Line Up 3D Text


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Making a sign for a commercial building.


I used the bonus 3D text. I placed the letters and resized them in an elevation. However, I cannot find a way to align them to the bottoms of each other or distribute them evenly. In fact, I can't figure out how to align anything or distribute in elevation. I even looked for align along a path. It would seem one would want to get items especially text lined up on the bottoms and distrubuted.


I am sure one could make the text in sketchup or some other program and bring it in and la, la, la.


However, this should be able to be accomplished in Chief easily.



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It really is terrible to see so many comments about work a rounds in sketchup or other programs about how to do something when Chief is as if not more expensive and should have everything a person needs to design and build plans and 3d baked into the program. As users, we must start holding Chief responsible to give us the tools we need.

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