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Everything posted by decorators3

  1. decorators3


    When I open my recent plan I can't see my plan but can view the 3D Perspective.. I know the view is there but i is not visible. Any suggestions??
  2. Thanks Sorry should have clarified more. the cross lines attached to my curser how do I remove them
  3. decorators3


    Every time I start this is what appears on my plan, how do I remove this line gird.. It moves with my curser and is very confusing..
  4. Thank you all for your comments. I've just started project but think I have a handle on it now
  5. Hi I have Chief Architect Premier X10. The plan I;m working on is fairly large in scale..4 level apartment building - with main entrance and 2 side angled wings. each WING IS 80' long and entrance is 25' wide. My question is how do I make this look realistic on my plan, I am concerned about the rendering outcome... want to ensure that I present the best realist rendering showing siding and stucco detail plus windows, landscaping.. etc. How do I downscale or what do I need to do to present a professional rendering ( when I'm done ) see attached plan layout Thanks