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  1. easy.... just click any of the horizontal dimension lines and a "handle" (or little gray box as my wife calls them) will appear . grab the handle and move it up or down as you wish.
  2. i have tried this multiple times, EXACTLY as they mention, but it never works. instead of spread out along the arc, they end up wadded up in one place. it's too bad, this isn't an automatic feature -like lintels.
  3. wow. that's almost hard to believe. i did one plan in that and went back to 12. no offense Chief, but 13 was crap. 15 is great. should catch up to that.
  4. lookout is the only term i've ever known. and i've never in my life heard it called an "outlooker". interesting.
  5. great idea, Steve. i didn't even think of making that area a "room" with invisible walls. that certainly fixed the problem. thanks for taking time to help with this.
  6. customer wants the porch to extend one foot out (on the front only) from the porch beams/wall. when i move the foundation out 12", the frieze and soffit disappear. i know i could make a soffit and frieze from solids, but there has to be another way. right?
  7. Dude, you are awesome! Thank you again, for taking your time to help me with this.
  8. Thanks, Rob, that did it! 1. I had the wall heights set at default, I was just trying anything to make the lines disappear. 2. same as #1 3. Yes, I always do this. 4. Good idea. Will definitely do this. 5. Not exactly sure what you mean by this, but I do know what double lines you are talking about. I had to make it a pony wall to get the brick height correct. 6. THANK YOU AGAIN! That was driving me nuts.
  9. i did as Rob suggested, moving them all to the second floor, they disappeared and then came back. I'll definitely send it in.
  10. Hi Rob, thanks for looking at this. I did just as you did and the lines were gone. For a while. Then I refreshed the layout and they were still there. Went back to elevation view and they had come back. Ugh. Just wondering if they are still visible on yours.
  11. I've done them like this in the past using solids. I used this method after watching one of @Renerabbitt's videos on youtube. So....I'm going to blame him for the batts running up so high. Thanks.
  12. no idea what is causing the lines on this elevation view. i have tried all sorts of things to get this to go away, but no luck. sometimes, it's one line and sometimes two lines appear. plan attached.
  13. i've had the same problem with a floating soffit protruding through the roof as shown in your top pic. i've found that an easy way to fix that is by making a small notch in the roof plane. this eliminates the floating soffit and the "boxed eave" at the other end of the roof.
  14. Here is something I drew up in just a few minutes with three different ways to do the overhang on a multi-pitch roof. Usually, I just hit auto build with all the roof pitches set at the lowest pitch, then lock the shadow boards top height and then raise the pitch on the adjacent roof plane. That method keeps all the overhangs the same, but it does throw the hip off of center of the corner. You can also shorten the overhang of the steeper pitch, but I never do that. Another method is to have steeper pitch set on the plate just as the lower pitch but with no tails and a short shallow pitch roof plane at the bottom. This way leaves the hip centered on the corner and probably the method preferred by most framers because they don't have to figure out how far over to move the hip or valley and how much to raise the seat height of the higher roof pitch. Multi-pitch roof plan.plan