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Everything posted by Gawdzira

  1. Also, if you are putting a layer of ply above, you can look at fire rated ply. I am not sure how stinky it would be for out-gassing? The other thing you may be able to work with on the underside are intumescent paints. But, I think the fire path is both directions thus needing fire resistant materials each side.
  2. acoustic-wall-assemblies-catalog-techincal-guide.pdf safensound-fire-and-soundproofing-insulation-techdata.pdf
  3. Just a heads up, this is really tight and may not meet local codes.
  4. I just opened your file. The stairs and the landings are at off angles to the walls. Did you meant for them to be misaligned? You will need to clean up the angle before you can snap it together.
  5. You may need to make a break along the line of the landing where the stair meets it for the stair to connect.
  6. Thanks, I just took a snip of the wall corner illustration and sent it to my framer to help clarify the reason why I asked him to change the U shaped framing at the T intersections of exteriors walls (for the 3rd time now). I have the open intersection detail on my sets but it is rarely understood how important it is to keep these spaces open for insulation to avoid pockets that could collect moisture if they hit the dew point. The most ignored details:
  7. This is a way. Adding special oversized handles to the cabinet seals the deal. I actually don't use an appliance in those situations but just a cabinet. The appliance would be noted in plan view with 'D.W.', etc.
  8. The actual color is a specification. The color you want to see is something you may have to adjust based on lots of things involved in the rendering and how you will deliver it. Your lighting is affecting this as well as your monitor settings. Remember, always adjust (A), never fudge (F). -Konrad Von Appen (1st and 2nd year prof.)
  9. You must use the Vector View rendering style for Plot Lines to be available.
  10. I did not test this but just a guess. You have A currently. Try B?
  11. You might need to model a custom eave line profile to match the angle of the roof. If the molding has the angle on the edge perhaps those will connect better. That gable line profile gets pretty ugly at the bottom edge.
  12. Generally, a 22mb file will send by email. If you want, send it to me and I will post it as a dropbox link for your other thread.
  13. Send the project to @Renerabbittand then mark it up. Seriously, this will tank the CA rendering engine. You might be able to do it with converting units to symbols but once you do that changing materials becomes impossible to manage.
  14. You could leave it in model space (plan file) and then send it to paper space (layout) to page 0. This is not the recommended method but it would work. Otherwise, you can copy the text in the DBX (dialogue box) and then paste that into a new text element inside of layout. If you are doing the cad work in model space, you can show a drawing sheet in the plan file to match the sheet size in layout to orient and set up your size proportions.
  15. I have a Zoom account and have used that for screen recording.
  16. I would just place a solid above the truss cords just as it would be built with a sheet of 3/4" ply if it is sitting on the truss cords. It is also possible that they would be hanging the unit from above? Either way, you need the plywood runway and work platform at the unit so back to the fake sheet of plywood. I would not make the attic space into a new floor and room because that creates a bunch of new work in reassigning normal walls to become attic walls and I just don't need that kind of stress in my life. I have been too busy training for a turkey trot for the last 47 minutes.
  17. It seems odd that this is not automatically framed. Is this something where in certain regions, this block is not required? Even if this is not a structural requirement for shear transfer, it is needed to keep the rafters from rolling.
  18. Is there a default to get this block to build? ROOF FRAMING TEST.plan
  19. This is from the CBC 2022 1115A.6.2.1 Handrail Heights The top of handrails shall be 34 to 38 inches (864 to 965 mm) above the nosing of the treads.
  20. I checked the measurement minus the nosing and it is correct on the dbx. @Joe_Carrick do you have a code reference for the centerline of the handrail as the point of measurement? I have always seen the diagrams as showing a measurement that appears to be to the top of the handrail.
  21. Working on my section and this is where the handrail on the wall measures. This does not appear to match the dbx if this is measured from the nosing. Is this measured without the nosing?
  22. When manually editing the roof it is often helpful to work in both 3d and 2d. You can clearly get intersection points in a plan view. Click on the roof planes with the "3" hot key. That will make breaks in the roof planes. Then if you click on an edge of the roof plane and hit "3" it will give you your options on which plane to then join. You will need to break ("3") the adjoining planes so they can join up. After you do it a few times it becomes clear how to get roofs to join.
  23. Uploading your plan will probably get you a better answer as this could be a number of things. Likely problem is that one of the roof planes is misaligned and that is why the rake board is not building.