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Posts posted by raltd9245

  1. Yesterday I was logged in to SAA and downloading library updates and decided to open Chief Talk. I found that I hasd to log in to Chief Talk. I was under the impression that with the new system that we had one username and one password. That would lead me to believe that being logged into one measnt you were automatically logged to the other. Am I incorrect in my assumptions. Dan somebody help.

  2. In the attached plan you will find two identical garage doors.  If you just place them or copy them randomly, they stay identical as far as the schedule,  but, if I place the first one, and then copy/reflect one to the other side, I end up with two different doors in my schedule where there is, apparently, an L and an R.  But the swing option is greyed out in the dbx.


    I don't want two different doors in my schedule.  


    What gives with this?


    I know I can work around it.  Just wondered what I might be missing here.



    I'm at a loss why chief would R&L a garage door in the first place. This is another example of the short comings of the the way Chief handles door schedules. Dan or someone should hop on this and make door schedules much more user friendly. I'm not sure if it is a code problem which would take a major rewrite or what, but I for one would like to see changes.



  3. I just was playing with X6 with a simple plan.  I inserted a door and used the centering tool. I then put a double window on each side of the door and attempted them. I X5 they would center on the remaining wall. In X6 they seem to first center on the entire wall right  over the door.  Anybody have an answer.

  4. I'm not sure where the "later this month" information came from. While we are currently working on an Android version of this App it is still likely several months out. Later this year would be a more accurate estimate from what I understand.


  5. I have a Construction Master Pro calculator that prints, I can't find any ribbons for it and I would buy a new one but I can't find any place that sells a desk construction calculator that prints, anyone out there know of a place to get one of these

    Have you contacted Calculated Industries who make them.

  6. I'm working on a plan without a roof deck. It is a T.I. I keep getting the check box telling me so. I check "don't as me again" but the next time I open the plan I get the check box. Why can't Chief remember what I want.  :rolleyes: 

  7. you can click on the "I" icon to get that info


    but it is a rayal PITA to do for a "zillion' libs


    I have asked and asked and asked that CA create a summary for quick review


    also, when I use that "info" icon I get script code showing that obscures the info'

    until I move the mouse and then usually I lose the info and have to do it again :(


    maybe some release CA will listen ....


    it would also be nice to have a batch download feature

    at least by category...



    Thanks Lew

  8. I think it is a macro, so you must puff a text block with the macro in each rooM

    Thanks Scott,

    I have to research that. I've found two ways

       1. Room finish Schedule will get you there

       2. I made a Room Polyline opened it and found the Area.




    PS you better put on your rain gear and play some golf with the Garage Door Designer be fore he goes grazy. Or is he already

  9. Glen

    While I agree that a rebated jamb would be good, the rectangular jambs we now have are a much overdue addition. Hopefully this is a first step.

    You are correct but for ease of detailing it would be great to have a rabit (sp).

  10. I was just downloading libraries from the web and was wondering if chief could add a date next to the library name so we could tell at a glance when the lib was downloaded or updated.

  11. Joe,


    I agree the whole door area should be gone over with a fine tooth comb. I just replied to a thread about door jambs which aren't very flexible. The hinge area should be revisited by the programmers. Like you said these little things add up to a serious addition of time when working on a project. Lets hope Dan and the programmers are listening. To have this all worked out would be a great time saver for us all. Let's hope!!!!

  12. From what I can tell, the jambs, at least for doors in exterior walls, only disappears when the "exterior" casing is unchecked.  The jamb is retained if only the "interior" casing is unchecked.  Doors in interior walls only have the option to uncheck the interior casing .... the exterior casing is greyed out.  If you put a window in an interior wall, both the interior and exterior casings are available for display or not displaying and if you uncheck either one or both, the jamb still displays.  Go figure.  Why are interior windows programmed differently than interior doors with respect to the display of casing?


    For windows, I am able to uncheck bot the interior and exterior casings and the jamb's display is unaffected.


    I didn't go check out the previous thread.


    If you just don't want the casings to display in plan, you could just change the properties of the casing lines is Display Options.


    I sure hope this get changed for those of us who do custom work. It would be a great time saver to be able to control this. Also it would be great to have a jamb that is a true shape other than just a rectangle.



  13. I will make custom garage doors - aluminum frame glass panel, etc - to your specs for a very reasonable fee [ $15.00 ].  You specify the width, height, frame and panel appearance - satisfaction guaranteed.

    Me thinks Joe has been loosing at golf again.

  14. I'm not sure if I'm missing something or is Chief when it comes top door hardware. I just looked for pocket door hardware and did not find any in the Architectural Libraries. 

    i find handles and locks for doors but no hinges or pocket door hardware. Can someone help or Is this lacking in X6.

  15. All joking aside, we hope that users will spend a bit more time composing good responses to questions to get these points. Points are accumulated when you click the up arrow next to a post or next to content in the gallery.


    You get 10 points each day to award to posts you like, 1 each day to award to posts you don't like.


    With luck this will help boost good answers. It's not about how much you post but how well you post. :)  



    I hope this won't give me a warning but I really think you are complicating things just like parts of the program. (KISS)

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