Mouse opens dialog box on first click


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UPDATE: Defective mouse seems to be the answer. I had another one that I hooked up and it seems to be working properly now.  


Does anyone have this issue and know what could be causing this?  I normally can click on an object and then decide to open the dialog box or do some other function. For instance, change the dimension of it from another object.  Any ideas on how to get my mouse back to functioning correctly. I have rebooted my computer.  


I just went back in to a couple of drawings and it is sort of strange how my mouse is reacting.  Sometimes I select a door and it doesn't open the dialog box and sometimes I select a different door and it does open the dba. I kept clicking around to see how it would react.  Now everything I select in that drawing, door, cabinet, fixture, etc. will open the dba and I have to hit esc to cancel the dba.  It did the same thing in another drawing. Defective mouse?  Windows update issue? Or a CA issue?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Thanks in advanced, Folks!

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