Furred wall issues


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      I made a simple plan of the problem that I'm having in a larger as-built plan I'm working on. The same issues show up on the smaller sample plan. This means that #1. - I'm missing a "step", #2. -  I have a problem in my template plan or CA has a problem. The odds are that it is either #1 or #2.  My dilemma came about when I added a furred wall to the original walls of the as-built as I started the remodeled drawing. I had all the original doors and windows in place on the as-built. I examined the as-built in camera view and everything that I had completed looked correct (casings & jambs). When I added the furred wall, what i show in the attachments is what occurred to the doors and windows on the furred walls. The window jambs don't build across the furred wall, and it looks like the interior casing is the same as the exterior casing instead of the clamshell casing I have designated in the window casing dbx. The door is still hinged on the original wall, rather than to the inside of the furred wall and I have no idea where the interior door casing is coming from. It's not what I have in the door casing dbx. I've studied my Wall dbx.'s along with the window and door dbx.'s and I don't see where I missed anything. I don't remember ever having this type of issue before. I'm hoping someone will steer me to what I'm missing. I'm sure that this has to be a "no-brainer".  :wacko:



SAMPLE 2.planFetching info...

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Robert.............................Thank you. I never thought about addressing which side the drywall should be on 2x furred wall, though it now makes sense. I've added furred walls many times to remodels and never remember running into that problem. I guess luck was with me.  :rolleyes: I still have a problem with the door. Did you notice that the door shows a lintel on the inside? It's not marked to have one or shouldn't be marked. If you copy that door onto a non-furred wall, the lintel is gone.-------------go figure!  Well, that's what happens on my program anyway. If you get the same results when you copy the door to the other wall, would you have any suggestions on what's going on there? Your time and knowledge are much appreciated.

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Hey Larry! The door interior trim is following the defaults for a Doorway! Edit the doorway defaults (no lintel, clam casing), then open and close the door dialog and it rebuilds correctly.


I think I would send this in to Tech Support. The door casing, door lintel, and window frame all seem like bugs to me.

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