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  1. OP was asking for shadows in floorplan view, not a sun study. In Chief you can do something similar in an orthographic 3D overview. OP was looking for something like a drop shadow effect like in Photoshop. Feel better now?
  2. I’m here to tell you, it’s not you. Chief is still unpredictable with curbs and automatically joining to roads and stuff. I take a different approach. I use a road with no curbs. Then I use a molding polyline to create the curb. This way I have complete control of how the curb is shaped in 3D space, independently of those dumb roads. On occasion I even have to use a slab for the road to avoid issues with complex intersections etc.
  3. Dropbox works for us. (Watch how you name stuff, though) We are able to markup plans and documents and even add notes to documents that are shared with an “@person” which will notify them of a change. The only way you could do this sort of collaboration with Onedrive would be to setup a SharePoint site where all those sharing files are in the same organization. For current projects, I start the project folder name with an underscore “_” so they float to the top. Once the project is complete I remove the underscore to throw it into alphabetical order.
  4. I wouldn't worry about this too much. Anybody working with Autocad deals with this sort of thing on a regular basis. The scale tool in Autocad can fix this in under 1/2 a second.
  5. Howdie, When I export the 3D model to Autocad, it shows up as a 3D wireframe version of the model. The same model opens up with proper exterior surfaces in the free Autodesk viewer online, however. Is there a way to export to autocad with exterior surfaces as well, or is this a limitation of Autocad?
  6. lol you guys all sound like, "the horseless carriage will never catch on", what if you run out of gas? Besides there aren't enough roads...
  7. check out.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00038/resolving-a-gap-between-floors-in-camera-views.html
  8. I’m curious, who is ever going to look at your truss drawings and actually use it to build or even install a truss? I realize some remote places don’t always have the benefit of a local truss manufacturer. As the Minnesotan mentioned, usually your truss company will have you approve their drawings and those drawings will accompany the delivery which any carpenter is already accustomed to reading. Are you just curious or are you going to manufacture those yourself. (cause I know some people do)
  9. Pretty sure that just got imported as text.
  10. The hardest thing in rendering is lighting and materials. Ai is great for that. As far as your background or anything else you want to control then you can just prompt the ai to “keep background”
  11. We all know it’s coming. Archicad has introduced their version. I’d like to see the same in Chief…
  12. I use an M3 pro Macbook pro with X16. Although I am able to do PBR (RTRT) it takes about a minute to render a view that takes the same view less than 3 seconds to render on an RTX 4060 laptop. Although the MacBook is a little snappier for creating and orbiting around standard render 3D models. I personally still find MacOS better than Windows 11 and the laptop experience is still clunky on Windows pc’s.
  13. Change sun intensity to 7,000 You probably have it set to something like, daytime 100,000. Also, don’t use a sky as a background. Experiment with a more subdued background that’s more cloudy.
  14. Don’t use auto-dormers. It’s mainly; - hole in roof - place walls - use the “lower wall type if split by butting roof” in the roof tab of the wall dbx. - use the “ballon through ceiling above” in the structure tab of the wall dbx. - manually draw your roof planes.