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Posts posted by builtright3

  1. Hmm, that workflow didn't occur to me. I would add it to plan first as a cad detail to get the proper name and scale and have it listed in the project browser, and then send it to layout.


    That's what I was trying to explain but Joe put it in better words.


    Good job Joe!

  2. On the old forum their was a great link to a history of the releases. I can't find it.........I know I was using version 8 in 2002 so either it came out in 2002 or late 2001.


    I could remember my version but not when I bought it. So that means I have been using CA for 13 years now and I'm just now learning how to use it effectively.

  3. I put the Y offset to -1/4 and it puts it inside the layout box so I can have the two labels side by side and maybe I will off set the scale to the right a little so it will be centered. Maybe more work than its worth. Another suggestion for CA to come up with a better way to do this.

  4. My two cents;


    Double plate isn't necessary but a nice added feature if your going to drywall or you have to do blocking. If your budget is tight you can save 40 or 50 bucks by not putting it in. Also its a little more labor so I don't include the extra bottom plate unless the customer wants it. I work mostly for people with average to low incomes so I keep things tight as long as the quality doesn't drop two much.

  5. Joey,


    You can put the Label in the Plan (per Layerset) and just use the Layout Box Label for the Scale

    I tried for the last hour to figure out what you are telling me here but I just cant seem to figure it out. Can you give a little more detail? I'm sure I'm missing something simple.

  6. All my details are set at 1/2" scale and all my text for 1/2" scale is set at 2.5". I don't remember any time when I ever used any other scale. There has never been a need. You can make a detail size as small as 1/4" per foot and still read a 2.5" text size though.


    I understand what you are saying about the library. That's why it is a hard decision to make because its very handy to take details right out of the library and drop it in the layout plan. Its easy to send the details from the plan file also, it is just a matter of getting used to it. I'm not going to try and sway you one way or the other. Just stating what works for best for me. 

  7. Joe, when you say you never use library for details I assume this is because you want to have details in real world scale, but what if you added them to plan first and then sent to layout?


    I've been basically going back to older projects to find earlier details or something similar enough, but have reached a point where I would like to build a more structured library, and this seems to work well for me. The only annoying part is if I can't decide the size of the detail ahead of adding notes, I will have to rescale all text. Can't quite seem to figure out how do this easily with annotations.


    What is the suggested workflow? To work in real world scale in plan and then set scale when sending to layout, or set the anticipated layout scale already in Plan drawing sheet setup?


    My view on this is that I would like to always work in real world scale in plan, but then when I set the scale sending to layout (or rescaling in Layout) I would like to switch the annotations to a corresponding scale as well. Is there a way to do this?

    I know your question is for Joe but I would like to comment on your question as well.


    I have totally rebuilt my plan templates mostly on what I have learned from Joe and Perry. I have worked with setting up my details in the layout plan in the past and have recently changed everything into a plan and sending it to layout. I found that working in both scales can get confusing sometimes and so I made a decision to real world scale for that reason. I believe Perry is very well organized and is used to his method but I just cant seem to get used to that particular method. I like to keep everything to real world scale. Works best for me. I made a plan called "details, notes & other" and I keep all my details in it. The best way I found to access the details is to open the plan and select the detail you want in the project browser to open it and send to layout.

  8. Hey guys,


    I would like to know if there is a way to set the layout plan label to plan specific? Another words in this layout page I attached I have a roof plan and a floor plan. They are both set up with macros but they are two different plans (roof plan & floor plan). I thought it should be tied to the anno set but I couldn't find a macro to find the title.


  9. Why do so many people shun engineers? Engineers are your friend. Engineers know lot's of stuff about engineering, gravity and making sure people in and near buildings stay not dead.


    Did I miss something here? I didn't see a post where anyone shunned engineers? Or is this just a general comment?

  10. Joey,

    I take issue with your wise man, one can be neutral. :)

    If by complaining I am part of the problem then so be it. As an amateur programmer I am critical of some of the things I see.

    There are a lot of easy fixes that would improve the CA interface. So for pointing that out I am part of the problem?

    I am not happy to make due & get by with "work around's". Sorry but that is who I am. BTW I do send suggestions to Chief.

    And I respect your opinion and see nothing wrong in you stating it.



    Sorry Alan,

    May have crossed the line a little bit. I have appreciated you on this forum. I stand behind what I said in general but I owe you an apology because you are basically an encourager to others. Your not the problem. 


  11. played around with your plan in 10 and fixed things up ,I think? but you'll need to check the specs as I don't know your real heights etc


    did you by chance place your garage doors and windows etc BEFORE you made it a Garage Room  and built the foundation ? in older versions it is always good to build the walls>roof>foundation and get all the structure right ,then start Detailing....windows/doors/stairs etc.




    attachicon.gifGarage Doors and Windows_V10_Pro.plan

    Good job Mick,

    I notice a lot of setting off in his plan and I just didn't have the time to fix it. He may want to try to go back to all the CA default settings and start fresh.

  12. All I know is that I am very appreciative of the help I get on this forum. If you don't want to send your plan file out then don't do it. Its as simple as that. Just don't expect people to bend over backwards to help you. Last I check we still have freedom of choice in this country (so far).

  13. I haven't heard mention of what your roof pitch is but it looks like you are definitely under designed structurally. I couldn't imagine the rafters working for snow load (on your post heading it says you are in Chicago). If you don't go to an engineer you may be able to get some minimum standard framing details, rafter spans and ceiling joist spans (or rafter ties) from your local building department.

  14. Thanks for tip. Would like to know who to do that. Have a few other questions too


    Below is the specs from the village:


    1. 5" concrete slab on 4" gravel/stone base
    2. Monolithic pour with 10"x20" perimeter grade beam all four sides
    3. Rebar: 2 continuous #4's top and bottom or 1 #5 in middle third of grade beam
    4. Siding 6" above grade, brick to be 4" above grade.
    5. 6 x 6 W 2.1xW2.1 wire mesh required
    6. Minimum 6 bag mix with 5-6% air.

    Is the surface of the slab normally level with grade? If so, I guess the stem wall would be required to better stop water, etc. coming in. Or does the slab sit partially/wholly above grade?


    How do i specify a stem wall. I have to use a monolithic slab (is a monolithic pour the same as a monolithic slab?), so the stem wall is disabled


    For the perimeter grade beam (No 2) do I just specify that as the slab's footing. I assume 10" is width and 20" is depth





    Typically I make the garage slab 1" above grade at the door opening and then make my driveway slab even with the garage slab again at the door opening.



  15. Larry,


    Just a thought;

    Have you tried to call CA tec. support yet? Sometimes I call when I don't understand those things. If your a member you pay for that premium support so you should utilize it.


    I feel your pain with the Spec.DBX! I wish I had an answer for you. Some how I always make it work and never know why. I will continue to watch and try and help the best I can.

  16. As I am not and expert at programing I would assume that the problem may lie in the fixes themselves. When you fix one thing another problem may arise. They need some of us involved in using the program after the fixes to test it. I think it is just a vicious circle. When you install a new version or upgrade make sure the old one you are used to is still active so you can switch back if you need too. If you don't want to go thru this possess then stay a couple of versions behind. I however like the challenges so I can learn more about the program along with CA. No program will never be perfect. We should continue to forward all our problems and suggestions to CA and not just complain. Don't mean to sound like I'm scolding someone but a wise man once said to me "If your not part of the solution you are part of the problem".

