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    Design, House Boats, designing B & Bs, helping my clients achieve their dreams in both residential and commercial projects. I am truly blessed by God in life to make a living doing my lifelong hobby. I have been designing buildings from the age of 8 years old. Work is fun and a happy place I look forward to almost every day. I have been using Chief for over 24 years now. Started with 3D Home Architect then upgraded to V6 around 24 years ago.

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  1. I too wish Chief would allow us to do more floors. I'm working on a city project the building has to be at least 45 floor to win the contract. I have been making two floors as one to met the project goal in Chief. Here is a look at the building, For the project it has to have Offices, Condos, A hotel and restaurants. I added several upper leave parks and green tree lined parking floors on the first 8 floors. The building will be built in the center of our down town.
  2. Scott It's been suggested we can buy Full Version with the Upgrade that does not need re-licensing every 14 days to open the program? Or can we have the system your using for the Africa Users without reliable internet? Ether I'm sure could make the hardware lock users want to upgrade? Some users keep saying Chief has gone to only allowing us access 14 day at a time because Chief dose not trust US? In fact they keep stating this point. Is this why the new 14 day frisk? Please explain why we are not trusted customers? Is Africa Trusted better?
  3. Scott can we buy the Upgrade Graham told us about that does not need re-licensing every 14 days to open the program? Or can we have the system your using for Africa Users without reliable internet? Ether I'm sure could make the hardware lock users want to upgrade?
  4. Scott Harris, dose the Full Version Graham talks about need internet access every 14 days to give you permission open your files? Derek also explains last Monday you are doing something different for the African users as they don't have stable internet. can the American users have the same as the African users? Are we trusted as much as them?
  5. Graham you seem to be saying for CA and Scott Harris they only trust us for 14 days now after 20 years of business?
  6. Graham Korbey; has said we can buy X10 upgrade without SSA fees or internet access. Brian Beck your on-line right now, can we? If so how much will it cost for Users to buy X10 upgrade and have all rights to open our files without the program accessing the internet at any time like Chief hardware locks. Graham says your selling this? This is great news for all of us As your on-line right now could you let us all know the cost. Thanks! And thanks Graham for this fix! Great News!
  7. Brian could you please lets us all now if Graham is right saying we can out right buy the program and we don't need internet every 14 days?  If so please tell us how much it cost to get the X10 upgrade without internet re-licensing.  Thanks Brain!  You will make a lot of users happy!

  8. But in X9 we have all rights to open our files, X10 removes our rights to open files. We have to get permission every 14 days. It's very clear! Many of us are not willing to give up the rights we have always had.
  9. Can any chief monitor verify Graham's statement? This would be a fix to all the problems for the last few days. Brian Beck can you answer if Graham is right and the cost please?
  10. I don't think many have heard of that, what does an upgrade cost without SSA fees? Many of us have been asking for this for years. Many of us keep saying we don't need the SSA fee just the upgrade but have been told that is not possible. Your are now saying they have something new? Please show us it's true?
  11. Graham; Can you or Chief show users where they can buy each upgrade outright? That would make all the hardware lock users Happy. Please show us what your saying?
  12. X10 is not about hardware locks, or internet access, X10 is a policy change understood from X1 of who holds the rights to open user's files Chief is clear the yearly SSA Fee now will only allows users 14 days access to open your files at a time from X10 foreword. Stop paying SSA Fee and permission to open your files and the ability to run your business is??? CA is very clear they will grant you permission every 14 days to open your work and client files for your yearly fee. Just don't ever stop paying every year if you don't want to lose access to your work and client files. This is why many are saying they will staying at X9 until a better deal is made to upgrade. It's that simple!
  13. If chief is concerned our hardware lock from the previous up-grade allow us to sell the old program when we upgrade to a new version, I understand their concern. I would agree to returning the hardware lock for reprogramming each time. Then both user and provider can feel safe. And both showed respect for each other's partnership in the growth and well being of Chief Architect for all of us.
  14. Chief might consider Grandfathering long term users/supporters at this turning point in the programs growth. Many of us that have been around 20 years or more, longer than a lot of the staff, have years of training and our life long careers, businesses and livelihoods built supporting the Chief Architect, It's staff and the program. Those of us around between 10 and X1 know what happen then. Grandfathering Chief's loyal and fateful partners with a few different rules to thank them for their long term support would be a great way to say we need to go in a little different direction moving forward So we would like to Grandfather you for your support and belief in us all these years. IE: our Hardware Lock, really all we are asking for. And it seems the long term supporters are the ones asking so you Chief does not have to worry about upsetting the rest. Maybe a suggested line is you stayed with us though the X1 upgrade! You had Chief 10
  15. This is why I'm starting WeThePeopleSayNo.org  Like the Harvey Weinstein and Me Too Movement.  We as a group have power and rights.  We are going to name all companies try extortion like this a danger to the public.  Thanks to Chief and Derek this will be a national movement announces on all social media and TV station worlds wide in a few days.  Everyone is going to now Chief as our Harvey Weinstein.  I'm just giving Chief the chance to lead the fight for us the users or be the face of the monster the world is going to take down like dirt old men.  They have a few days left to decide.  They were asked Monday! I hope they love us as much as we love then and will understand they have gone too far and will want to show they care where their bread is buttered.