Window Schedule is rounding dimensions up to whole inch" - how to fix?


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Hello Chiefers,


I am having a weird issue where the size column in the window schedule is rounding up to the whole inch. I need specific measurements to the fractional inch. The RO category can do this, but for some reason the size column reports differently. Is there a way to change this?


Also... is there a way to get the window size reported in mm scale in the same schedule as a plan set using imperial?


Canada has this weird hybrid system in construction where we use both imperial and metric. It gets confusing and silly sometimes. It gets even worse when you are ordering high performance windows from Europe for your project in North America...


Any help here would be appreciated.

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A few different solutions here.  The easiest might be to simply ditch the size column and use the Width and Height columns.  This way you can click on the Number Formatting tab and format those dimensions however you want.  The other most obvious answer is to use a Custom Object Information Field along with a custom macro. 

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