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Posts posted by Evolution

  1. 6 minutes ago, Ridge_Runner said:

    Absolutely true. I worked with the annosets driving the layersets and defaults for years; loved the way they worked together. I put off updating to X10 for several months; I was covered up in work and didn't want to take the time to learn the new features. But the idea of the planviews intrigued me, as well as the new PBR. When I finally upgraded to X10 (SSA was paid up) I immediately implemented the planviews; haven't been disappointed (yet). One click and I can switch not only layersets but the floor at the same time without having to manually change it; great time saver.

    I'm sure I'm missing something, and I just watched the two videos (short and sweet) so I could've missed it, but it appears before you save a plan set, you still have to set up a layer set, (and if I'm missing this don't get mad at me) you then set up what you want displayed on your layer set, and then set up an annoset ? This all has to be done before you save a plan set? I'm dumb here so humor me, (I don't think I saw that explained), if you open a plan from a template you've created (previously) and built your LS's and AS's for that template, then you'd only have to open a plan view to that LS, then do a save plan view (which would automatically include your AS)?

    I looked for something in the KB but didn't see it exactly, and searched for more videos but just found the two I've looked at. Anyone know of any additional related to Plan sets?

  2. I went through **** until I caught on to Layer Sets linked to Annosets.  I'll study Plan sets more to see if it will help me to work more efficiently. Right now all my templates that have been built (and in the process of updating) I am setting up with Layer Sets and Annosets linked.  I have only had a couple of occasions (although I don't know why it happened) that I've switched annosets while working on a discipline specific layer, and the Layer set linked to the same anno didn't automatically switch at the same time. Now I make it a habit, when I change the Annoset, to make sure my layer set has changed or I change it manually to match my Annoset. 

  3. 4 hours ago, RBareSTLDaB said:

    I am trying to fit this into my schedule.

    Rodger, do yourself a favor even if you have to watch them at night, just do it.  I had the same situation happen to me, and I appreciate the guys on here having patients with me, but I surprised my self and progressed much faster by watching the video training, along with the help of the Pro's on here that didn't give up on me.  I'm not where I'd like to be proficiently with the software, but every chance I get I check out the video's and copy the links to watch specific ones after hours.  Thank fully the wife doesn't get mad at me when she sees me plug in my earphones she knows I'm about to watch another CA Vid! I don't know how deep your going to get into using the software (how much work you'll be doing with it) but you'd be wise to learn Layer Sets (opinions vary but I like using annosets linked to layer sets now that I've learned more about setting them up). Roof Tools will save you a lot of grief. And you'll find out if you need help in the future posting the plan usually gets you answers quicker than if you simply try to explain the problem and the outcome you're seeking! GOOD LUCK!

  4. Steve, you may have caught this already (if you didn't intend for it to be this way) but you post don't line up with each other. A quick way to fix it would be to group select the ones you need to line up, then select center object tool and move your mouse over the post you want to center up on and left click that will line them up with each other.

    Steve's carport.pdf


    (Correction) I tried group select on the post on the plan south and selected center and left clicked the posts on the plan north side but that didn't work. So you'll find it easier to select each one individually and line them up one at a time but that won't take any time.

  5. Mick, the ones I posted are from my CA X10 Library, I just typed in Pool Table, and they pop up.  I did type in Rec and Rec Room and Games that Eric posted shows up. If you click on Billiards in that folder, there are several options that open up. 

  6. 15 hours ago, capitaldesigns said:

    I was following along with Michael David's custom ceiling tutorial. I added soffits around the room with molding. When I did the plan I get an outline of the

    ceiling soffits on the floor as well. I tried it again by following along with his video and got the same results. I did a third floor plan but followed along with

    Chief's tutorial on using the soffit tool. This time I did not get an outline of the soffits on the floor.


    Can anyone let me know why I am getting an outline of the ceiling soffits on the floor ? I have attached the plan and a 3D view.






    Custom Ceiling.jpg

    His name is David Michaels his web address is: dmdesignsoc.com

  7. I'm not familiar with the file types, but while you can import the .OBJ file, I see no option in the import menu to import the .MTL file. I would go back to your Model Designer for help.  I think all material files have to be of the .calib or .calibz type. Again, I'm not a CA guru here. Hopefully this is the WRONG answer, and one of the real CA guru's will jump on and correct me.


  8. Is there a short cut to changing the lettering size of the CAD notes before we place them on our layout sheet?   I use 13"X19" sheet size for layout/printing, and usually when I place a note it's 100's of times larger than my layout sheet so of course, I select the note after placing it, unblock it; highlight it then change the size of the text (usually 3/32) works for me. Eventually, I will complete layout pages just for Construction / Code notes but there are 5 jurisdictions, in three states; I work in (MS/TN/AR) and all the standard structural/Construction/Civil/Plumbing/Mech/Electrical  notes, required; are to some degree different in each case.

  9. On ‎10‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 7:08 PM, solver said:


    Edit>Delete Objects


    Deleting will ask if you want to turn it off.


    Turn on/off in the Build Framing dialog.

    Thanks Eric.   I don't usually build framing until I think I'm completely through with the project and won't need to make major changes. Since this was one of those times (simple storage/garage building) I went into framing mode.  I still don't know how the auto-framing got turned on in the first place and thought it would be a simple button to turn it off instead of deleting. But its all good now

  10. I don't have a clue what in the world is going on.  I did a cross section camera, and the roof height seemed too high, so I went back and checked the room DBX, and set it back to 132".  I opened another cross section camera, and the wall heights still seemed too high so I pulled a dimension, and BAM!?!?! The measurement I took shows the walls are actually over 18' tall, but the room dbx shows the height I put in the structure tab, is at 132" (11') Is this a technical issue I need to send to TS?

    Something isn't right.PNG

  11. I keep having these simple problems pop up.  I tried everything I can to figure it out, but I'm stumped! On my project, the Owner decided he wanted the detached storage / garage building to have an alternate roof for me to price. A simple "A" at 2/12 pitch. To keep from having to screw with the finished plan, I opened a new blank plan and just drew it all over, using the wall definitions I imported from my completed plan. I need a 132 wall height, (I changed it to 120 to see if that had anything to do with it, but it didn't) roof build with trusses. just one big room 25'X25'. I set up the structure, but for some reason it keeps added ceiling joist?   I don't have ceiling over the room checked, I even deleted ceiling materials in the edit ceiling menu, but it keeps building the ceiling joist. I looked at all the check boxes and I'm so frustrated with such a simple thing and I can't figure it out? The plan is posted look for it between the snips (for some reason) 

    stor bldg dbx.PNG

    stor bldg.PNG



  12. On ‎10‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 12:53 PM, johnbds said:



    I am a fairly new user and have run into a problem creating my layout file,


    Thank you,

    John Cunningham


    McKeown, Colleen & Joe - 23.zip

    McKoewn, Colleen & Joe - Prelim V2- HELP.layout

    John, I highly respect the contributors (especially Marc, and Jerry) on this forum. I too like you; am relatively new (to using the software correctly), although I've owned a  license since X6, only now have had to depend on it more to use in my roll with my current co. am learning more about how to use the software correctly.  So short story, I was making a mess out of my Layouts / const. drawings, until Larry Hawes, and the great Glenn Woodward; helped me get on the right path, with setting up Anno sets (first) then linking Layer sets linked to each specific LS. As long as I select my Anno set, first (reflected ceiling set for example) my linked layer set will always be displayed. So far (I am practicing with them a little each day to get a better understanding of the do's and don'ts) this has worked like a charm for me. I have much more to learn, and un-learn (especially the bad habits). My personal take.

  13. 15 minutes ago, Kbird1 said:



    Great detailed info Mick.  Having the opportunity to use my software more and more and with all the help I've been afforded from you and the others on the forum, is certainly the boost I need to climb out of my frustration - nose dive, with myself. I will continue practicing in between all my other responsibilities. There is so much to learn with the software, and I DO want to learn the right way to do things, and not just make something work. I'm sure as I become more proficient with the software tools and understand how better to use them, I can work more efficiently!