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Everything posted by decorators3

  1. Hi I created a terrain perimeter and attempting to adjust elevations but nothing happens,, I have a symbol of a terrain and 3 trees on it that keeps moving when I try to adjust .. how do I eliminate this symbol Levina
  2. HI I am trying to decide how best to create exterior stair access to full walk out basement.. Not sure best way to go . these options were presented to me by the client..
  3. Thank you .. I appreciate this information.. Levina
  4. HI I have attached a copy of a plot plan but not sure how to read this and interpret the measurements - for the house am designing. your help is appreciated. This is my first house design from plot to finishplot plan for nre home.pdf for a client Thanks for all your help
  5. yes i think i will do that.. thanks
  6. Hi Do I need SSA in order to upgrade to X12 from X11
  7. Thank you.. Im learning as I go .. watching the videos. doing construction layouts for the first time. certainly is a learning curve for sure but t his forum has been so helpful over the past year or so. Levina
  8. ...thank you... trying to see if my roof is done properly mc inty .zip
  9. I'm wondering if there is a reason I cannot out two different level floor plans on the same page.. I keep trying to put upper floor plan and lower floor plan on same page but it repeats the first floor plan I send to layout.. thanks Levina
  10. plan attached I think i fixed some of the issues but not all. roofs can be very intricate....oh oh says file too big
  11. trying to create multiple roofs... have 3 levels with floor plans done ,,ive attached the elevations - as you can see the roof on sides and rear seem to be ok.. but getting the front has been a nightmare... I have created some roofs but I have not been able to recreate the roof fronts of the house the way it should be. I'm afraid to delete the roofs that are ok in case I cant get them back again. this is my first time with a multiple roofs ..nightmare.. Anybody out there can advise. I've gone into each room and referenced the roof and ceiling over each room.. rear elevation.pdf right side elevation pdf.pdf left side elevation.pdf front elevation.pdf
  12. Hi I'm having trouble creating a corner unit for wall oven ..I have tried building a corner wall unit.. but appliances cant be inserted into a corner. Any suggestions. attached is the unit i'm trying to recreate in my design Thanks Levina
  13. Hi this is probably a very stupid request.. but I have pressed some button that shadows my floor plan see attached over view is ok but plan is shaded
  14. I live in St. John's. Newfoundland - eastern Canada and we are experience tremendous blizzard conditions at the moment .. Every thing in our city is shut down including my brain Conditions in eastern Newfoundland are deteriorating rapidly as the storm of a generation whips through, dumping around 70 cm of snow. Throw in hurricane-force winds and it makes for a situation which is crippling the region. Very little is moving and plows are being taken off the roads as visibility is, at times, nil. The snow is falling at an incredible pace. David Neal, meteorologist with the Gander Weather Office, says St. John’s International had 19 cm as of 10:30. Neal says the hour before that there was nine centimetres down, so we’re looking at about 10 cm in one hour. Winds are gusting at about 80 km/h in metro, higher in the south. The City of St. John’s has declared a state of emergency, meaning all businesses are ordered to close, and all vehicles are ordered to stay off the roads. thanks I figured it out..!! I thnik... Every thing in our city is shut down including my brain Levina
  15. decorators3


    How do I generate a "flat surface" for soffit under my eave instead of the soffit slanting the same angle as the roof Thanks Levina CA x11
  16. Hi I've been away for several months and only now getting back into my CA 11. But when I open my plan I get this error message. I've tried updating my library but I have NOTHING no core no bonus no manufacturers. Can anyone direct me or do I contact tech support Thanks
  17. How do you create the clear window panes when I do a ray trace - my windows are always vey dark
  18. I don't know what to say.. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR ASSISTANCE. You make it look easy,.. which I guess it is.. I should have probably scratched the plan and started fresh instead of trying to fix it .. which only caused me more issues..but I was in a time crunch for renderings. I read the tutorials and watch the help videos but sometimes I get lost. This is a very important project for me... again please accept my thanks.. Levina
  19. Here is what happened to my roof