Clear Revisions in Layout


Go to solution Solved by Alaskan_Son,

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Is there an easy way to delete all revision notes from a set of plans?

Right now, I go sheet by sheet deleting the revision notes.  Not a big issue with 6-7 sheets, but it gets to be a pain with 20-25 sheets.

I clear the revision notes when I issue the drawings for construction.




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9 minutes ago, 5FT-20Designs said:

Is there an easy way to delete all revision notes from a set of plans?

Right now, I go sheet by sheet deleting the revision notes.  Not a big issue with 6-7 sheets, but it gets to be a pain with 20-25 sheets.

I clear the revision notes when I issue the drawings for construction.





If you are looking to just 'not include' the revision notes in the layout PDF, couldn't you just turn off all of the revision notes for all SPV's using the "Modify All Layer Sets" in one fail swoop? They wouldn't then show up in the layout. As for deleting them all, I don't think that there is a global way to do it. 

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During the design process, I use a letter then  #  such as A.00, A.01 etc, for revisions.  Once the drawings are ready for construction I delete these revisions so the IFC drawings start with 00.

Thought that might be the case, no global delete.

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