Does ANYONE know how to show something like this!?!? Brick Work


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I have a Client that wants an Angled fireplace like in this image, and the brick work protrusions as well.  I've been playing with Molding lines, polylines, 3D molding lines, etc.  but I can't get it to "wrap" at an angle like this all the way up!


Would love any insight as to how to achieve this look!



Bri Harper

Nashville, TN area

x13, x16, SSA



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Make a 3 5/8" thick (standard brick size) P solid that is slightly bigger than the chimney. rotate it 45 degrees.  Make a second one that is -45 degrees.  There are many other ways to do it involving trim or even material regions.

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As Hammer & Javatom suggested, use polylines to draw the basic pattern and then convert it to a 3d solid which can then be applied to the surface of the chimney. This is the method I used to create the screen on the wall behind the bed for this project I did awhile back...



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You javatom are a genius!  I don't know why I didn't think of that, but check this out!  I used P-Solids, and holes in p-solids, along with a few molding polylines up top!


P-Solids for the win!  Next step... Curved Roof Planes!  lol





Angled Fireplace.png

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16 hours ago, javatom said:

Make a 3 5/8" thick (standard brick size) P solid that is slightly bigger than the chimney. rotate it 45 degrees.  Make a second one that is -45 degrees.  There are many other ways to do it involving trim or even material regions.

  Sorry - I thought I was replying to you, guess that part didn't work! lol

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