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    Residential renovations/remodeling/additions

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  1. I am willing to give it a look. rapearson876@outlook.com is my email address. Lets talk.
  2. Hello, I am Richard and I would like to assist with your projects. I am very competent with the chief architect premier and other BIM software. If you have not already filled the vacancy, please consider me. Please feel free to contact for any information or sample work.
  3. Hello, my name is Richard Pearson, are you an Architect, Engineer, Contractor or just any other building practitioner in the Atlanta ga. area who would like a drafting assistant. I would like to assist you with your projects. I am very knowledgeable about the city's requirements and applicable codes and will be able to expedite your projects through the various departments namely (zoning, site development, arborist and building) for speedy approval. I am very competent with chief architect premier and also other BIM software. Provide me with your sketch, (correct as-built if it's a remodel) and your design and I will do the rest. If you need any other information or sample project, I would be happy to provide.
  4. Hi I am in Jamaica but if you are will to send me your sample I would be happy to see how we can work together. email- rapearson876@gmail.com
  5. I AM INTERESTED. My contact rapearson876@outlook.com I can provide sample work if needed.
  6. Rapearson

    AIR B&B

  7. You couldn't pay me enough to do this why would go back to autocad and we have chief. You asking us to go back to paper and pencil after learning Chief...NOT GOING TO HAPPEN..
  8. Hi, guys, I am working on a small project but I am stump on a little issue which I know should be a simple fix. I can't seem to get my walls above my flat roof to be exterior walls with sidings. Can I get someone to point me to the reason and the solution? here is the file if someone wants to have a look. NB All other advice or if there are any other flaws in my project that anyone viewing my notice and want to point out are welcome as I am still finding my way around chief. 1007_ASHY_GROVE_NEW.plan
  9. Good day, I am Richard and I am in Jamaica and would like to give your offer a try. Please let me know if the offer is still open or you already.
  10. I am interested hence I sent you a PM
  11. Hey if you don't mind someone doing it remotely then I would love to take a look at what you have.
  12. Can someone tell me why chief will not frame a deck in this location, it will if I put the deck elsewhere on the plan but just not in this location where it is. It will label it as a deck space but I have not created framing hence in 3D view it is empty. I will attach the file for more detail of what I am talking about. Beatie Ave.plan
  13. Hi kajagam can this be a remote position as I am in Jamaica but would be interested in working with you. Please give consideration and get back to me.