Linear Ceiling Surface-Mounted Light Fixtures w/ Wrap Around Lens


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I've not been able to find a linear ceiling-surface-mounted light fixture w/ bottom or wrap-around lens

in any of the Core, Bonus or Manufacturer's library catalogues. Has anyone found one, or have suggestions on how to create one using one of the standard tubular fixtures in the library w/o a bottom lens?



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Almost. It needs to have a diffuser lens at least at the underside, like in a commercial or kitchen application, not have exposed light tubes like used in a utility application. All the ones I find in the catalogues have exposed tubes and no diffuser lens below them.

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Look at the architectural core catalog, Lighting-Tube Lighting-Surface Mounted-Medium & Wide

Then change the object material in the Covering category - from standard glass to Milk-White glass.

If you need a frame around it make with a polyline molding tool, and group them together to make a block to copy as needed.


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