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  1. @ValleyGuyI'm still not seeing these options, it won't allow me to open the header specifically, maybe it's because I don't typically use the framing features? I'm going to use the pass-through idea, I think this will be the easier route for now. Thank you for your time, I appreciate the screenshots! @glennwsmart thinking, I will go this route! Thanks everyone!
  2. @ValleyGuyThanks, I found those settings and changed. Sorry to ask, but how do I now change the header to be on a seperate layer?
  3. Thank you for the suggestions! 1) @GeneDavis@tundra_dweller Turning off the window layer and turning on the "opening header lines" layer seems like the perfect solution other than it adding it over the doors, which also adds it over the interior doors. I will add this to the suggestion forum to seperate windows and doors. Also FYI I asked about the roof plane lines in another forum post and we came up with a couple solutions, link here: https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/41832-roof-plane-lines-hidden-past-exterior-walls/ 2) @ValleyGuy Thank you for the detailed screenshot, I don't use chief for the material take-offs so this won't be an issue. I tried to follow your steps but my settings were different with PC vs mac so I couldn't find the framing specifcation for header only, is this under framing defaults (attached)? I feel the easiest way might be to just turn off the window layer and draw a couple lines on the outside / inside layer of the wall.
  4. Thank you @BenPalmer and @robdyck, both of those options worked so I have a few options to choose! 1) Turn off roof plane layer, turn on roof overhang layer, uncheck "soffits" to remove double line on floor plan view. Only issues with this one is it will remove soffits on 3D views, which may not matter if this file is solely for the presentaiton floor plans and not renders, but it also still shows the roof planes on the dormers for some reason. 2) Create polyline around exterior, white fill, move to order 27 (behind room fill), move all roof planes to order 39 back (behind room polyline).
  5. Yes that is exactly what I am after, thank you! Only issue, it's showing the eaves as a double line. Any idea how to turn that off? Attached:
  6. Is there a way to show the roof plane lines on plan view just outside the exterior walls and not inside the home? Attached example. I could convert the file to CAD lines and trim them, or maybe make a white rectangle around the house perimeter and hide the roof planes behind it? Wasn't sure if there was something in the settings to make it easier, or anyone had suggestions. I know this is an odd request, but this is how we show the drawings on our website as presentation drawings. They usually do them in CAD but want me to try and replicate it in chief so we can do it this way moving forward. Thanks in advance!
  7. Is there a way to show the windows on plan view with no glazing line in the middle? Just wanting a rectangle / space in the wall to depict a window opening, attached example. I could convert the file to CAD lines and erase them, or show white rectangles over each window to cover the glazing lines, but wasn't sure if there was something in the settings to make it easier. I know this is an odd request, but this is how we show the drawings on our website as presentation drawings. They usually do them in CAD but want me to try and replicate it in chief so we can do it this way moving forward. Thanks in advance!
  8. That is a walkthrough path that was created which has different key frames on it. Thanks everyone for your help. I have decided to keep the door open as I don't think what I'm looking for is an easy solution or possible without a lot of editing required. Originally I was looking for the door to open as the video walks into the house. Here is the final product just keeping the door open which I think looks good enough! Interior Walkthrough - Trial 2 - Oct 17 2022.mp4
  9. Left toolbar I have an arrow showing, the option is blurred out.
  10. I just have a regular mouse, is there a way to pause during a "create walkthrough path"?
  11. I "solved" this post too quickly lol! Thank you, this is very helpful. I'm fairly new at the walkthroughs, how do you pause?
  12. Is there a way to have a door open during a walkthrough video? For example, coming up to the front entry door outside and its closed, as we get closer to it have it open to go through the doorway.
  13. Hi Mick - I will give it a try, thank you! Also thanks Joey and Ryan, your input was helpful!
  14. Hi Steve - That worked, thank you! I don't use the program to it's fullest capacity and like to do things manually (the hard way) haha.