Same steps to 2 different deck heights?


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Hello - I'm tryig to make the same step design go to 2 different levels of a deck.  View below is the best I can work out :().

The steps would be the full width up to the 2nd level deck on the right ....


The deck level on the left would be "3 risers" higher than the deck elevation on the right ??  Railing divding the 2 levels not shown either.


Comments and any help appreciated (Using Architect version).









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I assume you mean home designer architectural?  Not sure if it has the same controls for stairs that chief premier has so you might want to ask on the home designer forum instead:


You might be able to get close to what you want using fully automatic stairs if you make sure the difference in the deck heights is exactly 2 riser heights.




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This looks like a really dangerous stair layout. I would not do this. Also, these three risers likely kick in the need for a handrail. Will you have handrail on each opposite side? My suggestion is to design away from this configuration. 


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