Terrain Help with Retaining Walls & Terrain Breaks


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I am new to posting in the forums, but have been a frequent forum reader. I am trying to get my terrain to look less choppy along the retaining walls. See image below. I've tried looking up videos and using other tricks found in the forum, but have had no luck, so it's likely user error. If someone could look at this file and give me some tips that would be appreciated!

I've attached both the file and the site plan for reference. Thanks in advance!



25001 - Eureka House.zip Eureka House_Grading Plan_03-01-25.pdf

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1) Terrain Surface Smoothing is set to Linear. Never going to get good terrain with that.

It was probably changed due to a "too many elevation points" message that you hit "Yes" to.
Set it to Low, at least. Medium is typical.


2) You have a series of Elevation Lines pretending to be basic CAD Lines inside of an Elevation Region in your raised pad.

They're set to 0" while the region is -132".
Never, ever have terrain data inside of or crossing over other terrain data. They will fight, and the results are never good.


3) Elevation Lines and Regions really don't need to be smooshed up next to retaining walls, you'll often get better results if you back them away a little.



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Yeah, you'll want to remove the Break curving around the entrance of that pad.


Sadly the Terrain Breaks you have setup with a 0" Transition Distance, which forces them to create a nice smooth line along the side of that wall, but it also extends the break straight out the end. Which isnt great.


You can set the Transition Distance back up until it incorporates the Terrain data round it but then you're back to square 1 but trying to calm down all the bumps. Don't pull your hair out with all of that.


People often get mad at Terrain data and breaks, but when you just play with them enough you'll learn that you can do some kinda silly things with them, like add a little deflection segment to send that sharp break in a more favorable direction.



Or even hook it back into the wall to essentially remove it entirely.



There are some weird thresholds here where it starts to break down, though.


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