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Everything posted by ebdesign

  1. Pattern tab/material type- Strip General tab- hgt 12" grouping -1 Overlap amt-0
  2. were you goofing around w/ tilted solids? I crashed a couple x's yesterday when they got pretty irregular shaped while editing them in a camera.
  3. I've sloped a polyline solid in elevation several times today, & I've also edited the shape in a 3D camera. so I don't know what you're stating here, MickeyToo. The "convert to solid" on the edit toolbar is curious. never noticed that until you just mentioned it. I do think that the polyline solid gets more difficult to group select (for sloping) in an elevation as the 2D plan view shape gets irregular.
  4. I don't think it "jumps" anywhere, you just get a red outline that is not where the object really is. & you edit that red outline. Group selecting- several ways to do that; select an object/ hold down shift key & select it again. select it, hold down the shift key, select something else, then deselect that 2nd selection. Hold the shift key down & draw a selection box around the object. Whatever way gets the rotate handle to appear. I think once the polyline solid starts getting irregularly shaped in plan, group selecting gets more difficult. Pretty weird stuff.
  5. Yes Scott, the polyline solid was originally drawn in plan. It can be tilted in an elevation by group selecting it. It is squirrelly-looking in plan when selected. But it's pretty much editable like a slab as far as shape (in plan).
  6. Tommy, I think the "secret" is whether it's originally drawn in plan or elevation. Polyline solid drawn in plan has some editing options I wasn't aware of. We were just discussing slabs/solids, when to use what at our last mtg. At least Monday hasn't been a total loss anyway.
  7. You can also break an edge in plan & reshape however you want. here's a plan. Solids drawn in plan.plan
  8. You can also draw a plain polyline in plan, shape it as crazy as you want, use the "convert polyline" tool to a "polyline solid", assign a thickness, & then tilt it in elevation. Gotta group select it in elevation. Who knew? Tommy knew.
  9. You have to do it in the sequence I described in post #21.
  10. Scott, The full name of what I used is the "Polyline Solid". I don't know any other kind of ".solid"- other than the other geometric shapes in the drop-down. I usually draw slabs in plan, polyline solids in elevation. I'm probably confused. It is Monday, after all.
  11. I didn't believe you Tommy but decided to try it anyway. Sure enough, if I draw a SOLID in plan, tilt it in an elevation & then come back to plan, I can edit the 2D shape to pretty much anything. I get a pretty squirrelly selection box in plan, but......... Good one!
  12. Draw/build what you need in a separate plan w/ the terrain tools, & then make it a symbol & bring it into the real plan. The minor drawback w/ the ramp is that it has a flat bottom. Is there a way to have the ramp bottom follow the slope of the top?
  13. I use the terrain tool & elevation data in a separate plan. Multi-shaped garages, different slopes, floor drains in the middle of the garage......no problem.
  14. ragetoca, You're mixing two different things. "Sheet management" in Chief works just fine- the layout. Chief has made numerous significant improvements w/ that over the last several releases. Unlimited pages, unlimited sheet sizes, live sheet index, multiple plan references, "connectivity" w/ the referenced plans, auto labeling, etc. Optional auto-updated elevations are coming & sooner than later, I'm guessing. New users should be careful what they wish for though. When an elevation or a section is updated to layout, you lose the line "corrections" that have been made to the view in layout. (Edit Layout tool) Experienced users "build" accurate models that don't need those corrections. Newer, less experienced users need to make those line corrections every time the view is updated because their model is flawed somehow. Those "corrections" can be time consuming. Being able to choose when the update takes place has its advantages. The Edit Layout tool has been w/ Chief as long as I can remember. Back then, it was Chief's limitations more than user skill or anything else that made it necessary to have a tool to clean up the views. Now, if there's BS linework in the layout views, it's almost always model related. (not always; there still some areas that Chief can clean up too.)
  15. I basically did what Kay described: set your flr defaults & got your rooms at those defaults, raised your 2nd flr roof planes, used a drop clg over the garage doors. That window that was too low was in the Open Below room. I have that trouble too when the "floor" for Open Below drops to the clg hgt below. It's always when an Open Below room is on an outside wall. Wish I knew how to deal w/ that correctly. HarrisonGarage02.plan
  16. I opened it in Draftsight & could see it all after canceling thru the missing font dbx's & zooming extents. But I have no cursor in the work area. As soon as I move the cursor off the work area & onto the toolbars, etc, the cursor reappears. Weird. Nothing in Chief though.
  17. materials list. even w/ that, still not worth it to me though.
  18. Put this in Suggestions Matt. I'll give it a "thumbs up" for sure.
  19. just create a wall type w/ correct frame size & a cl'g plane w/ your joist size. 2x2s? Probably easier to just use a typ detail tho.
  20. If you want to show framing, use no-room-def walls & cl'gs.
  21. Apparently, we cannot use interior dimensions for scales w/ default arrows wider than wall main layer, unless the arrow is shrunk. Just walls. Hmmm....
  22. less than the main layer. 3 7/16" works. 3 1/2" does not.
  23. Your arrows can't be wider than the wall's main layer. I think that's the rule. Been a while since I thought about it.