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Posts posted by Evolution

  1. I thought by inserting wall breaks in the walls to use different materials, (according to earlier response I had from the forum) I can change one wall (not pony walls)  to, brick and the other walls to corrugated metal, by going into the wall DBX and making the changes there, and that's the way I attempted to do it.  But, when I go back to the plan all walls are either all brick or all Corrugated.

    Back when I started this plan, in order to get it ready for the Board review, I ended up using the paint object tool (I know that is not the best way to do it?) so I could present the Color perspective views and they wouldn't be confused. I know I still have errors in the plan, and as I've been able to determine what to do, I've worked on fixing them. I know my layers / annosets are all screwed up (and Larry Hawes is working on tutoring me as he has time) but I'm practicing on that when I have the time, believe me, I want to use the soft ware correctly from the start to finish.  Update plan zipped and attached. You'll note there is a PDF over-lay currently in my plan so I could use it as a template for a site / landscape plan (which I haven't had time to do yet.

    As always, thanks for your help!

    Wall brk.PNG

    Wall DBX defined.PNG

    Wall definitions.PNG

    FS 2 (2).zip

  2. 6 hours ago, builder said:

    Would anybody any have experience with some of the remanufactured cartridges that are being sold for the HP 500 inkjet?

    The cost difference is significant and I am hesitant to purchase without knowing if they will be a problem. Thanks for any help on this, Bob

    I've tried several from the re-manf world for my HP 1220 C and the black ink worked ok. But color is the pits!! I did order Color from HP (outrageous price). Its working for now (I use color only for printing the perspectives / renderings when I need them for a client).

  3. 1 hour ago, HumbleChief said:


    Thanks Larry.  I REALLY need to get a handle on Layer / Anno sets and do a better job of setting them up (correctly) so I can make the best use of them. I set the Videos in my favorites to watch.

    Didn't seem to be as hard in Auto-Cad (but then that's been YEARS ago and I'm sure I've forgotten more than I learned there too). I DO know the purpose, and def want to make the best use of the tools! Time to learn is still at a premium!!?!?

  4. 15 minutes ago, HumbleChief said:

    Let me please add one more thing. DO NOT hesitate to post questions and problems here, even though they may seem basic. There many who understand how difficult the Chief paradigm can be and are more than happy to help - even with basic stuff. And some of us who are only capable of helping with basic stuff :D

    Thanks Larry!   I REALLY do, though it may seem not, try to solve my issues especially when I'm not UNDER THE GUN!  In fact, my wife says I work 25 / 8days a week!

  5. 2 minutes ago, HumbleChief said:

    One of the first things I ever did when I first started using Chief was draw details. My brother ran the field work and I did the drawings and contract work and I would copy details from plans we had worked on by other architects because I had no idea what I was doing. I spent hours drawings details. Looking back it seems rather silly but I learned all about Chief's CAD tools and how they worked, how to copy and paste from one detail to another and gradually I built up a usable library (plan) of details that I STILL have to change with almost every job as crazy as that sounds.


    Another strategy that involve a structural engineer is to have them do the details for your plan and if you like one that might apply in the future, recreate it Chief and save it for the future. And of course don't steal copyright stuff etc. etc. but recreating a 'shear transfer detail at eave' shouldn't land you in any hot water and you'll have a detail for future use. So again no short cuts I'm afraid....

    Larry, thanks for the Vid.  I understand the BASICS, in fact I started years ago (with other software) creating a "can" if you will of details, but they're PDF and like Chief they all would require modification to work in this situation.  IF I can make the transition to using my CA software (the reason I keep paying the CSA fee every year) and I intend to as time permits, I too will develop a library of details.  

    Thanks again!

  6. 23 minutes ago, StephenGreene said:

    not sure if this is what you want but try typing in "footings" (instead of "footings and slabs") in the search box.



    Screen Shot 2018-08-30 at 8.43.33 AM.png

    Stephen I will def check this out ASAP, later! Send me a PM with your general Location in Arkansas. I live in Marion.

    thanks for jumping in.

  7. 15 minutes ago, Joe_Carrick said:



    All of this is pretty much basic CAD drafting.  Chief does provide the ability to:

    • Create Framing of Walls, Floors, Ceilings, Roofs, etc.
    • Create Cross Section Views
    • Auto Detail those with fill, etc.
    • Convert all or a portion of those views to CAD Details (View to CAD)

    It also provides some basic details in the "Libraries" but as Larry said, they are almost never exactly what you want or need.  While you can edit them, it's usually just as easy to use some of the components to build your own details - or add to / modify the result of "View to CAD.  


    Chief is never going to do everything automatically.  It looks like you've been using Chief for a long time.  I'm a little surprised you don't more familiarity with the capabilities and limitations.  The videos in the KB are basic & intended to show the general proceedure.  Trying to follow them exactly will only work in a very few cases.

    Up until this year, I haven't used it everyday as my responsibilities had taken a different direction but now, the Co., wants to get more into design build. I wish I had time to use it more.  And yes YOU'RE correct, I should have more familiarity with the workings, but in my case (no excuse) the majority of my time has to be devoted to managing projects, bidding, writing bid packages, vetting contracts etc., though I wish I could spend more of the 60-70 hour week using CA more! BUT, you are great to keep providing your insight and help!!!


  8. Sorry folks, I know you probably think I don't try to help myself....!?!?! well for a fact I came in this morning at 4AM so I could have time to search the VId's and KB as I am trying to wrap up this first project for code review and so far wasted 2 hours of precious time and am a stale-mate!  I've actually watched three vids (about 1 hr) of Cad to view, adding detail to view etc., etc., and read through and attempted to follow the KB for same.  I've managed to do a cross section, convert it to CAD detail, and now trying to add individual details, elementary stuff to you guys I know, but I've now got to put this on hold until after hours so I can work on my bid packages for my School project I've got to get out for bids...…..frustrating when I'm sure if I ever master (is that possible?) the minute details like this?  Following the KB doesn't always work, for most part they apply to other versions (I think) for when I try to following word for word, most of the items it references aren't searchable in the Library, as I've tried for the past 45 mins to find Cad Block>Footings and Slabs> etc and the error message pops up I'm asking too much information...….I'll stop there but if there is a short cut you can advise I WILL BE FOREVER GREATFUL!





  9. 54 minutes ago, glennw said:

    I just read these posts very quickly as I have to run out the door.

    There is a setting in 3D View Defaults called Always Display Active Cameras.

    I'm not sure that it applies in your situation or not - but maybe worth a look.


    "Check Always Display Active Cameras to turn on the display of active camera symbols, even when the “Cameras” layer is turned off. When unchecked, active camera symbols obey the layer setting."

    This is probably the best way for me at the moment.  I've a lot to learn about Layer sets especially.  But I AM TRYING TOO!

  10. It's me again! I guess I don't understand a lot to do with the CA software, trial and error takes a lot of time, and trying to find it now (especially to search the forum or KB's etc.,) is frustrating. So, printing check set to catch any errors, I noticed my elevation call outs keep disappearing! As long as I have the elevations in layout (saved camera) open the call out show up on my enlarged plan, but the minute I close the elevations they vanish from the enlarged plan on my layout sheet?!?!  If I print the layout sheet with the enlarged plan on it, in order to have the call outs showing I have to have the elevations open. Is this normal or am I again missing some important little secret nuance? Sorry to bother you with such silly stuff :-( 




  11. 3 hours ago, MarkMc said:

    Post a plan. 

    tall open.png

    Mark, I found the problem.  Seems on a previous iteration of the room they wanted unit shelving. On this iteration they requested custom built. Apparently I missed a unit when I was deleting them from the last plan update and it was ghosting the new shelving unit. 


    Shelving correct.PNG

  12. I followed the instructions to customize cabinet for my particular need on this project, but stumped as to why it is turning out like it is, since it wouldn't be built that way in the real world. I hate to waste your time, but I'm sure one if not all of you have worked around it before. When I open the cab't DBX and remove doors, manually adjust the shelves, set it for framed box, in the DBX elevation  looks the way I want it to but when the plan generates the elevation it changes to something not even close to what it should appear to be. Maybe no fix for it?

    Of course as always, thanks! (Edit) for got to mentioned it doesn't make any difference if I do Framed or Frameless.

    cabt const not this.PNG

    cabt const section.PNG

    Cabt const.PNG

    cabt framed.PNG

  13. 56 minutes ago, Chopsaw said:

    How were they sent to layout ?  All camera views in X10 need to be sent from an independent saved camera unless they are images.

    Chop, I sent them straight to layout from the open camera Perspective Full Overview.   I did the same thing with my other project and when printing PDF it did not change the PFO views on that job. That's what I don't understand.

  14. Working on my other project. Thought I'd go ahead a print a test of the layout to see how it was going before I got too far. Well the last project I printed the very same way and printing my layout sheets (set the drawing size first to Super B 13x19) printed those sheets just fine. Print this next job, very same way, set up my drawing paper size to super B. Have my perspective over view camera up, sent to layout sheet A1 - 4 different perspective views. Problem is when I send to the printer, Chief A PDF, and hit save, it replaces the 4 perspective views by erasing two and duplicating two. I checked the print command on this job and my other and the commands are the same.  As always your help appreciated.




  15. 11 hours ago, ShaneK said:

    3d all the way, I have library of several grid layouts, easy to modify and tiles have been around for a while. I have a specific layer set for RCP.5b7f69319bd0d_susceil.thumb.png.ed75eac289ce46ae01226366c70d6407.png

    Real cool Shane!  I know we can do about anything with CA software. Since I don't make my living with it (unfortunately) its difficult for me to spend any / much office time devoted to learning all the "tricks of the trade" with it, thus my ignorance to all the tools and how best to use them.  Since I average about 55 to 60 hours a week managing projects, bidding jobs, writing bid-packages, working to build my stable of projects for my employer, as Dermot put it, "Perhaps I should spend some time watching the CA videos", and he IS right, but time to do that is at a premium, especially when I'm readying a 19MM project for bidding etc. You probably get my drift?   And, believe me....I'm eternally grateful to ALL those on this forum who lay aside their dislike for ignorance and are willing to help folks like me. I'm NOT lazy, and wish I could devote more time to watching all the vid's available. In fact, I have spent quite a bit of time watching a few special ones, as in working with Layer sets, anno-sets and quite a few more.  When I hit a snag, before I come to this forum for help, I "hit-the-books" if you will, and the vids.  In fact I have the vid site saved to favorites, also have printed out much KB info.  BTW, not complaining, the CA vids have to be time sensitive, and most of them arn't difficult to follow, however; some of them are done so fast I have to keep going back and replaying them over and over to get all the little bits of info hidden to the novice such as I.  BUT, to ALL of you on this forum...…...YOU ARE A LIFE SAVER1

    Thanks again!!!! 

  16. 2 hours ago, solver said:

    Here is a simple plan and layout. 


    Two plan views, one for the normal plan and one for the RCP plan.


    RCP layer set, and new CAD, RCP layer with some CAD lines on it representing the RCP items.


    Layout has 2 sheets, one for the normal plan and one for the RCP.


    BOB RCP.zip

    Eric, I think I'm headed in the right direction.  Thanks for the help!

  17. 8 hours ago, Joe_Carrick said:


    You evidently don't fully understand "Saved Plan Views".  This is all done within the same Plan File and a single Layout File. 


    When you have a floor plan displayed with a specific Layer Set and use the "Save Plan View As" icon it creates a named view that remembers just about everything in terms of the open displayed view.  When sent to Layout it will always have the correct Layer Set, etc and is linked back to that "Saved Plan View".  When you double click on the view in your Layout, it will open that "Saved Plan View" in the Plan File.  Any changes you make to that view will be updated in the Layout.


    Be careful not to use the "Save Plan View" icon unless you want to overwrite the existing Layer Set, Zoom Factor, Reference Floor, etc with what is currently open & displayed.

    • Save Plan View As  -->  Creates a new named Plan View in the Project Browser
    • Save Plan View       -->  Updates the currently displayed Plan View in the Project Browser

    Also make sure that it is the "Saved Plan View" that is sent to Layout in each case, not just the "Floor Plan".  They are 2 different things.

    I'm catching on!

  18. 15 hours ago, solver said:

    The reflected plan items (CAD Lines etc) need to be on unique layers.


    Like CAD, RCP. These unique layers are ON in the RCP layer set, and OFF in all others.


    You are seeing your RCP items on other sheets because the layer they are on is ON in that layer set.

    Eric, I understand the concept, but I guess I just don't understand how to make it work (how to get there), yet.  I'll keep working on it (practice) but for now have to figure a way around it and keep moving for code review. Being the expert you are, I'm sure it's second nature to know what to do and how to do it. Don't give up on me!


    Joe, your suggestion "Also take the time to "Save As" the Reflected Ceiling Plan View, separate from your saved Floor Plan View.

    Then send each "Saved Plan View" to layout separately." makes sense for sure! I suppose by saving the RCPV separate from the other plan views and sending to layout separately, creating a sub folder for that plan set, also means saving the layouts to the same folder and then when all are finished, saving them as a CA PDF file so I can send them for printing? I'm not sure how to do that step any other way?

    Thanks for your patients also!



  19. 1 hour ago, solver said:

    For the items you drew to create the reflected ceiling plan, did you put them on a unique layer?


    Are the CAD lines still on the CAD, Default layer?


    Layer sets are just a grouping of layers and their settings.

    Eric, I'm sure I'm making this too hard!?!?! Take a look at what I'd set up and advise if the Cad is not on the RCP layer.  I am still in the learning stages (probably always will be) with C/A and certainly not the expert you and Joe and the others are!

    Cad Default.PNG