perry's way of setting up templates and I like Joe's way of organizing details so I learned a lot from both of you and not to mention the input from others that I have not disregarded. Everyone's input is always important to the whole picture.


    Thank You!!!

  16. I did all that and I deleted all the framing and started over and set the spacing and rebuild in manually and automatic. I tried it and the spacing does not change. I went out of the plan and back it, I reset everything in every way I could think of. I have to be missing something though unless there is a glitch in the system.