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Posts posted by Evolution

  1. 38 minutes ago, dshall said:


    Thanks,  I  should of added that.  I think you guys in CALIF. can probably relate to this...  I find myself trying to guess what special pecadillo the next plan checker will have.


    I keep saying to myself...  "send it in...  send it in... send it in,  let them tell me what they want this time".


    It is a slow painful death I go through with each project

    Scot, be thankful you haven't had to deal with OSHPD. I was owner's PM on a Hospital project in the Central valley from 2010-2015 and I thought I would pull what little hair I had out. Got back to TN and thought things would settle down. Now, in this little One-horse jurisdiction I'm working in being held hostage by a Electrical AHJ because of his interpretation of the Electrical Code.  The EEOR says, "that's not a requirement" but the AHJ says, you want your final?  So the saga goes on.

  2. I'm curious too, Solver. Is it because the default for the foundation wall is to automatically center under the wall? So in order to get the foundation wall to align with the wall above, he would have to set his foundation to align with a particular surface of the wall above he would have to open the foundation dbx and set it there?

  3. Mike, if you seriously need quick help as you state, posting the plan (with what your issues are) is the fastest way to get THAT help.  Posting questions back and forth just takes up more of the "helpers" time. Just trying to help you!

  4. KM, it may be something simple, but I haven't had that issue before. The CA-guru's on the forum may just pop the answer out without further-a-do, however some might respond that if you'd post the plan it might be quicker / easier to get the answer.? Also, if you use this Forum much it will be good if you go to your signature, and add the software you are currently using, just a thought;)

  5. Not sure if this will work, but I would build the wall as a pony wall, set the height of the lower portion to your desired height, then select the upper portion change the thickness of the wall (Not sure if changing the upper thickness is possible without affecting the lower portion?) to push the finished siding layer out whatever thickness the siding adds. Give it a try and see if that works. 

  6. I'm not the expert here, but I've never seen that capability in X8. Don't think it is in X9 either.  Based on what I do know, you most likely will have to address it with notes, and add it in cad details.  You can make a wall type, adding it as a layer, I don't think however; that you can note in the wall definition what it actually is, although you can add it in the "wall type" box as "4" (whatever thickness the wall should be) exterior/interior whichever, wall with horizontal furring at thus and thus, and use that in your wall types schedules (if you do one). Again, though, you could add a balloon on your floor plan of the particular wall(s) that will have this Horizontal furring, and explain what it is supposed to be/do, I would think.

  7. Couple of schools of thought

    1.  Reboot, see if that fixes it.

    2. Is it blue tooth? Batteries hot?

    3. Update of driver for mouse?

    4. If its wired, insulation on wire damaged? Check connection to your machine?

    5. Is the mouse old like Me? Could be worn connection on the button?

    Oh well, hope this helps.  Doesn't sound like a CA problem, but it could be.

  8. On ‎2‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 1:01 PM, dshall said:


    I thought most people spelled out the dot......  here is the real email address...    




      I hope I do not get pummeled with span,  if I do,  I am going after Jon Scussel.....  lock your doors Jon

    Scott, you've NEVER eaten BBQ Spam? wow have you missed a delight!!

  9. Framers I've worked with in this area, prefer their dims from the exterior framing regardless of the veneer material (minus the sheeting) to both sides of the framing for interior walls.  A couple have asked for dims from exterior framing to the center of the interior walls, but not often.  I prefer the first option I mentioned.

  10. Just out of curiosity (which could kill this Kat)....would it be possible to have one terrain plan that shows the existing grades, insert PL at the point you want to change the grades from their existing elevations, to suit your construction site, preferred elevations? (convert them to terrain elevations) open their dbx, change their line style, say from dotted to solid, maybe even the color from say black to red, and have basically the same affect?  In my area (we do a lot of commercial) the site contractors want a site plan that shows existing and new contours on the same plan, and the above basic operation is what our local Civil E's do.  OF course they use different layers to show things like site utilities, parking etc., and so on. Just a thought.:)

    • Upvote 1
  11. Rob, I think you have to find the user library you want to replace, delete it, then do the import operations, which will ask for the file location of the new replacement file (you exported it to your desk top as recommended?), and when I did a similar operation, I did not have a duplicate.  If it does for some reason, you should just simply go to the location where the user libraries are located (documents, CA etc.) and just delete the one that you do not want. Again, my best guess.

    • Upvote 1
  12. Alan, give DScott Halls parapet build video on You tube a try?  I think there's a possibility you could use this as a work around if the GURU's on here don't have a better (correct or easier) way to do it. Not sure of course.


  13. Rob, I think the recommendation is the import / export method of moving the user library (update) you want onto the lap top to replace the one there now.  https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00001/migrating-chief-architect-to-a-new-computer.html

    Down in this KB - it states "to ensure that all material textures are included when you copy your user catalog to a new computer, export the contents of your user catalog and then import them into the library on your new computer.." I'd save (export) a copy of the file you have to the desk top, find the file you want to replace and remove it, then (import) follow the remaining steps to replace it with the updated file you have.


    21 minutes ago, OkcDesigner said:


    The best way to pass plans and layouts between computers is do a backup from Layout file into one directory. It should place all the referenced files and data in that one directory. So Chief Architect can find those files....

    I think you need to do a "complete" back up, see attached in order to insure you have given the drafter ALL needed files etc.

    Back up entire file.PNG

    • Upvote 1
  15. 6 minutes ago, Tmidzin said:

    Thanks for the response. I wasn't looking for a slab or anything to the side of the garage more a general question if the rear porch was accurate for structure post height. I couldn't find any sizing on the tutorial as to if a person wanted the basement in the ground what height would I set my structure posts at? Also like I mentioned I couldn't understand the chimney tutorial so I decided to try and draw cement walls and add brick around them. I will try your suggestion on manually adjusting the roof edge. And I just forgot to add a door to the basement under porch storage room. Thanks for the reminder I will go back and add that. My concern for the basement dimensions and lining up accurately with the main floor is I was reading a post that was commenting that people need to be aware that the basement needs to dimension to match the main floor exterior. Maybe I have my dimensions setup wrong to dimension the basement most of it appears to match except just was questioning if I had something inaccurate.


    Also was wondering if someone could advise me if I added a basement bearing wall correctly? And for the size of the basement if adding that structural column in the center of that or would you suggest something else? I know I added two posts/columns but just want to try and get a good basic understanding of an overview of Chief. 


    Much appreciated of your time to respond.





    Tami - as far as structural items, if you were going to build this house or if designing for someone else, an engineer would need to advise regarding those things, and you certainly would not want to take liability for that.


    The basement dims appear to be ok however, the interior walls (if not load bearing) don't necessarily have to align with above unless of course you have mechanical or electrical or plumbing that must have a chase or align from top to bottom to connect one floor with another.  I think the software if you set your defaults correctly (Check the CA learning videos) will automatically set the heights, pending what type of foundation you are building on, to accommodate a deck or porch attaching to the main house.  Any time you think you have an issue with that you can pull a cross Section/Elevation camera and check.  I did yours and it did not appear to be misaligned. Now the depth of the piers, again would best be determined by a structural engineer based on the site soils condition, but what is drawn in you plan also appears to be close to reality.

    • Upvote 1
  16. The one thing I saw as soon as I opened the plan, you have a roof plane cutting into the chimney (which should've produced an error message but I didn't get one) select that edge and pull it back manually then move it back until you get the wall of the chimney to close. Also, I'd make the ridge cap match the shingles type and color. You'll add a porch / steps / or deck at the back and side doors out of the garage? OR maybe they will only need a slab? Not sure about your question concerning the basement lining up.  Usually you'll get a message that your walls don't line up from one level to the next, with the options to correct.  I didn't get that nor do I see it in your plan. I will say you are better off the watch the help videos on how to build your fire place.  Not sure what / how you did, but what ever is happening in the basement doesn't make sense. And there appears to be spaces (Under the front porch) in the basement with no access?  Maybe that's the way you intended if so? or Maybe I'm misunderstanding the intent? I always like to use the Perspective Floor Overview Camera to check these things out. I'm in no ways an expert designer or CA guru by any means, over all (especially if your a novice and drew this as your first one out of the box) it looks pretty good!