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  1. Thanks to all for the assistance. Looks like I need to go back to my repair people and see about a new driver or live with using X12, the newest version that I can get to work. Thanks Again Bill Layman
  2. Recently, last week my computer crashed. Lucky for me it is a slow time for work, but i've gotten a new HD installed and thought this would be a piece of cake. But no when it rains it pours. I have an Nvidia graphics and they no longer support this. I started looking at the responses on chief talk and i see it has been several years they stopped supporting it. I never had any problems over the years so I thought it would just take off and I'd be back drawing in no time. WRONG again! I'm running a Laptop MSI QE72 2QD Apache Pro computer with I NVIDIA GTX 960 0M graphics. and from the looks of talk abut the Nvidia upgrades on here I'm lost and need a lot of help. I really would appreciate any help available (short of buying a new computer) as I'm computer illeriate when it comes to the inside workings of the computer. Thank you Bill Layman
  3. My HP 500 24" plotter has finally quit on me. What plotter would be recommended for a small office. Just started looking and the T100 & T125 seem to be about right. Any comments? I like the convenience of my own plotter and not having to run to town for copying every other day. Plus I have 4 cases of paper (hopefully I can reuse them) & a number of ink cartridges that will be history. Thanks for any and all help. Bill Layman
  4. I noticed you are also in Northern Va , I’m a home owner and have done my own plans in CF, and need an engineer stamp for Prince William county. Do you have an engineer local you could refer?

  5. blayman


    Has any one purchased a small (24") wide printer/plotter lately? I started looking at the HP T120 or T520 both 24" plotters. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with either one? Or any recommendations for a small plotter. My HP 500 has finally given up, after many many cases of paper and ink cartridges. I have number of ink cartridges available and an HP500 not working if anyone is interested in it for parts? Thanks Bill Layman MSI GE72 2QD Apache Pro Laptop Chief 97 thru X10
  6. Looking for some one with drafting and design experience in the Galivents Ferry SC area.. Thank you Bill Layman
  7. Lew, Thanks, it finally went away after closing both chief and shutting down the computer. Bill
  8. Help, seems like I'm having a senior moment this morning. Trying to update my profile plan and and get the following error message Take Read Only Attribute off your plan, or use save as to save under different name. I can't find where to remove the READ ONLY attribute. Thanks for all help. Bill X9 version
  9. finished reading post and see you turned the winders off.
  10. Happy Birthday to all my Marine Corps brothers on this forum. Semper Fi Bill Layman
  11. Thanks Perry. I was afraid I was having problems. Bill
  12. Hi Guys, I don't want to hijack this topic, but I do have a small problem. When I try to view Perry's plan my chief X8 says it was completed in a newer version and would I like to update. So say yes and the Chief says I have the latest version. But I have no problem opening Mark and Jon's plans. My version is dated June 23, 2016. Question is this the latest version or is there a newer one that I for some reason can not download? Thanks for any info and sorry for hijacking the topic. Bill