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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. Mick, I actually went ahead and made the changes but then noticed when I went to double click in the center of a room it would select a door, cabinet or staircase in the distance of the room. So I didnt like that reaction to the changes so when I went and changed them back to 12, it still kept the same bump behavior in that the cabinets would no longer easily push through the walls. WHO WHAT HUH?! Oh well just glad the double clicking in the room went back to normal as well as cabinet bump behavior. What a strange and first time chief experience with this!
  2. Mick, Thanks for the reply Mick. Bingo! That was it! Yeah it said maximum bump distance was set at 150 and snap distance was only at 12. Funny how none of the versions of chief Ive had Ive never run into this problem before. Does the snap preferences also affect how walls snap too? Is the snap settings in preferences just the overall default for everything snap? Just curious, I havent had to ever change these settings before.
  3. I have X10 and when I move a cabinet it pushes effortlessly through a wall?? This has never happened to me before with chief. I also have bump push selected. Does anyone know what selection I might have on in defaults to create this behavior with the cabinets? Thanks!
  4. Jerry, thanks so much for finding that, it is exactly what I was looking for! Chiefs libraries are great, its just sometimes things are hidden in the bonus libraries that you forget even have items like lighting. Thanks again!
  5. Im looking for a particular exterior light fixtures that I thought Ive seen in Chiefs bonus libraries but cant seem to find it. It looks similar to the one in the picture attached but has a larger metal hood on it and doesnt have the large glass bulb cover. The one featured in my picture (from chiefs main library lighting catalogue "Narciss Sconce") is for interior uses and Im looking for something for exterior lighting. Im not sure what the name of the style of exterior light is even called. Does anyone know of a exterior light fixture in chief similar to this? Thanks in advance!
  6. Thanks for the reply Eric. That dbx is not in 3d view defaults.... where is that located?
  7. Thanks for the reply Glenn. So I havent used this feature before. If I stack the window above the door will it show on the 1st floor as a door and then erase the 2d window on the second floor? How is it best done in chief to stack the window over the door?
  8. I use to know how to do this but cant remember where this selection is.... in perspective floor overview how do you get the floor below to show up in "open to below" applications? Thanks in advance!
  9. I have a first floor with double height ceilings. I have an oval window placed above the front door that is still seen from the first floor inside the home. When I look at the floor plan the oval window appears on the second floor. How would this be appropriately shown? I wouldnt want the window to show up on the first floor as it would mess the lines of the front door up, yet I dont want it upstairs on the second floor. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
  10. Im finished with all interior and exterior designs of the home. Now Ive changed the interior design to have white window trim on the interior, casing etc and a dark color on the exterior. I tried making these changes in the window defaults but as the home is already finished, making these changes made no difference. Am I going to have to go around each window and paint it? EEK! The house is near 4,000 square feet and three floors so that could take a while, Id like to think theres got to be another way. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks so much!
  11. So in order for us to figure out which ones come with a smooth surface vs the hand scraped look do we go on the Armstrong website and go through the different styles and match up the names on chief?
  12. Thanks Robert. Im not sure if they changed the imaging but maybe it was in past chief versions, I just remember these type of floors appeared less smooth and flat surfaced. Thanks for the help nonetheless!
  13. Does anyone know if Chiefs/manufacture libraries have hand scraped wood floors? I remember seeing these before but cant find them in the library? I looked at the armstrong wood flooring but didnt see any. Any ideas? Thanks!
  14. I have a custom limestone block with running course. I imported it to chief and the default setting for the texture image is 20 x 20. In order for it to look accurate and realistic I have to change the size settings to 80 x 20. Each time I apply the texture in a new plan I have to use to rainbow tool to change the ratio. Is there a way to set it once and have the chief library remember that setting so I dont have to adjust it every time I use that material? Thanks in advance!
  15. Here we are again with the brick sills.... I like how the second windows brick sill is recessed but like how the first windows casing isnt recessed. Is there a way to have both the non recessed casing yet have recessed brick sill? Thanks in advance!
  16. Thanks so much for the recommendation Chopsaw! For those of you using you feel the pdf/watermark making tools in chief are quite customizable or just minimum? I might be upgrading at the first of the year.
  17. Yes thanks for the additional help Chopsaw. It was the link where they talked about a photo editor program to add the watermark?
  18. Mick, thanks for the referral I will go check that out!