Unitless Scale 1:10, 1:20, etc


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Does anyone know how to do a unitless scale?  Like 1:10, 1:20, etc. I only see options for changing the unit.




I'm thinking this could be helpful to do quick math for our team members in the field, rather than needing an architect's scale or trying to convert less common scale factors.


Bonus; does anyone know how to link this unit in the title block?  I'd love to have the title block automatically update relative to what size the linked view from the plan file is brought in at.  Right now, I'm having to manually change it & it opens the door for some mistakes.





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Thank you, @robdyck.  Sounds great!


So for the layout box scale method; looks like I could add that label & then drag it into my title block. 


I am curious if there would be a way to have my title block on my template set up to update when I import a layout box.  Since it's object specific, & not a global property, I don't know if that could work.  Do you know if that's possible?

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For pages where each drawing has a scale indicator, I simply fill that space in my title block with something generic like 'AS NOTED'. This prevents user error.

For pages where the scale is uniform for all drawings, I fill it in manually. I do not know of way to auto-report a preferred drawing scale to the title block on a  page-by-page basis.

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